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The PvP Discussion Thread

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Run inland as soon as you've spawned. Bandits go look on the coast for easy prey.

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Honestly this game isn't for everyone.

I think the fact that this is a brutal game with a steep learning curve and no hand-holding is something that appeals to a lot of the more 'hardcore'/'oldskool' gamers (whatever we call ourselves).

This game really isn't there to help you, you have to help yourself. If you haven't got the tactical awareness / common sense to take precautions against other players, I really don't think this game is for you.

This game isn't here to make money, so it doesn't need to pander to the sort of player who needs their hands held. They will play, learn to survive or move on.

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It really does ruin the experience for brand new players. I have been through 7 characters so far. All of them have been killed by other players that have automatic rifles. These people obviously have been playing the game for a long time' date=' so they get bored killing zombies and run off to ruin other peoples fun. It's one thing to get killed by a zombie because that was you being stupid. It's another thing simply walking into a town and instantly getting killed by a sniper or someone with automatic weapons.

There needs to be some kind of protection for brand new players. You know how frustrating it is to have to start all over again, especially when you are about 2 hours into your character? Why not put a protection timer on brand new survivors? For example, maybe a 3 hour immunity where you can't get killed by other players. If one of those brand new players happens to shoot just one shot on another player, then they instantly lose their immunity.

Call me a cry baby, I don't care. I'm just about lost all my interest in this game mode because of all the jerks that think it's funny to ruin other players fun.


The mod is supposed to be brutal and unforgiving. It's the whole point. If it's not for you then it's not for you. Some people love it, some people don't and can go play other games. This game is for those who love the brutality.

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PvP is part of the experience, so im not entirely sure what you think the experience is supposed to be?

i went through about 3-4 characters in my first hour alone to player killers and i fully expected it.

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Any protection system is bound to be exploited in some way or another. If you are getting killed all the time try a different tactic, different server, get some friends to play with you or move on to another game. No sense playing something that only frustrates you. PvP is too strong a part of this game for the developers to put restrictions on it.

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I'm a new player and I came here FOR the player killing. So there goes your whole theory.

Honestly take away the pvp and your killing the basis of what makes this one of the best zombie games I've come across.

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Like others have said: get better or get out. It really is that simple.

Also, "bohoo, bohoo, but if the game feels hostile to new players, the mod won't be as popular blah blah :(". That's just it, I and probably many others, don't want this to be a casual friendly Disneyland - burger game experience meant for everyone. There's already plenty of that kind of games that cater for you teary eyed carebears, loaded with linearity, handhelding and "press A to be awesome" - buttons. We want *this* game to be hard, complex and absolutely brutal, so don't try to take it away from us. Got it?

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This was one of the things that drew me in to playing this this mod, the brutality of it, you actually had to hide and avoid those bandits with rifles/assault rifles atleast at the beginning.

It's survival of the fittest.

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When you watch a real horror movie based on zombies, have you ever thought who the real threat is?

Just think for a minute. Have you ever watched a good zombie movie that resulted in only zombies killing people? Maybe, but probably not.

Paranoia and fear terrorize the survivors and they revert to a survival mode and the will is so strong that people begin to fear each other. There is always some type of survivor on survivor violence.

What I'm trying to say is that in the movies and even this game, zombies aren't the main threat. I've played for a couple days died a few times and logged maybe 8-10 hours and not once did I die to a zombie.

They are the motivation for conflict, they are a basis for story, let me repeat it one last time just to be clear. Zombies are not the real threat in a zombie movie or in this game. That's what makes this game great, it makes perfect use of zombies.

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I'm all for PvP and think it would ruin the game if there was not full loot PvP wherever you go. I agree with OP, however, game mecahnics need to be implemented to prevent what I discuss below.

After playing last night, I began to realize that there is a bit of a point to some of the posts regarding pvp.

Please read this before you just post "go home noob."

The game at its core is a post Apocalypse zombie survival game where life is brutish, nasty and short. People kill each other for a can of beans because that is jsut how life is in this world. That is the essence of the game and should not be changed.

However, what has begun to occur is that people have stopped playing the game as a post Apocalypse zombie game and have, instead, begun playing the game as a COD sniper death match game. What I mean is, people have played the game, found the weapon spawns, explored, and are now bored. They have now started camping noob spawn points, sitting in towers shooting random (everyone) people, etc., not for beans, or survival, or anything else, but just because they are bored.

