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More human features

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This will be pretty long so skip if you like :)

Ok so I know I have seen things like this post on forums before but they always relate to illness, what I was thinking was adding more human features into the game.

I know that heavy breathing is in the game already and that awesome and a good start what I think would/could be added is:-

The following points would be random and you would have next to no control over them...except maybe No.9 & 4

1) Coughing

2) Sneezing

3 Hiccups

4) Farting (gotta love those beans)

5) Burps (Fizzy Drinks)

6) Chattering teeth

7) Muscle pain

8) Stiff joints

9) No. 1 & 2

10) Spitting

11) Hold breath

If I think of any-more I will add.

Ok so lets start.


So coughing is a very human characteristic and we all like a good cough.

Coughing would happen randomly but more so if you been running for a long time, nothing loud like my old man's cough, but like a throat clear or a quieter cough only loud if your thirsty or been sprinting for ages, this could attract zombies or alert your presence to players hiding in a room.


Basically work the same as coughing but louder and can come in a series of 1-5 sneezes (or like my girlfriend...8 a set...-_-)

Maybe more likely to happen if crawling through fields... ??Hayfeaver??


Again like Coughing and Sneezing but would last a couple minutes and most likely to happen after having a drink, not very loud but loud enough to the trained ear, could also affect your aim.



Well you all know about this one and if you don't...go see a doctor.

Basically you fart, you can hold the fart in by pressing a set key but eventually will have to let rip, and with all those beans about its inevitable.

This could happen within 2 hours of eating your food or drinking your drink (fizzy)

The farts would of course vary in noise and length and depending on that attract Zed's or players


Well yeah we all love a good burp after downing that ice cold fizzy drink you been dieing to have for the last 20 minutes.

Same as farting... just dont look at me while you do it!


We all get cold, and teeth chattering is pretty much the first thing to happen besides shivering, this wouldn't cause to much outwards noise but would mean your own hearing is impaired by an annoying noise, this could make heat packs worth keeping.


Been to the gym lately, felt that burn after running for 20minutes, well the day after you will notice it and fuck me does it hurt! so aching muscles in game is probably the one I would like to see most added :)

What this could mean is running for long periods could cause aches or strains

carrying a weapon (have you every ran with a rifle!) could cause arm ache and reduce accuracy

wearing a backpack all day really hurts! enter shoulder aches! and maybe back pain

All these could be helped by again using the heat pack!! woo I can finally use one OMGLOLZ! or you could ask for a non-sexual rub from a friendly survivor (LOL) or just a quick Min rest could elevate some of the pain.


Well yeah, same as muscle pain, after crouching or laying down for a while or carrying your weapon constantly aiming could and would cause your body to ache and eventually lead to stiffer joint movement, nothing major, more like slower getting your gun up, or taking a second more to go from a crouch to a run, and we all know that extra second could mean life or death O.O

9) NO. 1 & 2

Well if you haven't already guessed this one is about relieving yourself (INSERT MASTURBATION JOKE HERE)

I don't know about you but 15 DayZ (you like that ;)) with out a piss or shit and you have something seriously wrong with you, so I suggest adding this in as a feature you can control in terms of when, not how often... now I know we can't all run off into that house over there and have a big ol dump but you would have to find a place out of the way to empty your bowels, after you done your business in a bush like a dog you can either leave it for another lucky survivor to find but risk them knowing you're near by inspecting it (Bear Gryll style!) or bury it which take like 30 seconds? this of course leaves you open to ambush, but I would rather cover my AK in shit then die :)

In terms of having a piss this would be easier as you just drop your flies and let loose, even while your running! (female characters might need to squat though)


Well why the hell not, I am not crawling around a muddy fly infested field and not spitting those fuckers out! I had my beans, I dont need afters!!

Doesn't really add anything to the game, just would like to spit at things like my brother ;)


Well yeah, sniping..hold breath...zombie outside and your breathing worse then a mastiff that's just jerked of in your shoes...Hold breath..... holding breath competition...I win all!.....general aiming help...hold breath.

Obviously after you exhale your going to sound like a well satisfied hippo but hopefully no one or nothing will be around to hear that.

Well that's about all I can think of at the moment but will add more if I think of it.

Let me know what you think or any thoughts :)

And if you made it this far well...




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You haven't worked out the balance issues with implementing such mechanics. Say if I would need to raid NW but i just had a can of beans so chances are i would need to hold my fart for those really stealthy encounters to make it out alive.

