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We setup our own private server and have been having a blast...

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Um you do know this game is NOT an MMO right?


and yay for boring private servers where you just horde all the vehicles and do NOTHING after you are finished grabbing everything and shoving it in tents

your server must be "fun"

+1. You could have just as much fun in the arma 2 mission editor. Whatever floats their boat though. I couldn't stand the boredom of a fake server.

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I just want to throw my two cents in here. Private server aren't connected to the hive. All inventory to my understanding is controlled by the hive. So, if a player creates a private server, gathers up a bunch of loot, and then decides to go to a public server. They should spawn in with nothing (as the hive has no data on their character).

So honestly, other than the though of players using a private server as a way to test and develop exploits, i see no probably with a private server.

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Closing thread, cause indeed, Private servers are not permitted at this stage of the game. I know people do it, I know people have VALID reasons for it. However during this alpha stage of the game. If no one is doing things correctly, how can things be tested, stress tested, fixed, and updated. I know at this stage this game is just a mod. However some things during alpha have to be respected. Thanks. =)

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