This takes away from the zombie survival aspect and turns the game into something entirely different, just another COD death match round. Zombies are just a mild annoyance to keep an eye on, while you go off trying to kill everyone in sight for the highest score (lowest humanity).

I do not want any restrictions on PvP put in place. That said, however, I think GAME MECHANICS could be implemented that dissuade people from going on psychotic serial killer rampages for no other reason than they are bored. If you kill someone for beans, thats cool. But killing massive amounts of people for fun just turns the game into something it is not supposed to be, a COD deathmatch round.

I dont really have any suggestions for a game mechanic, maybe someone else does. However, if this is not fixed, interest in the game will decline or those looking for a zombie game. People will play it as a death match game until they are bored, then the mod will die.

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It seems there are less and less bandits to be seen on the servers, my guess is because they have learned to hide well and because griefing is fundamentally boring and unfullfilling. I would make a case for removing bandit skins again to make it more exciting. Disclaimer: I am not a bandit, I do not murder, I just crave danger and excitiment.

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Love it.

Meeting people in isolated villages, clearing the zone together, sharing stuff and then going seperate ways as night falls...

I dont know of any other game that can generate anything near that complicite between "actors".

Tonight I really wanted to light a fire in the woods, eat some beanz and drink,,, before turning of my computer.

Unfortunatly it was raining and my matches were damp.

Good game.

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I'm all for PvP and think it would ruin the game if there was not full loot PvP wherever you go. I agree with OP' date=' however, game mecahnics need to be implemented to prevent what I discuss below.

After playing last night, I began to realize that there is a bit of a point to some of the posts regarding pvp.

Please read this before you just post "go home noob."

The game at its core is a post Apocalypse zombie survival game where life is brutish, nasty and short. People kill each other for a can of beans because that is jsut how life is in this world. That is the essence of the game and should not be changed.

However, what has begun to occur is that people have stopped playing the game as a post Apocalypse zombie game and have, instead, begun playing the game as a COD sniper death match game. What I mean is, people have played the game, found the weapon spawns, explored, and are now bored. They have now started camping noob spawn points, sitting in towers shooting random (everyone) people, etc., not for beans, or survival, or anything else, but just because they are bored.

This takes away from the zombie survival aspect and turns the game into something entirely different, just another COD death match round. Zombies are just a mild annoyance to keep an eye on, while you go off trying to kill everyone in sight for the highest score (lowest humanity).

I do not want any restrictions on PvP put in place. That said, however, I think GAME MECHANICS could be implemented that dissuade people from going on psychotic serial killer rampages for no other reason than they are bored. If you kill someone for beans, thats cool. But killing massive amounts of people for fun just turns the game into something it is not supposed to be, a COD deathmatch round.

I dont really have any suggestions for a game mechanic, maybe someone else does. However, if this is not fixed, interest in the game will decline or those looking for a zombie game. People will play it as a death match game until they are bored, then the mod will die.


You do have a point, but I don't think it's the whole picture.

Chernogorsk and Elektro are a bit of a deathmatch right now, and at first I was going there constantly but I soon got bored of it as playing it as a deathmatch and KNOWING I was going to die fairly quickly (within a day or two) wasn't really fulfilling. So I only go to those city's when I need to get a lot of supplies quickly. And in that sense, I think it's totally in tune with what an apocalyptic survivalist city would be like. For the people playing it as a deathmatch in the city's, I actually think it enhances the experience for the people who are playing it as a survival game first and foremost, because the city's are meant to be dangerous, different groups of bandits fighting eachother, and then you running in just looking for supplies and potentially getting caught in the middle.

Honestly, I think thats fine. As I've gone north the game completely changes, other than the Airfield but I think that's pretty realistic too. Looking at it from a "realism" or "roleplay" point of view (I don't do roleplay, but regardless), a lot of people would be looking for large weapon caches, helicopters, armoured vehicles, or highly defensible positions, where do you find all of those things? Military encampments. So again, it makes complete sense that it would be heavily fought over and there be a lot of competition.

My point is, the whole "deathmatch argument" is only valid for the people who are playing it that way, for the rest of us, and for me as a bandit that generally kills 90% of the people I come across but still play for survival, their antics only highten the sense of survival and realism in the post apocalyptic setting.

One last note though, I've NEVER seen anyone camping spawn points, I don't think I've ever died after spawning, unless it's another fresh player that happened to spawn near me and I ran into his Makarov.

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The only people i have a problem with are the bean warriors who suicide until they are near cherno or elektro, kill people until they die, rinse, repeat.

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A possibly easy to implement solution that I posted in the suggestions forum, but I guess can go here also.

