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FAO: rocket - Kicked by Isomery from the EU17 server for killing him...

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I would like to report Isomery apparently the owner of the EU17 server.

My friends and I were hunting around NW Airfield, and I saw 2 bandits...

Isomery and Paul.Mauser...

My 3 friends and I carefully tracked them and killed Isomery... his friend eluded us...

As we were tracking the second person, the 2 scouts, myself and my friend got "Kicked off the game".

When my friends queried the kick, Isomery stated: "I pay for this server, I can kick who I want"... paraphrased slightly...

As we re-joined the server, I was kicked again.. but my friend got back in and fellow that got back in, located and killed Paul.Mauser.

As another friend was arguing why we were kicked, he was then kicked by the admin, via the console it appeared.

FAO: rocket.

Are you able to clarify if something can be done about these guys and their server, kicking people, simply for killing them, as they were bandits!

I would also like to report, that this EU17 server appears to have the bug, that when you log out and log back into the server, it becomes daylight, even though it was night time when I was kicked.

Here is the link to my friend getting kicked, proof that it was not a lag kick, but an admin decision.


Kindest regards,


Loyal DayZ'er

P.S. Keep up the amazing work!

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Should of gotten a screenshot of him "paraphrasing" kicking you. Not saying you did it, but I could easily just take a picture of me getting kicked from a server and saying it was this guy, and why.

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True, unfortunately, as soon as I got kicked, I lost all chat, and none of my friends thought to take a screenshot while in game.. Too busy looting their corpses before we all expected another kick!

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Hello! I am iexus who was travelling with Mycaelis on this.

The strangest thing about this was that the moment we killed one of them the 2 of our party who were possibly visible (with context over names..) were instantly kicked. I was sat back sniping with a DMR and it was only after I had pointed out this was suspicious that "Isomery" instantly defended himself saying that simply because he willed it we would be unable to play.

I do not mind servers having reserve slots or possibly making room for people but this is flagrant abuse of admin powers and does not help gameplay in any way for those involved.

Sorry the screenshot is not great we were busy tea bagging their faces as we looted another DMR off them.

However if you join the EU17 server now you will notice that there is something wrong with the time. Whenever we joined it seemed to be daytime again. Very odd.

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We did...

But I just distinctly remember rocket saying that the idea of kicking people for killing them etc, was against his vision of the game, as well as the whole "daylight when you log out, back in" bug...

Just want to bring it to his attention, that there is a server mod, possibly ruining peoples game-play by being a troll Admin and going against rockets own vision / plan for the game...

I'll let rocket take whatever action he feels necessary, even if he decides nothing is the best thing to do...

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I am with these guys, and we plan to do just that, but that doesn't mean they should be allowed to abuse their admin status in a way which breaks the game to their advantage.

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Quote from rocket:

In short, their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

I hope this gets investigated :)

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Honestly, this seems like a major problem with this game.

I considered setting up a server myself, but without the ability to password it or have reserved slots for whomever I might want to team up with, I just don't see any incentive for it.

It's a major problem when admins act like you say this guy did, but on the other hand, it's also sort of a raw deal when you're paying for a server and not getting anything real out of it.

I have no idea how that problem could be solved other than having Bohemia-run servers or by removing the cross-server persistence, both of which I don't really see happening.

I suppose the only good news is that you "only" got kicked. I've heard stories of people who claim to have been killed outright by an admin, which of course resets their progress as well.

But really, when this game grows even bigger, and I stress "when", I do think we'll start seeing the community do their own policing on which servers have reliable admins and which ones don't, and then simply staying away from the bad apples. I don't believe we'll ever be rid of issues like this as long as players are directly responsible for the hardware.

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Honestly' date=' this seems like a major problem with this game.

I considered setting up a server myself, but without the ability to password it or have reserved slots for whomever I might want to team up with, I just don't see any incentive for it.

It's a major problem when admins act like you say this guy did, but on the other hand, it's also sort of a raw deal when you're paying for a server and not getting anything real out of it.

I have no idea how that problem could be solved other than having Bohemia-run servers or by removing the cross-server persistence, both of which I don't really see happening.

I suppose the only good news is that you "only" got kicked. I've heard stories of people who claim to have been killed outright by an admin, which of course resets their progress as well.

But really, when this game grows even bigger, and I stress "when", I do think we'll start seeing the community do their own policing on which servers have reliable admins and which ones don't, and then simply staying away from the bad apples. I don't believe we'll ever be rid of issues like this as long as players are directly responsible for the hardware.


It seems 90% of the server hosters seem to be following rocket's stated rules perfectly though, so it does not HAVE to be a problem :)

If we as a community can just keep weeding out the bad apples, rocket will have a garden's worth of good servers we can all enjoy without worrying about admin abuse.

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As far as I can tell, this is a mod in alpha state and whilst we should not be getting attached to our characters or worried about losing items, people still need to report incidents such as this whenever they happen.

It is easy to sit and type "Whoa you got no proof" but having been a victim of unexpected kicking in the past, it is impossible to foresee yourself getting booted and readying yourself to run FRAPs or take screenies etc.

That said, there will always be innocent people getting reported by possibly butthurt players and making up "I was kicked for being too awesome" stories, but I still think it is important to let the team know that there are abusers out there.

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the EU servers are very shitty, i have had frends kicked off for not speaking english, and for killing admins...

even had a admin cold boot his server trying to save his body after i offed him, or to keep me from getting his body.

these EU server stuff needs to stop or be shut down!

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Man what that admin did makes me remember the horrors of Jedi academy.

There was always some douch admin who thought he was god and just kicked everyone for very very dumb reasons.

Some people just can't handle responsebility atleast you can comfort yourself that they lost and you won.

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