dgeesio 1034 Posted July 30, 2012 well if your in said group or clan and have your own server 99 percent of time you know these guys have everything.they have the vehicles the guns duped shit the whole shabang. if you either random public player or small one two player group you havent really got much chance of getting the best stuff the majority of the timehow can DayZ be adjusted to stop clans groups just raping duping shit for the shake of the game ?any suggestions . remember theres more lone players or small groups that clans and people who run server but these are the very players who do control shit.just trying to make the game more fun for all instead of the group that actually owns the server ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NightRipper 284 Posted July 30, 2012 (edited) Solution: Join a clan.Edit: Joining a clan increases enjoyment of this game exponentially. If you haven't tried it, you're missing out. Edited July 30, 2012 by NightRipper 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 4 Posted July 30, 2012 Join that clan.Our clan had a massive firefight with the clan who own the server and we managed to win.They had more people too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boxman80 964 Posted July 30, 2012 It's nature - strength in numbers. It's very difficult to stop and to be fair why would you want to do that in a Sandbox game? I appreciate its frustrating to be on the receiving end but why penalise people whoa re putting time and effort into organising themselves? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dgeesio 1034 Posted July 30, 2012 run quite a few very big clans and no about the gamejust looking at it at the joe public aspect Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
East 8 Posted July 30, 2012 What you don't understand is that having all the cool stuff doesn't make the game more fun. Quite the opposite. We're a big group that have all the good things in the game, from vehicles to equipment and loot. Does this make the game more fun? No, most of us in the group agree that the game was more fun when we were just starting out and we had played for weeks without even hearing an ATV. Now that these things have become commonplace, they have lost their charm, it's become a game of just maintaining your position at the top, which is mainly a lot of hard work and not much pure survivalist fun.We have even taken vehicles and driven them down to Elektro and Cherno just so more people will be driving around in our vehicles, like we do, instead of just parking them in one place, but those vehicles are of course never seen again as someone just parks them on the map border somewhere.On the rare occasions when someone other than us comes driving in a vehicle, the game is pure fun and excitement once more.Trust me when I say that us in groups who have "everything" is not playing a more fun game than you who struggle to get by. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LIMITID 28 Posted July 30, 2012 I am a Lonewolf player and see no reason why clans should be nerfed. The whole vehicle hoarding thing deserves a look at however. It is a sand box game so developer intervention should be kept to a minimum. If players don't like the clan system then take the clan head on either by yourself or a group of like minded people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 9 Posted July 30, 2012 I'm going to be totally honest and say that we have a server and have only one vehicle on the thing.We have a camp site (which we think is actually compromised) and one jeep. We don't hoard stuff and actually spend a lot of time trying to work out where the fuck these things are stashed.Everyone presumes server admins rape servers, but if others are anything like us and have no experience of Arma prior to DayZ you overestimate us.LU45 (GMT-6) - Prestige Worldwide FYI. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
East 8 Posted July 30, 2012 omfgitsfrag, this could ruin some of your fun, but organize yourselves, get a GPS for each member, and do a co-ordinated grid by grid search of the north, and west, and you'll come across all those lost vehicles. Don't even have to do it all at once, just assign a strip of longitude or latitude to each member and they can do it whenever they have the time. Works almost too well. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrducky (DayZ) 33 Posted July 30, 2012 Solution: Check if the server has a lot of players with clan tags in names. If so, choose another server instead.It won't guarantee that the other players would not be part of a group as well, just not showing it in their name, but at least you've just ruled out a whole lot of players that were sure to be a part of a clan/group.Plenty of servers out there, no need to choose the one where the clans are playing. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 101 Posted July 30, 2012 (edited) I play in a group and I won't lie at one point or another have everything. But there are other groups (shout out flipstyles and the gang) who don't run the server aren't in a group with the admins and repeatedly give us a run for our money, we steal vehicles back and forth from each other and keep moving camp locations. The only real response to organisation is your own organisation. As many have said join a clan, just know it's not without it's own issues. Edited July 30, 2012 by Criminal Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 112 Posted July 30, 2012 Not a big fan of big clans at all. When I see 5+ people camping a town I'm thinking, yeah that's dumb. Although I love it when you snipe at them as a loner and they all just run around like headless chickens before alt + f4ing.Anyway I don't think they're too much of a problem, they only make the game more boring for themselves. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Goldfish (DayZ) 0 Posted July 30, 2012 Just loot the clan camps and vehicles when they're mid mission. Be carefully they haven't posted guards etc. I've got a fair bit of high end tech, and I haven't ventured anywhere near the NW airfield.I was killed today (glitch of death) so had to run back from the south to retrieve my body. I came across 2 seportate camps less and half a mile between them. Took what I needed and left them some lovely meat and ammo (I thought two meat stakes was a good price for NVG) They had some pretty nice stuff in there but I didn't need it, retrived my DMR from my body so I'm happy anyway.To whome a brokerd this incredably fair deal, Thank you, but you didn't need 3 pairs of NVG's.Also, joyriding clan vehicles is rather amusing, especially when you start getting shot at and write them off :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jubeidok 495 Posted July 30, 2012 I don't see a problem with this, as long as they are legitimately hoarding. There's plenty of gear out there for the groups to hoard and for the lone wolves to stumble upon.The biggest issue is holding on to the vehicles you find. Mans gotta sleep unfortunately. =) I think a cool feature to have would be needing a toolbox(screw driver) and a dent puller in order to steal a car. Maybe the owner has the keys or not. Maybe if you happen to kill an owner the keys will be in his inventory.Another cool feature for vehicles would some camo netting that you can find and cover the vehicle with. This would give you a much better chance at keeping that precious time saver in your possession. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JDCollie 24 Posted July 30, 2012 What could you possibly do that would make a group of people working together less powerful than one guy buy himself? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swineflew 480 Posted July 30, 2012 Join a corp. errrr.... ClanSometimes I have Eve flashbacks. Sorry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 112 Posted July 30, 2012 What could you possibly do that would make a group of people working together less powerful than one guy buy himself?Removing name tags actually makes group work a lot harder, so does the way that the game decides what colour the default PMC skin is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aussiestig 681 Posted July 30, 2012 Join a clan, or get a group of friends going. It makes the game much more fun.Tonight my clan got a heli going. We were on the verge of dropping out of the sky with no fuel so I had to stop at a petrol station. 10 minutes later a bus filled with people in ghillies rolls on by. I take one out and sprint to the chopped. As we were getting up in the air, they opened fire on us. Was a heart stopping moment. Almost all of today was spent getting this heli going, and it nearly ended just as it started. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larce 8 Posted July 30, 2012 What could you possibly do that would make a group of people working together less powerful than one guy buy himself?Nothing.As for the name tag thing suggested by another poster, my clan's server has that carebear feature off as well as those green aiming sights. We all use the same skin models to help us detect who is friendly (Doesn't always work as I have been shot by clan a few times) and we use ventrilo for voice comms.If they get stupid, and try to make things "fair" which rocket and crew don't seem inclinded to do (Thank god), any attempt to nerf groups will be fruitless as it will be surpassed by voice communications outside the game.You can't nerf or make groups fair, all you can do is join them or get your own group going. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swineflew 480 Posted July 30, 2012 Removing name tags actually makes group work a lot harder, so does the way that the game decides what colour the default PMC skin is.I would argue that it's not really that hard to keep track of friendlys. Strength in numbers is going to win a majority of the time.Can lone players get lucky or clever and win? Of course.For example I was playing in a local server last night and it was dark, I don't usually play at night, but once I log in I usually stick it out for a little bit. I do my usual fire station looting in elektro when I see a light, someone is running with a flashlight, so I line him up and realize that he's with another player, so I take out the guy with a gun, then mr flashlight. So because of the stupidity of one person I killed 2. After that a car drove by and 2 people got out and started searching the area so I took off through the field towards the northern fire station. We're they together? Could I have killed them? I don't know, all I know is that me being alone worked in my advantage, but I'd say it's the exception and not the rule. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 112 Posted July 30, 2012 I would argue that it's not really that hard to keep track of friendlys.Not saying it's hard, but it definitely makes things harder. Especially when another player pops up with the same gear your buddy is using. Sometimes you can just walk into a group and pretend to be one of them: [/media] 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MperorM 8 Posted July 30, 2012 if they made the tents you have placed diaspear when you die, it would mean clans cant stash up everything nearly as easy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DayZ Dan 105 Posted July 30, 2012 He who controls the beans... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Askar 177 Posted July 30, 2012 I see a lot of people complaining that they can't reestablish anything resembling a society and that everyone kills them on sight.I don't really understand the issue here folks. Those very things you've been seeking have been around from the beginning. Join a clan or another organization, and there you go. Do you not think this is how things work in real life? Our first societies were tribes. A clan is a tribe. A nation is a large, powerful, and organized tribe. In essence, almost every human organization or civilization can be compared to a tribal setting.Tribes work together to achieve common goals, whether those goals are as simple as survival or as complicated as developing a public transit infrastructure. You can do these things in DayZ by joining a clan. Clans fight 'wars' with other clans, they help one another out, they establish safe areas and camps, they forage/loot together, and they basically help each other out. I don't play with a clan (although medics in general are a sort of unofficial clan I suppose), but they are pretty obviously what you people keep asking rocket to enable. Don't want to kill people? Fine. There are many clans that don't kill anyone except in true self-defense. There are even clans that go out of their way to help people. In reality, you don't just walk up to a random stranger in a brutal environment and expect total cooperation and trust. You join a group of people, befriend them, and help each other out.In short, join a clan. Or something. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jericho.mushakel 0 Posted July 30, 2012 I don't think large groups or squads should be penalised. It actually requires a bit of effort to be that organized.I logged in at the elektro nw grocery store last night, in the small back room. I peeked out and saw a party 3 in the locker room across the way, and unloaded the akm in short bursts. I saw one run outside into the yard, and also ran out. I think the over watch got us mixed up, because I wasn't being shot at, but the other guy in the yard was. I ended up getting two, and the other two bailed. It's really easy to get into a group and get them mixed up sometimes. Being solo has it's advantages.I logged on late a couple nights ago, and went to the server my friends were on. We were all on opposite corners of the map, and meeting up, when someone ported everyone on the server to the nw airfield. The screen said "welcome to the thunder dome, fight to the death" or some shit. We were also stripped of our gear, so we all disconnected. My friend found a server, and it was pitch black out. Upon my complaining about it, he said something about everything being a nice green tint. We were sitting in one of the hangers, and the same friend said something like "I wonder if I crack off the DMR, all the zombies will agg...". Stabilized my self at 375 blood. Never did make it off the airfield. There are disadvantages to being in groups. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites