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Why this mod is failing

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The only thing hurting this mod is the inablility to deal with hackers. Everyone is a bandit right now because, hey, if you can't beat 'em join 'em. How much longer until everyone starts feeling the same way about hackers. If you can't beat 'em...

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The only thing hurting this mod is the inablility to deal with hackers. Everyone is a bandit right now because, hey, if you can't beat 'em join 'em. How much longer until everyone starts feeling the same way about hackers. If you can't beat 'em...

This game NEEDS better hacking prevention and tools for admins to deal with the hackers. BattleEye is a joke.

Item duping is also a serious problem. It's easy to duplicate several types of items in several different ways.

Bandits are what keep everyone going. It prevents people from becoming bored in the end game. it forces everyone to start a new and get a new experience. Rocket has already said several times his focus point now is to implement more features so people don't have to resort to banditry at the end game.

Edited by SilverWolf4

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This game NEEDS more hacking prevention and tools for admins to deal with the hackers.

Item duping is also a serious problem. It's easy to duplicate several types of items in several different ways.

Indeed. You can dupe easily, in fact, it's harder to *not* dupe.

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There is no end game. You get nice gear, get bored, go to a highly populated area and kill people with bad/no gear. You eventually die, rinse and repeat til you don't bother logging in. Yeah you can survive indefinitely, but what's the point? Running around in the middle of nowhere shooting pigs and refilling your canteen, never seeing anyone, sounds like fun. You have to be borderline autistic to enjoy that, not to mention why are you doing it on a multi-player server. Playing with a few people is no different, it just lasts a little bit longer. If you like playing Arma 2 with friends vs. AI, you may stick around for the glorified chatroom, the vast majority won't.

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.There's plenty of ways to have fun interacting with other players in this game. I'm sorry you're too shallow to see it, or too lazy to put in the effort to do it.

Not when people shoot on sight. Not unless you break the fourth wall of the game and find people on the forums or in real life. You're removing the sandbox aspect just in a different way.

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No, it doesn't. And you'll continue to not have fun to the game's fullest potential.

Tired of crybabies begging Rocket to take the sandbox out of the game and give them some sort of mechanic to force people to be nice to them. Don't say for a second that's not what you want. It is. It's not going to happen.

There's plenty of ways to have fun interacting with other players in this game. I'm sorry you're too shallow to see it, or too lazy to put in the effort to do it.

I'm missing the part of my post where I said I wasn't having fun with the game or interacting with other players. I'm even missing the part where I said I WANTED incentives to be friendly. Even though you can clearly read my mind and infer that I do want incentives. Maybe the opening parts of my post were poorly conveyed. I wouldn't complain if the game added the things I mentioned. I just feel that in order to become a more complete game and ever advance past alpha and beta it needs to track and report on all play styles, not just the murdering and killing aspect. The game is about killing, but it's not just about killing so why only track those things in game. It's also about survival, player interaction, and even teamwork.

Personally, I'm fine with the game the way it is. My only complaints are very, very minor and mostly technically. I play with friends from outside of DayZ so I don't ever have to worry about them betraying me, and it also means we get to have a ton of fun with lone wolfs.

I'm merely pointing out to the people who complain that there aren't enough friendly people (like the op) in the game why there aren't enough friendly people in the game.

On a side note, a lot of developers are going to be watching DayZ very closely and taking notes. If DayZ wants to own this seemingly new genre it's created it's going to have to adapt and give players more that what it currently is. Otherwise other developers will (one already is), and in five years DayZ will just be a passing thought.

People like you hold the game back with closed-mindedness and the assumption that you're playing a finished product. You're not. Better get used to the fact that this game and others like it will change dramatically over the next few years.

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Not when people shoot on sight. Not unless you break the fourth wall of the game and find people on the forums or in real life. You're removing the sandbox aspect just in a different way.

Please feel free to refer back to my post earlier in the thread for reasons why you will always have to rely on breaking the fourth wall to form lasting relationships in the game.

The idea that you can bump into some stranger and just immediately become fast friends is ludicrous. To play with someone long term you need to know what time zone they're in, what their play schedule is like, how often they play, what their style is, whether they have other friends who play, etc. and you're going to need to plan ahead for times to play together, and keep each other up to date on your locations, especially if you play separately for a night or two, and where you parked the vehicles, and who took what from which tent, etc., etc.

You really want to take care of all that over direct comms?


"Hey here's a bandage see you later" or "Lets kill a few zombies, okay, see you around!" is the best you're ever going to get from random stranger encounters.

Anything with more depth is going to rely on some out of game coordination, "4th wall breaking" or not.

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I'm missing the part of my post where I said I wasn't having fun with the game or interacting with other players. I'm even missing the part where I said I WANTED incentives to be friendly. Even though you can clearly read my mind and infer that I do want incentives. Maybe the opening parts of my post were poorly conveyed. I wouldn't complain if the game added the things I mentioned. I just feel that in order to become a more complete game and ever advance past alpha and beta it needs to track and report on all play styles, not just the murdering and killing aspect. The game is about killing, but it's not just about killing so why only track those things in game. It's also about survival, player interaction, and even teamwork.

Personally, I'm fine with the game the way it is. My only complaints are very, very minor and mostly technically. I play with friends from outside of DayZ so I don't ever have to worry about them betraying me, and it also means we get to have a ton of fun with lone wolfs.

I'm merely pointing out to the people who complain that there aren't enough friendly people (like the op) in the game why there aren't enough friendly people in the game.

On a side note, a lot of developers are going to be watching DayZ very closely and taking notes. If DayZ wants to own this seemingly new genre it's created it's going to have to adapt and give players more that what it currently is. Otherwise other developers will (one already is), and in five years DayZ will just be a passing thought.

People like you hold the game back with closed-mindedness and the assumption that you're playing a finished product. You're not. Better get used to the fact that this game and others like it will change dramatically over the next few years.

Spot on!

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Not when people shoot on sight. Not unless you break the fourth wall of the game and find people on the forums or in real life. You're removing the sandbox aspect just in a different way.

Not really. You're in the apocalypse. Trust is hard to come by at the very least, if not all If you want the ability to interact with people, you need to have the upper hand. Bring some friends, let the party you want to interact with know he's outnumbered and outgunned.

Even if it isn't true.

I'm missing the part of my post where I said I wasn't having fun with the game or interacting with other players. I'm even missing the part where I said I WANTED incentives to be friendly. Even though you can clearly read my mind and infer that I do want incentives. Maybe the opening parts of my post were poorly conveyed. I wouldn't complain if the game added the things I mentioned. I just feel that in order to become a more complete game and ever advance past alpha and beta it needs to track and report on all play styles, not just the murdering and killing aspect. The game is about killing, but it's not just about killing so why only track those things in game. It's also about survival, player interaction, and even teamwork.

Personally, I'm fine with the game the way it is. My only complaints are very, very minor and mostly technically. I play with friends from outside of DayZ so I don't ever have to worry about them betraying me, and it also means we get to have a ton of fun with lone wolfs.

I'm merely pointing out to the people who complain that there aren't enough friendly people (like the op) in the game why there aren't enough friendly people in the game.

On a side note, a lot of developers are going to be watching DayZ very closely and taking notes. If DayZ wants to own this seemingly new genre it's created it's going to have to adapt and give players more that what it currently is. Otherwise other developers will (one already is), and in five years DayZ will just be a passing thought.

People like you hold the game back with closed-mindedness and the assumption that you're playing a finished product. You're not. Better get used to the fact that this game and others like it will change dramatically over the next few years.

Actually, people like you hold back the game by refusing to use the tools available. I'm aware this isn't a finished product. Personally I think things are going great. All the rage people feel shows how much they have invested in the game/their characters. Fix alt+f4ers and hackers, along with some of the other problematic bugs like duping, and DayZ is in pretty good fucking shape.

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Not really. You're in the apocalypse. Trust is hard to come by at the very least, if not all If you want the ability to interact with people, you need to have the upper hand. Bring some friends, let the party you want to interact with know he's outnumbered and outgunned.

Even if it isn't true.

Actually, people like you hold back the game by refusing to use the tools available. I'm aware this isn't a finished product. Personally I think things are going great. All the rage people feel shows how much they have invested in the game/their characters. Fix alt+f4ers and hackers, along with some of the other problematic bugs like duping, and DayZ is in pretty good fucking shape.

What you just said makes about me holding the game back is either:

a. completely conjectured because you have never seen me play DayZ.

b. creepy because you have been stalking me in real life watching me play, and false because I do use all the tools I have at my disposal in Dayz.

c. slightly odd because you have been stalking my group for days and we haven't killed you yet.

I'm going to go with a. Other than your wild conjectures and inferences about me as a player I completely agree with you. I disprove of hacking and aborting to gain advantage, and I think the alpha is going great. Not sure what you have against me though.

Edited by thievery89

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What you just said makes about me holding the game back is either:

a. completely conjectured because you have never seen me play DayZ.

b. creepy because you have been stalking me in real life watching me play, and false because I do use all the tools I have at my disposal in Dayz.

c. slightly odd because you have been stalking my group for days and we haven't killed you yet.

I'm going to go with a. Other than your wild conjectures and inferences about me as a player I completely agree with you. I disprove of hacking and aborting to gain advantage, and I think the alpha is going great. Not sure what you have against me though.

Look at the pot call the kettle black. Yeah, we're done here.

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Arma 2 has been the top selling game on Steam because of this mod for how many weeks now? But no you are right, it's failing...

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Look at the pot call the kettle black. Yeah, we're done here.

I was referring to your post, which I clearly read, when I said you were holding the game back. You were referring to my gameplay, which you've clearly never seen, when you said I was holding the game back. I obviously can't have in intelligent conversation with you, even through premeditated and typed words. So I'll have to close by agreeing with you again. We are indeed done here.

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You know what there is to do other than kill people when you get your gear? Roll out with a battle bus and a bunch of your buddies and have fun!

One of my friends got an infection so we decided to make a raid on the Cherno hospitals and field tents to try and find his the greatly sought after antibiotics to keep him alive. We managed to fight our way into the town but sadly found no antibiotics at all and by this time the hordes of zombies coming at us and the growing threat of bandits meant that we had to leave the town as fast as possible. We then found ourselves running from barn to barn killing tons of zombies. As we reached the last barn before the long stretch to Elekro we had almost no ammo and more zombies were coming at us than we'd ever seen before we actually had to cover every door while i dished out blood packs and bandages. Things were starting to look bleak and then another friend said he had a car and was coming to save us, we punched a hole through and made a break for it... Then we realised the car only had four seats... We left the infected dude as bait and made a gettaway... He was dead without the antibiotics anyway... (This was after the recent patch that let zombies hear gunshots again so we weren't used to the massive number of zombies that get alerted by loud guns).

It might not have been told very well but it was amazingly tense and fun and to me that's what DayZ is about. People that resort to banditry (all the time) are often lone wolves and I can't imagine them having anywhere near as much fun. So do bandits ruin the game? Not for me one bit. The fear of bandits adds to my groups shenanegins and in some cases makes us laugh our heads off.

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How many fucking times am I going to have to read 'Game is top seller on steam! Game is not failing!!!!11111!!11!1!!11!' do people even read this thread? Or do they just read the title and instantly reply?

This thread isn't about getting rid of bandits. It isn't about offering incentives to be friendly. It isn't about forcing people to play nice. It isn't about my personal feelings towards bandits (For clarification, while I was looking for a fuck to give about bandits, all I could find was this: http://kevovek.com/blog/IDontCareBear.jpg It's my I-DON'T-FUCKING-CARE bear.) It was me, trying to point out that the main reason this game is failing AS A ZOMBIE SURVIVAL GAME as a MULTIPLAYER GAME, Or even really as a sandbox game, is because everyone is already a bandit, or stuck in the bandit mentality.

You are encouraged, by the lack of content itself, to shoot other players for fun. And this encouragement is reinforced over and over again by the community.

The removal of side chat is about when I noticed it happening. There are no more 'friendlies' in Chernarus. Everyone is a threat. Even if they have broken legs and no weapons.

