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The PvP Discussion Thread

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Because killing everything that moves =/= PVP

There are bandits who kill for gear and supplies' date=' and there are bandits who kill to deprive others of gear and supplies. Look if you gotta kill someone because if you don't your gonna die fine. I just find it funny when a bandit set up in town, shoot's everyone on sight, and doesn't even pick up the loot. Seem's like a waste.


Players who enter the cities know about bandit presence, the "King of the hill" game is a sport that keeps the game interesting for all parties. Both parties can win at the game. This is PvP. You camp a corner and unload on whoever enters your tent. You take no risk, you can't lose. Not fair PvP.

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Because killing everything that moves =/= PVP

There are bandits who kill for gear and supplies' date=' and there are bandits who kill to deprive others of gear and supplies. Look if you gotta kill someone because if you don't your gonna die fine. I just find it funny when a bandit set up in town, shoot's everyone on sight, and doesn't even pick up the loot. Seem's like a waste.


Players who enter the cities know about bandit presence, the "King of the hill" game is a sport that keeps the game interesting for all parties. Both parties can win at the game. This is PvP. You camp a corner and unload on whoever enters your tent. You take no risk, you can't lose. Not fair PvP.




DayZ Mod Files (Available on the downloads page)


Sounds like this ain't a game for you.

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Where does it say PVP is fair? Random killing does achieve some form of domination on the playing field as it keeps the other players on lower equipment tiers while enriching you.

This isn't e-sport it's a simulation, fairness has nothing to do with it, neither you or i actually deserve to enjoy the game.

You don't get to have any cake unless you get up and take it yourself.

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Let me start by saying I have no problem with PKing' date=' and I don't want it removed from the game.

However, the problem is that there are no established counters to PKing, and there is no way to properly communicate in the game with possible threats/friendlies.

[b'][There is a bunch of channels you can use to communicate. You can use a TS/Vent/Mumble, you can use global/side chat. Or you can use direct chat if you have downloaded the Beta version of Arma II. Just because you are being to lazy to try, does not mean it's impossible, or even hard.]

People say, well get a group, and hunt down the PKers... but that's almost impossible. After you're killed, you spawn in a random spot, probably far from where you were killed. You can't form groups, and you can't communicate with people around you effectively. You can't use a map, so you can't meet up with people. There is no effective way to counter rampant PKing.

[There is a shitload of offline maps you can get. You can also find a map in the game, and you can also find GPS. Also, see what I typed above. You can coordinate with people you meet, your clan, your friends, etc... using the above methods and work together to hunt the PK down. Or you can just work together to not be careless enough to get shot in the back]

Honestly, If you could form basic groups, or at least communicate with people in your area, PKing would be far less of a problem. As it stands, there is no real penalty for PKing, and no way to counter it... other than just shooting everyone on sight.

[Please read the first part I typed. And yes, shooting everyone you see is one method of keeping yourself from being killed, if you're careful about it. But it's a question of morals. Are you willing to hurt others to protect yourself? It's why so many of us love this game, because it puts us in those sort of situations that makes you make tough decisions, just like you would in a 'real' zombie apocalypse. It's also a question of, "Does this guy have friends that will try and kill me as soon as I kill their friend? Can I take them all one?" or "Will zombies hear the gun shot and zerg me?" or "Will this reveal my position to a PK that will kill me?". You've got to use your skills, your instincts, and your brain in this game. Read my next part of this reply as well, please.]

And the more popular this game gets, the worse it gets. The starting points are filled with people playing the game like its Call of Duty. They aren't killing people to get items, or to "survive". They are killing people simply to grief them, because there are no real penalties. I don't have a problem with it anymore, because I immediately spend 30 minutes running inland to avoid it... but new players are going to be turned off to the game when they can't make it 5 minutes without getting shot for no real reason, other than CoD kids have fun camping starting points and greifing new players.

