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[GUIDE] Day Z Amazon/Retail Version installation guide [VIDEO] $15

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Great video ! should be a sticky. But now the servers will have even more players to process so i kinda hate u for that :D but still props for making the game grow

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Well done show people how to buy the game from a location that BI see no profit from. Well done! Your fantastic! (sarcasm). Rocket has asked people don't buy it from Crappyzon for that reason, after all BI do pay his bills.

Show Support for the MOD, buy the game from Sprocket or Steam. They are both recommended retailers. And thus give BI profits, and in paying a little extra you show your support for the MOD.

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  'Gungy said:

Well done show people how to buy the game from a location that BI see no profit from. Well done! Your fantastic! (sarcasm). Rocket has asked people don't buy it from Crappyzon for that reason' date=' after all BI do pay his bills.

Show Support for the MOD, buy the game from Sprocket or Steam. They are both recommended retailers. And thus give BI profits, and in paying a little extra you show your support for the MOD.


How about stop being a dick. BI should lower their price to match the other seller, you can't blame people for not wanting to pay more than double the price (EU price for A2:CO is ~32USD). BI is as much to blame for signing a contract or w/e they did with Amazon, it's not like they were forced to have Amazon selling games for them I'm very sure.

Nice job on the video OP even if I already have the game. :)

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Ya, at $30 I would not have bought it.

but at $15 I did.

Sale prices actually increase sales and generate sales they would have not gotten.

The sale doesnt mean BI gets "nothing" just a reduced "take".

but they sold more boxes than without the sale.

Edit: I would be willing to show support, if once the mod is released and they did it as a DLC for $5 or $10

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I cant get the update to install i dont know what im doing there is 5 links there on that page and when i try to login to a server it says Connecting Failed and there is a Red X on the far left hand of every server plz help

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Please don't buy from this sale, it really screws developers over :)

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  'rocket said:

Please don't buy from this sale' date=' it really screws developers over :)


If you have possibility to talk to BI, please try to get them to make some kinda cheaper deal as well because paying more than double for the same item is not a thing most people would willingly do.

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  'Felix said:

Heck' date=' a steam sale at this point would probably get pretty insane.


Hah! that would be awesome, think most of my friends would buy then.

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I cant get the update to install i dont know what im doing there is 5 links there on that page and when i try to login to a server it says Connecting Failed and there is a Red X on the far left hand of every server plz help

The server signs are all x's because you haven't installed the update. (Correctly as you said). The one that you need to download from the page is the very first one. You've actually pointed out a flaw in my video that the link I give use is not directly to the specific download you need. You need the "Arma 2:Combined operations Patch 1.60" patch in order for the mod to work correctly. Here is the direct link, Just scroll down to the Green box with "Mirrors" above it, and click on one of the links (Ex. "Multiupload").http://www.arma2.com/index.php?option=com_rokdownloads&view=file&Itemid=20&id=756%3Aarma-2-combined-operations--operation-arrowhead--reinforcements-patch-1〈=en

In regards to all other posts, most of which concerning Helping BI Devs, I am sorry. I was just showing one way that a user could potentially save money, and get the game they want. I honestly hadn't thought of things that way.

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Could somebody explain how the Amazon sale was bad for the developers? I bought it on Amazon as soon as I saw it on sale. Is it just that Amazon is selling it for much less than BI wanted them to, or do they really not get much out of the sale?

Like a lot of people, I bought it mainly to support DayZ (I was a little interested in Arma II before that, but have tons of other stuff to play). I guess if BI really didn't get much out of it, maybe I'd buy that DLC that makes the character models high rez or something. I'll probably get a t-shirt when those are available.

I really thought I was helping, like buying an indie bundle for $10 or something. $15 is actually pretty high for me, since I get almost everything during big Steam sales.

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I may be late to this topic, but I disagree on it "screwing over" BI. Didn't Amazon already buy the game from BI at a set price? Last I remember, retailers buy their games from the publishers at a price, and mark them up accordingly. Whether Amazon is profiting at $15 or not, BI had to have sold these copies to Amazon already. The sale price from retailer to customer shouldn't affect BI, Steam being an exception since Valve collects an actual commission per sale. Even then, think of it this way: many weren't going to fork out $30 for Arma 2 CO. BI is much better off collecting $15 from these folks than nothing. :D

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Not sure what the history is regarding the sales contracts with the different vendors, and its effect on the Devs. But, I did get it off Amazon because it was half off compared to Steam. From a Consumerist point of view, why pay full when you can get it for half? It's not like the Steam version is offering bonus content or anything. If anything, it's probably the convenience of the Steam UI (being able to VOIP, all games being in one place, joining groups, game updates, etc.) that is contributing to people getting it from Steam.

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  'rocket said:

Please don't buy from this sale' date=' it really screws developers over :)


Well now I don't feel so bad about missing that sale and buying it off Steam.

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Not sure what has developed with the Amazon sale, but it looks like the download has been pulled from their library.

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I bought this game off of Amazon, I hope that I can still download it when I decide to uninstall Arma 2. =/

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I bought it from 'Crappyzon', as it was so eloquently put, before I had heard any mention of BI being screwed out of the profits. If it hadn't been on sale, I probably wouldn't have bought it, but now I'm glad I did. Regardless of your thoughts on where to buy the game, OP has put in some effort to help people within this community. Good on you OP, I applaud your kind and thoughtful gesture.

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Yeah I think the video put in a large amount of purchases for them so they had to take down the deal. Most likely they will wait a while to build up people's anticipation, then just end up putting it out for the regular $30 and see who tries to buy it. Damn Shame if they do that.

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  'BusterFrisco said:

Not sure what has developed with the Amazon sale' date=' but it looks like the download has been pulled from their library.


They most likely ran out of keys from Meridian4.

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  'Sodajones said:

Not sure what has developed with the Amazon sale' date=' but it looks like the download has been pulled from their library.


They most likely ran out of keys from Meridian4.

I was on the right trail but your definitely right. It says like 50 people made reviews but that doesn't say how many people actually bought the game now that I think about it. I doubt they would have bought a ton of keys not knowing if it would sell or not, but now that they know they will definitely be selling more at a later time. :D

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