"Perhaps an easy to implement solution to this is to spawn much more zombies, stronger zombies, zombies that are attracted to gunfire easier, and zombies that climb stairs and ladders. Silences weapons should be removed or made very very rare.

Doing this would make a person only shoot another if he "really needed those beans" because he would be risking alerting a massive wave of zombie attack.

I have noticed that servers have much less deathmatching if there are a whole lot of zombies because you cant just camp and shoot people at will because zombies will be after you.

Just a thought.

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A possibly easy to implement solution that I posted in the suggestions forum' date=' but I guess can go here also.

"Perhaps an easy to implement solution to this is to spawn much more zombies, stronger zombies, zombies that are attracted to gunfire easier, and zombies that climb stairs and ladders. Silences weapons should be removed or made very very rare.

Doing this would make a person only shoot another if he "really needed those beans" because he would be risking alerting a massive wave of zombie attack.

I have noticed that servers have much less deathmatching if there are a whole lot of zombies because you cant just camp and shoot people at will because zombies will be after you.

Just a thought.



I'd love to see some deadly mutant zombies like the Bloodsuckers in Stalker.

The environment needs to be much more deadly, there needs to be a reason to group up.

Plus there needs to be some sense of accomplishment in the world. Powering up a city, protecting an area, clearing out zombies from an area, etc.

I'm beginning to get less pissed at the PvPers. There's literally nothing else to do.

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A possibly easy to implement solution that I posted in the suggestions forum' date=' but I guess can go here also.

"Perhaps an easy to implement solution to this is to spawn much more zombies, stronger zombies, zombies that are attracted to gunfire easier, and zombies that climb stairs and ladders. Silences weapons should be removed or made very very rare.

Doing this would make a person only shoot another if he "really needed those beans" because he would be risking alerting a massive wave of zombie attack.

I have noticed that servers have much less deathmatching if there are a whole lot of zombies because you cant just camp and shoot people at will because zombies will be after you.

Just a thought.


I agree with this. PVP should be left as it is. Right now, humans are the most dangerous thing in the mod, with zombies being kind of an annoyance. By making the zombies much more of a real threat, then people would actually have to work hard to survive and there would be less time for deathmatch.

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Many more zombies and at least some of them just wandering the wilderness. That would take the focus off of the towns and make holding up in the woods a much different matter.

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The only people i have a problem with are the bean warriors who suicide until they are near cherno or elektro' date=' kill people until they die, rinse, repeat.


What if after your humanity drops below a certain point your spawn points change. You start spawning more north, more concentrated in the wilderness area, taking you longer to get to cities with major people.

This really accomplishes a few things:

One being bandits spawning closer together, let them fight it out with each other, allowing newer players or players who enjoy more the survival aspect a chance in the more southern towns.

Two it doesnt change PVP at all, players will still shoot and kill each other, bandits are still allowed to kill anyone they want, but it will make them think more. Now if bandits die, they respawn right in the thick of the spawn, and can just repeat what they were doing, if this was implimented, if a bandit dies he would have a long treck to get in contact with humanity again.

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To be completely honest I feel like the PVP aspect of this mod is very very unbalanced.

Where survivors are generally not rewarded for their acts of kindness or are in fact punished for helping other players, bandits are generously rewarded for their acts of psychotic man-slaughter with very few or even no drawbacks at all.

After all, it only takes one good head shot to get someones alice pack, or get lucky and murder someone with NVG's (making them even more effective killers). At the end of the day, bandits will acquire much more high end gear then any survivors can, simply because they don't have to worry about their humanity at all or even traveling across the map eating up their precious PVP time.

And lets not forget that having high humanity as a survivor doesn't really have any pro's at all. Sure you can kill 1 guy that has less humanity without being turned, what about 3? or 4?

To help combat the gross amount of bandits per server and survivor genocides that occur every single day, I would recommend the following.

1- Add a mark on the map that displays where bandits are.

2- Connect the humanity levels of a bandit (divided by 10 or 100 perhaps) to the mark, so that you have to be within a certain range to see the mark.

3- Make "Bullets" do less damage towards players for Christs sake, head shots are understandable but 1 shot to the chest with any gun besides a makarov is ridiculous, especially sense everyone is wearing a bullet proof vest.

4- Connect positive humanity levels to various events for survivors, perhaps very slight health regeneration, a 10 to 25% maximum HP boost, or a running speed boost, something to give survivors a reason to get more humanity.

5- (Last resort) Nerf sniper rifles.

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