Playing just today, I was with the Regulators, a clan who isn't all about KOS. Actually, they're about the opposite, really. But anywhore, we were skulking around a town, and we saw one survivor. One. Lemme set the scene. There's me, with a FAL, with four mags. Two guys with ghillie suits. One of them has a crossbow (he just respawned) and an M9. The other has a AKS-74 with a red dot sight. We all laid in the bushes and watched this LONE SURVIVOR loot the deer stand. Not one of us stood up to offer help.

Why? because he had a fucking hatchet. Within 40 metres, for the direct communications, he might be able to get one of us before we could drop him.

Three guys. With firearms. Against one man with a HATCHET. That is the kind of game this is turning in to. Even against three armed survivors, a single survivor with a hatchet might just say 'fuck it!' and attack us anyway.


Because the last six times he saw a guy with a ghillie suit, or even a guy with an assault rifle, he got shot in the face.

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The removal of side chat is about when I noticed it happening. There are no more 'friendlies' in Chernarus. Everyone is a threat. Even if they have broken legs and no weapons.

you and i have had very different experiences in dayz. i don't notice any difference between dayz with sidechat and dayz without sidechat except that there's a lot less spam. player behavior seems about the same to me.

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How many fucking times am I going to have to read 'Game is top seller on steam! Game is not failing!!!!11111!!11!1!!11!'

Until you get it through your thick head that you are completely wrong.

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I read your post and here are my thoughts.

I just started playing this mod yesterday, I'm a noob. Yes I have been killed by a bandit, but so what? When the world ends people WILL go crazy and shoot people on sight. I've also met my fair share of friendly people.

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I read your post and here are my thoughts.

I just started playing this mod yesterday, I'm a noob. Yes I have been killed by a bandit, but so what? When the world ends people WILL go crazy and shoot people on sight. I've also met my fair share of friendly people.

Yes. A day.

Wait until you get shot by every single other player you chance across. I'll ask you about your experiences again in maybe another week.

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Yes. A day.

Wait until you get shot by every single other player you chance across. I'll ask you about your experiences again in maybe another week.

No one ever said that this is strictly a zombie survival game, or even mainly one.

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No one ever said that this is strictly a zombie survival game, or even mainly one.

I see you have taken it upon yourself to oppose my every point for no reason.

You know who says it's a zombie survival game? Rocket. You know who's trying to curb the INSANE lean towards banditry that this game has? Rocket.

If you think that the be-all, end-all of this mod is shooting fucking noobs on the beaches, then please. Go right ahead. I feel sorry for you.

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Is that why he removed the bandit skin and the humanity indicator? Also, bandits only make up 16% of the current online population.

Also, I've never shot anyone on the beach, and it doesn't happen very often period.

Edited by RamataKahn

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QQ more. Crymore. Carebear. It's an alpha. Sneak. Harden up. tl;dr

You forgot if the game is too hard go play cod zombies. I mean really if this game is broken then why the f*** are you here?

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Is that why he removed the bandit skin and the humanity indicator? Also, bandits only make up 16% of the current online population.

Also, I've never shot anyone on the beach, and it doesn't happen very often period.

Lawls. I love how you completely ignored my point.

And getting shot on the beach doesn't happen often? Ahahahahha. Wanna know why 'Any friendlies in cherno?' is a meme? Because on populated servers there is ALWAYS someone waiting in the grass around Cherno to shoot noobs.

Why don't I find the thread from that one guy who went server hopping in cherno LOOKING for snipers in Cherno to kill. He only got...what? 14? in a DAY? But no, you're perfectly right. People camping in cherno with sniper rifles RARELY happens.

Not to mention the rest of the beachline. I mean, it's not like the people who go to NWAF come back fully geared and just go crazy shooting noobs for fun. It's not like you could go looking through the forums here for more than ten fucking minutes and find threads indicating such a thing. Or, you know, not like you could use common sense or anything.

I understand.

Also, bandit skin was removed because it didn't function properly. People were being given the bandit skin for the wrong reasons, like, you know, self defense.

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