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Choppers found

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YEah so we found a chopper, got it all to green filled it with like 20 jerry can's, fuel got less than a quarter up.... then the fuel slowly drained?


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You filled them one at a time right? Not in quick succession?

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  On 7/29/2012 at 11:11 PM, Deltron3O3O said:

no point

This I had fuel tank parts aswell went with the mto the chopper for some reason there is no repair fuel tank in the menus went around the whole thing fairly slowly.Will try again after supper

Edited by Chaossound

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Guys read what i've posted!!!

We have repaired it to MAXIMUM.... ALL GREEN!!

The fuel is leaking no matter what we do!!!

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Did you repair the windscreen?

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  On 7/29/2012 at 11:36 PM, Phillfxc said:

Yeah I couldn't even fix the fuel tank

Same. I guess untill we can fix the fuel tank the choppers are grounded?

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  On 7/30/2012 at 12:44 AM, Chaossound said:

Same. I guess untill we can fix the fuel tank the choppers are grounded?

Nah we got ours filled up to max (even though it was leaking). Took probably 50+ Jerry cans since it was leaking. We probably flew around the map 3-4 times and then landed with 3/4 of a tank left. This was also after the engine and main rotor got damaged.

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Have scrap metal in your inventory. When everything on the scroll wheel menu is green, slap ONE more scrap onto hull anyway. If fuel still leaks, slap ONE extra scrap to each system until it no longer leaks. You are welcome.

And YES you have to repair HITMISSILES.

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This might sound stupid (I was baffled) but you actually have to repair all 8 windows (as well as have everything else green) on the Chopper for it to stop leaking fuel. I can confirm this personally as we had the same problem. So get finding that windscreen glass and happy flying!

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  On 7/30/2012 at 12:56 AM, Amethus said:

This might sound stupid (I was baffled) but you actually have to repair all 8 windows (as well as have everything else green) on the Chopper for it to stop leaking fuel. I can confirm this personally as we had the same problem. So get finding that windscreen glass and happy flying!

Thats crazy wow. Good to know o.o' I'm still having a hard time finding a rotor assembly it's the only thing I need to get this big bitch airborn. then I need 2 or 3 J cans of fuel to get it to a more secure location

Edited by Chaossound

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Nope all fixed.... its need to be repaired to 95% and above....

HELLO !!! arma2oa2012-07-3002-03-50-13.jpg

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And is now dicked…..

Note to any1 else, Don’t fly over Balota, Artifacting to hell and ended up dicking the chopper….

R.I.P friend, was good while it lasted :(


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  On 7/31/2012 at 12:35 PM, Thegoon84 said:

And is now dicked…..

Note to any1 else, Don’t fly over Balota, Artifacting to hell and ended up dicking the chopper….

R.I.P friend, was good while it lasted :(


lol - unlucky mate.

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Very unlucky.

why the hell didn't they just remove all stupid military zombie corpses while they get the graphical artefact/tearing fixed. now the changelog is reporting is "should" be fixed because the file has been "rebinarised". :rolleyes:

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