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To you lazy snipers.

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I've been only been playing this a little while, but I've had my fair share of being shot. What annoys me is when you (Cherno/Elektro snipers...) shoot me, but, aren't very good at aiming for some reason, and don't manage to kill me entirely. I mean, once you have that first shot off, would it kill you to just, finish the job? OK, maybe in some cases it might, but its quite annoying laying unconscious in a building waiting to slowly bleed out. I tried using that nice little re-spawn button, but the menu wouldn't come up when I was unconscious, and it is quite boring simply waiting to die. Really, you've already wasted one bullet on me, why not another?

Also, as a quick side note, how many of you actually loot those you kill?

P.S. Try getting in a gunfight sometime, its a hell of a lot more exhilarating.

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And this is why I stay out of Cherno or Elektro. I've sniped a few players in other places, but that was when they were confident enough to shoot at me with their AK's across an open field at like 400m, and I made an effort to loot every single one. Other people, however, seem to only want to test that nice new AS50 or DMR they just got. Oh well, to each his own I guess.

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Yeah,today I was in cherno and I saw a bullet hit the ground next to me while I was prone and I thought 'How the hell could he miss',I also didn't have any kind of weapon on me because I had just restarted and wanted to scavenge stuff so why are people such assholes sometimes -.-

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I've spent lots of time using the Shooting Range downloadable mission for Arma 2.

If I have to snipe to protect my group, I need to be able to kill instantly, and with practice I do now every time (ain't no DC'ers on my watch!).

It amuses me no end the amount of fools running around around with M107s and AS50s with absolutely no clue how to shoot the damn things over 300-400 metres.

Be grateful that most of the twat-handles sniping fresh spawns in the major towns largely have no clue what their doing with their gear :)

Edited by DoctorWrongpipes

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I've spent lots of time using the Shooting Range downloadable mission for Arma 2.

If I have to snipe to protect my group, I need to be able to kill instantly, and with practice I do now every time (ain't no DC'ers on my watch!).

It amuses me no end the amount of fools running around around with M107s and AS50s with absolutely no clue how to shoot the damn things over 300-400 metres.

Be grateful that most of the twat-handles sniping fresh spawns in the major towns largely have no clue what their doing with their gear :)

Don'tcha just love bulletdrop.

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If im sniping with my DMR, sometimes it more fun to just wound them and see them run around with blood squirting out.

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That's when you go back with one of the ten thousand AKMs littered around Chernarus and shoot the bastard.

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well, learn from it and only go to cherno when carrying nothing

i never go to cherno or elektro when i allready have stuff

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I've been only been playing this a little while, but I've had my fair share of being shot. What annoys me is when you (Cherno/Elektro snipers...) shoot me, but, aren't very good at aiming for some reason, and don't manage to kill me entirely. I mean, once you have that first shot off, would it kill you to just, finish the job? OK, maybe in some cases it might, but its quite annoying laying unconscious in a building waiting to slowly bleed out. I tried using that nice little re-spawn button, but the menu wouldn't come up when I was unconscious, and it is quite boring simply waiting to die. Really, you've already wasted one bullet on me, why not another?

Also, as a quick side note, how many of you actually loot those you kill?

P.S. Try getting in a gunfight sometime, its a hell of a lot more exhilarating.

you ever thought they maybe not able to hit you when you lay down?i love smart people like you.you are so fucking smart

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you ever thought they maybe not able to hit you when you lay down?i love smart people like you.you are so fucking smart

I've managed to hit a prone, crawling target from just under 750 metres. If they can't hit you prone, they're not worth being referred to as a sniper.

I love being a 'bandit' hunter. Rubbing their entitled, over-confident faces in it gives me warm, fuzzy feelings. In my pants.

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I'm officially on four days with a character. Longest so far and I've been playing for a little over a week. I attribute this mostly to playing with a couple of buddies so I'm not claiming any level of skill here, but anyways ever since I found the DMR (my current primary) we haven't even been back to cherno or elektro. No point in killing something with zero valuable loot. People would probably kill chickens if the game had a stat for it. Stats is all it's about for some people.

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And thats why you should avoid big coast citys. Loaded with snipers who (most of the time) dont even loot your corpse. When I go to Cherno, I only go to 63.126 for some medical supplies and maybe some good loot in the appartments across the hospital.

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I've managed to hit a prone, crawling target from just under 750 metres. If they can't hit you prone, they're not worth being referred to as a sniper.

I love being a 'bandit' hunter. Rubbing their entitled, over-confident faces in it gives me warm, fuzzy feelings. In my pants.

uhh a bandit hunter, badass over here.

you don`t understand obv. and you call yourself doctor?there are certain places, in the firehouse for example.You can hit him when he stands in there but if you hit him and break his leg he is prone behind the walls.you get it now doctor?

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I'm impartial to the ones who spam shots to try to hit a running target. Keep shooting at me while I randomly zigzag and stop. You're just making it easier for my overwatch to find you. :)

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I love when people come to the forums going "This guy killed me but he was so bad" or "his aim was terrible" or some variation of an insult.

Are you really that petty? Are you a video game hawkeye or something?

If you died and he didn't then he won. If you didn't die and he didnt die it was a tie.

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If I'm not confident that I can't get the kill, I don't take the shot. It isn't worth revealing my position just to wing someone that is just going to log before I can loot/kill them.

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I've spent lots of time using the Shooting Range downloadable mission for Arma 2.

If I have to snipe to protect my group, I need to be able to kill instantly, and with practice I do now every time (ain't no DC'ers on my watch!).

It amuses me no end the amount of fools running around around with M107s and AS50s with absolutely no clue how to shoot the damn things over 300-400 metres.

Be grateful that most of the twat-handles sniping fresh spawns in the major towns largely have no clue what their doing with their gear :)

i couldn't get that mod to run. i'm sure it's my fault somehow but every time i try to load it up, i just have an animated screen of a house in a field. i really wish i could get in there and get some target practice.

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Be grateful that most of the twat-handles sniping fresh spawns in the major towns largely have no clue what their doing with their gear :)

yeah you must be a rocket scientist like the Doctor to know how to play this game. :rolleyes:

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i couldn't get that mod to run. i'm sure it's my fault somehow but every time i try to load it up, i just have an animated screen of a house in a field. i really wish i could get in there and get some target practice.

I haven't run it since Arma went up to 1.62, but one of the earlier Betas borked it so it couldn't run from any DayZ shortcuts you might use. It may still work from vanilla Arma 2 OA or Combined Ops Multiplayer, though :)

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yeah you must be a rocket scientist like the Doctor to know how to play this game. :rolleyes:

Not a rocket scientist, angry little dude. I just don't run around griefing with weapons I can't handle. Learn to account for bullet drop (or learn to range-find with the military grade scope you're looking through) and get a headshot in one. Common sense, really ;)

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I just shot a sniper with that bush camo, he gets unconscius and he logs off before i get to finish the job, pussy.

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