[Anyone who would quit the game because they're to dumb to realize that the best way to get away from the people that keep killing them, is to go away from the places they keep dying, has no reason to play this mod, nor Arma II, nor any game at all. Also, one of the first pieces of advice that any player gets is to "GTFO from the coast". It's common sense that all the CoD/MW noobs would stay around the coast just killing anything they can see. The continent is huge, as well, as there's no reason to stay around Cherno and Elektro unless you're making a quick hospital run, and even that isn't really needed and should only be attempted if: a) you have friends to take sniper positions around the town to help protect you. b) You are capable of being aware of your surroundings, have a keen eye for possible sniper positions, etc.. and c)Know how to to take cover.]

Please read what is typed in the [ ]'s.

Some other thoughts/comments. As shitty as it is, you can log off and instantly disappear if it comes to that. Honestly, I would rather someone do that, than have them bitch at me for an hour because I shot them while they were in the wide open on top of the hospital.

Look for possible sniper positions. It boggles my mind when I am on top of the Elektro Power Plant smokestack and people ask, "where u snipe me from????" after I kill them when they are climbing up the Fire Station's ladder.

There are other games (check the Off-topic section of these forums) that are zombie-sandbox type games that officer no-or-restricted PvP, the likes of which you seem to want.

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I just merged 2 huge threads.

Epic thread is epic.

Please, continue...

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My bandit youtube videos get thumbs-down.

My bandit reddit submissions get down-voted.

I get called names in-game.

People announce a crusade against me on other forums.

Hater's gonna hate! haha

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I just would like to see a little less rampant purposeless killing that's all. Which I think may go away as the mod progresses and there are more things to do. I mean random killing is realistic and it isn't at the same time. I could see alot of people killing for food, water, medicine, ammo, or a working car. But at the same time I don't think people would go "Hey, shit has hit the fan, you know what I should do, take this high powered rifle I got, go into the city a little bit, climb to one of the tallest points, and shoot everyone but the zombies, It's foolproof!"

Random murdering should always be a part of of a survival zombie sandbox such as dayz, I just don't think it' should be emphasized over the other aspect of the game, like the zombies and surviving, and scavenging.

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Random murdering should always be a part of of a survival zombie sandbox such as dayz' date=' I just don't think it' should be emphasized over the other aspect of the game, like the zombies and surviving, and scavenging.[/quote']

Here's the key. There will always be an element of stupidity (i.e. camping spawn points for player kills) until it's a non-issue. This means reducing the amount of complaining people do, so that it becomes boring for the griefer. Sure, it's no fun, but it's not the kill that gives them their edge - it's the endless barrage of upset players calling for the nerf bat.

My two cents.


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Personally, I only hunt around Stary and NW Airfield...I like to think im doing the game a service by providing an end-game feel about the north.

It just doesnt feel right when someone can run straight from the beach with nothing to stary sobor and walk away with the best equipment without breaking a sweat, or run around the airfield without a care in the world

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Personally' date=' I only hunt around Stary and NW Airfield...I like to think im doing the game a service by providing an end-game feel about the north.

It just doesnt feel right when someone can run straight from the beach with nothing to stary sobor and walk away with the best equipment without breaking a sweat, or run around the airfield without a care in the world


You CAN?!?!? Hmmm... ;)

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You CAN?!?!? Hmmm... ;)

Come on, man. I have only 19m36s until Steam delivers the second half of ArmA II to my laptop. At least give me time to get to my position!


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First post yay?

Here is my two cents on it, It can suck at times, but i wouldn't want it removed. Like alot of people i don't enjoy getting killed out of nowhere, or without warning, but it will not stop me from enjoying the mod. It is needed otherwise the horror/scaryness of the unknown is lackluster at best. As for the comments on making the commmunity becoming worse, regardless of how many times i've been killed for helping or by helping, i'm still helping people. Heck, just 10mins ago i lost a mk48 mod0 with a few hundred rounds of ammo, a DMR with a few mags, and tons of supply/ equipment, i got sniped by an unknown after giving blood to a newbie at the airfield. I'll still be helping tonight :P

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Heck' date=' just 10mins ago i lost a mk48 mod0 with a few hundred rounds of ammo, a DMR with a few mags, and tons of supply/ equipment, i got sniped by an unknown after giving blood to a newbie at the airfield. I'll still be helping tonight :P


Blood. It's IN YOU to give!



