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despair (DayZ)

To all you QQ'ers whining about getting killed, l2p or gtfo

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Yet another 'player' (and I use the term loosely) who is the self appointed spokesman, sorry that should read 'spokesboy', of who should and should not be allowed to play/test DayZ.

Get over yourself. You'll realise that the term 'sandbox game' does not just mean 'PvP' and those who are challenging themselves by seeing how long they can survive for are not 'carebears'. They are using the sandbox in their style, for their enjoyment, not yours.

PvP is in the mod and PvP SHOULD BE in the mod but your blinkered, abusive and immature attitude is unnecessary.

As for the use of 'HTFU' and 'GTFO', Eve Online called and they want their catchphrases back.

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Obviously a troll post but ill add my 2cents, every single "pvp badass wannabe" i've ever met in dayz, eve, or ultima online has been an exploitive Dbag who will never ever take part in a fair fight because they don't ever want to lose there stuff, in EVE you'll see pvp corps with nothing but mining and pve ship kill mails or the odd pvp ship kills with no lose's that day (which mean they were likely 7v1 because statistically killing 20 pvp fitted ships in one day and not loseing a single one yourself is statistically VERY unlikely in a real battle) In UO it was just well geared characters camping newbie areas, and in dayz its snipers on hills camping cherno/electro and alt/f4ing the minute someone shoots back. Across 3 games i have yet to see a legitimate PVP player who wasn't just a greifer to afraid to fight someone on there level on fear of losing there stuff. So until I start seeing ingame/video's on youtube real PVP I always assume pvper's on forums are massive carebears who only take part in fights they can either win or exploit themselves out when things go south.

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contact with hostile players is prety much inevitable, so it is a PvP game

By this logic you could also say "contact with hostile infected is prety much inevitable, so it is a PvE game"

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Holy shit. I didn't realize before how many carebears this game attracted and once again people don't make any research what kind of game this is before buying it, then they start complaining, calling people sociopaths etc. Why don't you just play farmville if the idea of someone shooting you makes you piss your pants?

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"WAHHHHH i got killed even though i said friendly!!"

i laugh everytime i read threads like that. dayz = PVP game. if you're too much of a carebear, like many of you are, then gtfo and go play minecraft.

no amount of your QQ will change how it is. Kill or be killed. don't like it? then don;t play. or you can continue making QQ threads and make a fool out of yourself. i enjoy that too.

last i checked dayz isn't a PVP game. it's PVE with PVP in it. murderers make it PVP.

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Holy shit. I didn't realize before how many carebears this game attracted and once again people don't make any research what kind of game this is before buying it, then they start complaining, calling people sociopaths etc. Why don't you just play farmville if the idea of someone shooting you makes you piss your pants?

Use your brain harder.

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"WAHHHHH i got killed even though i said friendly!!"

i laugh everytime i read threads like that. dayz = PVP game. if you're too much of a carebear, like many of you are, then gtfo and go play minecraft.

no amount of your QQ will change how it is. Kill or be killed. don't like it? then don;t play. or you can continue making QQ threads and make a fool out of yourself. i enjoy that too.

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By this logic you could also say "contact with hostile infected is prety much inevitable, so it is a PvE game"

Also, eating beans is pretty much inevitable, making this a PvB game.

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I'm on a fairly busy server, and tbh I've not seen let alone engaged another player in days.

pvp game my ass.

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Crawl back in the hole you came from. PvP game lol.

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Sup troll? Didn't you get to enjoy your daily fap today in the basement of your parents house?

Too bad man. Have a nice day :)

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I love seeing these threads from people saying you have to play it the way they play it or you are a carebear... murderer... cheater etc etc... The fact is this game has the ability to PVP as well as PVE and if you want to run around shooting in the air whilst saying on voice " I like beans" you can..... Dont force me to play the way you play, let me play my way and if I have to kill a player to protect myself I will but I won't snipe him on a hill in cherno for his flashlight as thats just a crappy way to play ( in my opinion, but anyone who wants to do that can )

So..... I get shot... I don't cry I just go out and adapt my playstyle.... Do you?

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If you want to run around shooting in the air whilst saying on voice " I like beans" you can

Officially the best idea yet. I'll try that when I next log on.

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PVP is cool,but you just sit your ass in a hot spot with your hacked AS 50 to shoot someone who is trying to survive...that's bullshit,players like you are ruining this game.

Everytime i got killed by one sniper,I just think WTF? today I got killed like 30 times from nowhere shoots...that's really cool,and I wount cry...but now I understand why people hack this game.

just sayin.

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I love seeing these threads from people saying you have to play it the way they play it or you are a carebear... murderer... cheater etc etc... The fact is this game has the ability to PVP as well as PVE and if you want to run around shooting in the air whilst saying on voice " I like beans" you can..... Dont force me to play the way you play, let me play my way and if I have to kill a player to protect myself I will but I won't snipe him on a hill in cherno for his flashlight as thats just a crappy way to play ( in my opinion, but anyone who wants to do that can )

So..... I get shot... I don't cry I just go out and adapt my playstyle.... Do you?

While i agree mostly with what you say I don't really see how one can adapt his playstyle to counter a griefer noob who snipes you for no reason other then jollies.

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"WAHHHHH i got killed even though i said friendly!!"

i laugh everytime i read threads like that. dayz = PVP game. if you're too much of a carebear, like many of you are, then gtfo and go play minecraft.

no amount of your QQ will change how it is. Kill or be killed. don't like it? then don;t play. or you can continue making QQ threads and make a fool out of yourself. i enjoy that too.

You're amazing.

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While i agree mostly with what you say I don't really see how one can adapt his playstyle to counter a griefer noob who snipes you for no reason other then jollies.

Well if you notice a trend for a griefer on a hill, dont go the route you went before. I now go around and then look down where a griefer might be, put yourself in a numpties shoes and then work out how to avoid said numpty.... its like in the beginning I would do the wiggle of friendship, now.... yeah right... either hide or shoot....

Shame as I was damn sexy doing the friendship wiggle

Edited by hunterkilla

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