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Separate slot for Flashlight in the Inventory

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Hey guys, this most likely has been said before, but here it is:


The Flashlight should get its own slot in the inventory menu, yes it might not be a part of the ArmA II engine, but this is a suggestion thread, is it not?

The flashlight should be switched to with the F button, just like any flare or tin can. I think that having the flashlight in the secondary weapon slot is a complete inconvenience (whether you feel the flashlight is useful or not, or whether it makes you a target or not).

Sometimes, I, along with many people I'm sure, have been in a situation where I needed to switch to a flashlight quickly and switch back, but didn't have room in my pack for a pistol, and didn't want to drop the gun and all of the ammo.


:beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:

Duckman404's Suggestion:

Adding a "holster weapon" key bind or mouse wheel option.

You can then switch to tools like the hatchet and flashlight in the mouse wheel menu.

(see his post below for his exact words)

:beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:


Edited by BuddyMcFriend
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I like this idea, have the same delay as switching weapons on it though. @Herb - I'd rather use the Mil Flashlight, less chance of being seen.

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Thanks, Stubbies. It really does seem like a viable option that would make the interface a bit less clunky.

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+1, I can't count how many times I've wanted to use a flashlight but I can't, because it would mean dropping my pistol.

I don't think we need a new inventory slot, though: in a few Arma 2 Domination games I've played, there's a scroll menu option to store your primary weapon in your 'backpack'.

I think this could work in a similar way:

Add a 'holster weapon' menu option, which either slings your primary weapon on your back, or holsters your pistol.

Once it's holstered, the option to use toolbelt items, such as the flashlight, military flashlight, or hatchet, would be available, since your hands are now free.

It wouldn't require adding another inventory slot, and means you don't have to mess around with your backpack just to get out a damn flashlight.

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Yea, my backpack is always full of gear and as you'd know taking stuff back and forth takes time and is not very fun when you need your flashlight quick. Good idea :)

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Yeah, there's really no reason why you shouldn't be able to use a flashlight while you have a primary and a secondary weapon. For me, it would be preferable to be able to hold a pistol in my right hand and a flashlight in my left...

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they should def make it able to use your flashlight and sidearm together, besides making it so you have to find a pistol with one installed on it..

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Being able to simply press L to equip a flashlight quickly would be great. With a weapon switch delay of course. I often never have enough room in my inventory to switch, and night play is already very difficult.

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Thank you to all the people who have supported this! I'm glad you all like the idea. If we could make this a very popular thread, then it might actually be seen by the development team.

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BuddyMcFriend, its not bad idea and tod good too..

Good idea: just take flashlight in hand with a gun (like chemlight).

I dunno why this thing not working that way right now.

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The reason it's not working is only because it wasn't coded to function like that, hence, it wasn't implemented before the game's release. I know it would take a hell of a lot of time to re-code a function like that into the source probably, but hey, aren't we trying to make this game the best it can be? I would want to look to this game for all my 'survival game' and military operation wishes.

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Get a clip-on flashlight incorporated in the game, I mean, it could be a military/utility thing that can be looted and equipped onto the body, which would then be turned on and off in the inventory "Seeing how handhelds with lights are turned on and off".


It also frees up your secondary slot.

Maybe instead of turning it on and off in the inventory, it can be utilized by hitting 2x L?

You tap L to enable handheld lightsources, and double tap it to enable equipment mounted light sources.

Edited by dra6o0n
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  On 7/30/2012 at 12:59 PM, dra6o0n said:

Get a clip-on flashlight incorporated in the game, I mean, it could be a military/utility thing that can be looted and equipped onto the body, which would then be turned on and off in the inventory "Seeing how handhelds with lights are turned on and off".


It also frees up your secondary slot.

Maybe instead of turning it on and off in the inventory, it can be utilized by hitting 2x L?

You tap L to enable handheld lightsources, and double tap it to enable equipment mounted light sources.

Haha, I actually have one of those literally sitting on the desk in front of me. My father was in the Army, and I have that flashlight with the colored lenses also.

I also agree with you, if you could double tap L (just like double tapping W) you could pull out your flashlight and put away what's in your hands.

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  On 7/30/2012 at 2:33 AM, Duckman404 said:

+1, I can't count how many times I've wanted to use a flashlight but I can't, because it would mean dropping my pistol.

I don't think we need a new inventory slot, though: in a few Arma 2 Domination games I've played, there's a scroll menu option to store your primary weapon in your 'backpack'.

I think this could work in a similar way:

Add a 'holster weapon' menu option, which either slings your primary weapon on your back, or holsters your pistol.

Once it's holstered, the option to use toolbelt items, such as the flashlight, military flashlight, or hatchet, would be available, since your hands are now free.

It wouldn't require adding another inventory slot, and means you don't have to mess around with your backpack just to get out a damn flashlight.

This is an amazing idea. I'm glad you could come up with this off of what I said, mine was only the start of an idea. All I meant by another inventory slot was how you could switch to the flashlight like how you could switch to the binoculars, but now I realize that it isn't necessary to add another slot.

I would go to Publix if there was one in this world, and buy you all the beans on the shelf if I could. Lets keep this topic alive! I don't want it to die, and I will keep it bumped.

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Giving everyone shoulder clip flashlight from the start, but have them based on what flashlight you have in your inventory would work well.

So you always have it on, but not necessary to hold it at all.

Maybe like binoculars, you can tap L to turn it on and off, or double tap to equip it, as when you are wearing it, you can't aim it properly as it's always pointing straight ahead, and not up or down.

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Suggestion... this should be the one they implement, if anything.

Just like in movies>

While holding a pistol (Not the PDW imo), double tap "L" to pull out the flashlight and have it in your left hand. (There should be no forced stopping just to pull out the flashlight, though it should take 2-5 seconds, but for the love of god don't force anyone to stand still just to pull out something from a bag. Stupidest idea ever, exact same thing about swapping from primary/seconday, stupid.)

While holding an assault rifle/primary, you'd need to find tape somewhere in-game to add the flashlight onto the weapon of choice, or just as long as you have tape and a flashlight in your inventory you'd be able to turn on the flashlight. (Same as above, it should take at least 3-8 seconds to tape on the flashlight, or if already taped on it should take 1-3 seconds to turn on the switch)

Second suggestion, hah, just thought of it. Tape should also be implemented for use in healing a broken leg combined with wood from the forest, though with at least a 5 minute++ timer!

What do you guys think? This would really make the game awesome in my opinion.

Edited by Fapguy

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Tape would be an interesting addition to the game, and I can see it being used for quite a lot of things!

You should make a suggestion on that.

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