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Giving players the ability to create and maintain their own places will do more to counter pvp-fuckfests than changes to humanity and banditry ever will.

Players can do this now, this is true, but it's very difficult, and with server hopping, a lack of identifying without nameplates, and generally low server counts (50 people is not good for a group making their own town, sadly) really cut into the potential.

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I think the only real issue is the starting areas. There seems to only be a few places where people spawn, and PKers just camp those areas and kill people who have little or nothing to defend themselves.. not for loot, or for survival... but just to grief people.

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But that doesn't mean I'll ever respect Hunters. As a Hunter' date=' you're erasing a player's entire progress (hours, days, weeks) in one blow - for your own selfish wants and needs. In a post-apocalyptic situation which tests the very foundations of humanity, here are people who give no regard for others (or the time/effort they've put into their characters) and are prepared to take it all away all for the sake of 'scoring a kill'. Bored of shooting the braindead zombies, they simply feel an urge to fuck real players over.


It´s a pain in the but when you get killed after you progressed quite much, but honestly...hunters, or players who are killing for there selfish feeling is exactly what we would have in a real post apocalypse scenario...the human being is supposed to survive in first place...but some of them are supposed to stronger there place in the world...this is a sick and disturbing behaviour...but it is there.

What happens in DayZ mod, with player who act like those bad guys, is exactly that wha twould happen in a real scenario...so it raises the game experience, and the fear to get killed for fun of another guy, so much that it overtops everythings you can experience in the game.

So I like that these guys are exist...only question I would like to ask them...how are they acting in real life?

I think the only real issue is the starting areas. There seems to only be a few places where people spawn' date=' and PKers just camp those areas and kill people who have little or nothing to defend themselves.. not for loot, or for survival... but just to grief people.


you always spawn on a different place, so if you get killed by such an idiot, there´s a great chance to spawn next time far away from that one.

My last time I got spawned was somewhere in the middle of the southern coast. The time before it was the very west end of southern coast..and the time before this one was at the east end coast...All the time I am playing now I met 2 strangers

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I just enjoy hating on scumbags who rob and kill. Make no mistake, you have made a choice to role-play a total scumbag and some of you don't seem to be role-playing. In the end, you are just parasites, living off the player base because without non-scumbags, it would just be a really boring deathmatch.

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I just saw a DM server.

Dayz on HED,,,

Is this for real.

I've seen no info so I did't try to jouin.

Anybody ?

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The inevitability in DayZ is your death. That's partly what makes it such an exhilarating experience... Whether you're running from a horde of zombies, a hostile player, setting up a safezone for yourself in the hills or trying to lay low on a roof in some town; you will have to move on at some point, likely worse off than when you were. You will try to survive, you will scavenge, you will hunt, meet companions, enemies and wanderers. In the end however, you will die and lose everything you've spent so long working for - it's merely a matter of how.

Scumbags would be out to get you and every measly possession you have if the situation were real - why should DayZ be any different?

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MasterCaution' pid='19023' dateline='1336914844']

I just enjoy hating on scumbags who rob and kill. Make no mistake' date=' you have made a choice to role-play a total scumbag and some of you don't seem to be role-playing. In the end, you are just parasites, living off the player base because without non-scumbags, it would just be a really boring deathmatch.


Again... the game doesn't say that goodie two shoes are to be rewarded by god or something. And you would be bored to tears without those "scumbags"

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I don't want anything nerfed really or survivors getting an advantage really. But I do think the bandit held up somewhere high, camping for hours isn't really realistic. I mean all it would do would attract shit tons of zombies around your building, making it next to impossible to get down. But the AI for zombies doesn't quite like to stay at the base of the ladder, or even go up the ladder, they like running around the building from side to side like an idiot until someone on ground level get's their attention. Then the bandit could always disconnect and come back before heading down the ladder to get the zombies of his ass. So he doesn't even really take any risk's while camping up on a building. Maybe spawning a small horde for players who camp one place for far to long. That'd at least give a ballanced risk-reward to bandits when camping "I could go up the that spot and get alot of kills, but it does give me the risk of bringing a horde down upon me." versus the low risk high reward that camping gives now.

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