Edit: Looks like you have worked them out after all :lol:

Edited by twix

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You haven't worked out the balance issues with implementing such mechanics. Say if I would need to raid NW but i just had a can of beans so chances are i would need to hold my fart for those really stealthy encounters to make it out alive.

Edit: Looks like you have worked them out after all :lol:

Would be hilarious to die because you alerted someone by farting, like a really bad comedy film

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I think having a key specifically set to hold in your fart is a little silly...

Although I suppose adding some of the other human sounds couldn't hurt.

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I think having a key specifically set to hold in your fart is a little silly...

Although I suppose adding some of the other human sounds couldn't hurt.

I know, I laughed while typing it...

Just think of it as if you are going on a date and dont want to fart to embarrass yourself...

But instead of a nice girl/boy your trying to too piss of bloodthirsty zombies and heartless players ;)


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could be cool, and acctually, you can hold breath by holding right click when aiming, nothing distinctly as in COD, but its very helpfull, not expect something like in FPS's, this is simulator.. but it works :)

Edited by Ladas325

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Man, I laughed *so* hard reading this one!!! I had tears coming out of my eyes, holy crap you just made my day! =D Man you've got a great imagination but I think the bowel movement game mechanics are a bit too much realism for a game like this. This is my favorite quote of all times:

...now I know we can't all run off into that house over there and have a big ol dump but you would have to find a place out of the way to empty your bowels, after you done your business in a bush like a dog you can either leave it for another lucky survivor to find but risk them knowing you're near by inspecting it (Bear Gryll style!) or bury it which take like 30 seconds? this of course leaves you open to ambush, but I would rather cover my AK in shit then die :)

LIKE A DOG!!! It's so true, of course, but still, I was on the floor :P Oh and an "Inspect Stranger's Shit" command would be absolutely epic! :D

Edited by abxt
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Glad you liked abxt...

I dont expect any of this to ever happen just a nice thought :D


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This is funny because, all of these mechanics are currently being worked on in the project that I am directing... hahaha glad someone else agrees that these things could literally be your downfall... I used the "what if you were hiding, and you farted, then the zombie found you" scenario with my design team and they loved it.



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This is funny because, all of these mechanics are currently being worked on in the project that I am directing... hahaha glad someone else agrees that these things could literally be your downfall... I used the "what if you were hiding, and you farted, then the zombie found you" scenario with my design team and they loved it.



Good to hear, well if you need any help with any ideas let me know. :D


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Good to hear, well if you need any help with any ideas let me know. :D


The approach we are taking is "would that happen in real life?"

If it's a yes, we add it... if it's a not, or very unlikely then we simply don't.

So far there are over 30 stat affecting elements to our engine, all of which are treated in realistic manners.... no morphine to "fix" your broken leg, sorry. You'll have to build a splint and hobble around, or figure something else out. I'm adding a wheelchair later... but don't worry, your tires won't go flat from hitting the nearest pebble at 2mph.


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Being required to relieve yourself is excellent, very authentic.

BUT do you need to cough or fart or sneeze when your life is on the line? No your instincts push those needs out of yOur mind and you can sneeze/cough/fart very quietly if you need to unless you are sick

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1. i believe i read somewhere that you have a chance to become sick if your temperature drops very low or a small chance from zombie attacks that causes you to cough and lose blood until you use antibiotics.

2. you can control a sneeze by pinching your noise(can hurt your ears but still..)

3. no thanks

4. how do you know you arent already? your character might be ninja farting all the time.

5. simple to burp without making sound

6. ive had hypotermia and been otherwise really cold as a kid and while it made me stutter when speaking it never made my teeth chatter

7. ive had muscle pain from working out and from using muscles i havent been using much before and its not even worth thinking about, its there but its just not that bothersome

8. same as above

10. you dont have to spit, and you especially dont have to spit when you have a dozen hungry zombies around you, swallow it

11. you hold your breath when you hold in mouse2 to zoom in(you will notice your aim starting to flail around as you hold it in over an extended period)

Edited by Morotstomten

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Morotstomten, all I can say is everyone is different :D and my sneezes and burps are generally loud! but in terms of pinching you nose you wont be able too while aiming down your sites then suddenly! like a hungry hippo taking out your boat SNEEZE! and that nicely lined up shot has killed an innocent chicken ambling around in the distance! YOU MONSTER!!! ;)

Also this made me laugh so much! O.O


4. how do you know you arent already? your character might be ninja farting all the time.


P.S. I noticed you didn't quote No.9... You like that idea yes? :D

Edited by Bobcomss

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