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Are there still friendly Survivor?

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Im pretty friendly, I gave this guy who just spawned a bunch of my gear (Makarov, water bottle, 2 bandages) I think the only way Id KOS is if you had a gun yourself. I think they should create some type of "Sign Language" to see if your friendly, like lean twice or whatever

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Im pretty friendly, I gave this guy who just spawned a bunch of my gear (Makarov, water bottle, 2 bandages) I think the only way Id KOS is if you had a gun yourself. I think they should create some type of "Sign Language" to see if your friendly, like lean twice or whatever

You can salute...

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I've shot people in cold blood, but always in or near Cherno/Elektro and only when they travel in a well armed group. I'll attack when I feel my safety is threatened. If I can stay hidden and make contact I'll try to make a friendly contact, but if someone see's me before I can say anything, I /always/ assume they're gonna blow me away. The few times I've managed to team up, it was because we'd both talked a bit/shot zombies off each other before we ever saw each other.

My point its: If you want to make a friend, find someone, talk with them, THEN show yourself. Seeing a player show up out of nowhere sets off all kinds of red flags.

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I have shot people before for no reason, and i regret my ways. If my group think its appropriate to kill I tend to hang back, watch events unfold, and if I'm shot at I will blow their brains out xD But even if I see a geared out guy, I'll only shoot if my life is in risk, normally I'll drop and watch him pass by. I wish there was a thing like the old humanity meter making it easier to judge whether or not to take the shot, I tend not to chat, and so do others because of the fact your just giving yourself away at less than 50m from him/her. Town chats would be much better and combined with the idea of humanity meter again with changing appearance it would be easier and less morally challenging to gun someone down in cold blood because of their past and chances of lying. But overall I think people need to keep their fingers off the triggers and learn to trust!

But either way, If I see another group or clan, I'll gun on sight. After the last encounter my group of four had with a clan of ten I was the only one too get away as I was already halfway on a trip to the Zelen supermarket when the shots rang out!

Edited by Barrwg

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I take the opinion that I'll stay out of your way you stay out of mine, say you friendly and if I have help to cover you we can talk, if not go your way I'll go mine. If you look threatening I'll have no choice to shoot you in the face. It has happened to many times to expect it not to happen.

I've been playing for roughly a month, understand and love the mod. I am looking for a small group to run with who are dedicated to working together.

I am part of a small gaming community who does not have current members interested in Day Z. I would like to bring in a small group of some new people to play Day Z and play consistently. We have forums, a mumble server and a website. We have a mature no douche policy and community who choose it members, we work together. Contact me at any of the info below.

In-game name: Apex

Skype: Arithor.ck

Steam: Arithor


Edited by arithor

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I am friendly.

If you see Steve.C in game, you will not have a problem; I will help you in any way I can. I have spare blood packs and bandages specifically to heal others, though I travel alone.

If you fire at me, I will do my damnedest to drop you without hesitation. I will then take everything from your body and the items I can't carry I will put underground so you cannot recover them. Banditry will be punished.

Edited by Steve.C
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Actually, i am playing since a week or something and i am wondering there are so many people calling them self not "Bandits".

I really NEVER found a Survivor who didnt shot me on sight!

Now my question is, are there still friendly people or where do they hide?

Always i am walking around and see some1 (AGAIN) thinking "Oh, this could be a good one" i am full of hope saying something to him like "dont shoot" and that's it i am dead...

Is this because the friendly are aware and stay away from me or is every1 shooting on people on sight?

I even tried to help some1 who shot me after i shot him falling unconscious... i tried bandage him and heal him up but his answer was shooting at me and then we killed each other.

The only friendly people i meet are new players on the coast who play the first time and i always am nice to them and help them and dont shoot...

So where do you hide, nice people? I bet every1 had a murder once...

Heres the best way to find friendly players/identify yourself as friendly: Run into player hotspots singing 'Why can't we be friends' in VOIP :D Works everytime...

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I have shot people before for no reason, and i regret my ways. If my group think its appropriate to kill I tend to hang back, watch events unfold, and if I'm shot at I will blow their brains out xD But even if I see a geared out guy, I'll only shoot if my life is in risk, normally I'll drop and watch him pass by. I wish there was a thing like the old humanity meter making it easier to judge whether or not to take the shot, I tend not to chat, and so do others because of the fact your just giving yourself away at less than 50m from him/her. Town chats would be much better and combined with the idea of humanity meter again with changing appearance it would be easier and less morally challenging to gun someone down in cold blood because of their past and chances of lying. But overall I think people need to keep their fingers off the triggers and learn to trust!

But either way, If I see another group or clan, I'll gun on sight. After the last encounter my group of four had with a clan of ten I was the only one too get away as I was already halfway on a trip to the Zelen supermarket when the shots rang out!

HAHA BS matt, you hang back, egging us on to murder them on your behalf ;)

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I tend to be a loner and live in the woods far far away from any cities. About 99% of the survivors you come across in or around any city or area of civilization will kill you without second thought.

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HAHA BS matt, you hang back, egging us on to murder them on your behalf ;)

You know me xD.... Go on you know you want that lovely ghillie suit he has....

But at least when I recieve ammo from a random I don't shoot them in the face....

Edited by Barrwg
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I actually killed my first person today, was in the middle of cherno looking for stuff with a hatchet equipment. I had gotten shot at by a sniper and I think I had gotten out of his range. but as I was about to walk around a corner a guy with a shotgun and camoflauge cloth came about and he opened fire as soon as he saw me. He missed the first shot and I was able to get a cleave on him and I think I broke some legs as he went down to prone. he then switched to his pistol and opened fire and zombies started comming, and he hit me so my I started bleeding and I was already pretty low on health. but after like 15 axe swings (Don't know if I missed a lot or it takes that long) he died, I didn't have time to loot as I was bleeding and had to run up some stairs and was able to bandage my self with 600 health left. But I really had to pee so I went prone and though I'd might be ok, but when I came back I was super dead ;(

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Hi Milch. The way I did it was through these forums. I think it's very hard to meet anyone and become friendly in game. I never see anyone and when I speak no one replies.

I've met some really good people via this forum and I'm hoping over the next weeks we can meet up on servers. Time zones make it a little difficult but we'll keep trying. Look at the threads where people want to meet others to play. :) :thumbsup:

I play under my username, sula or under Reilly. If you see that name on a server, you can be sure I will never shoot you unless you shoot at me first, and I would rather join you in exploring Chesres than have you lying in hiding, feeling you can't speak to anyone. :)

Edited by Sula

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So far I've never killed another player, encountered a few and been shot by another played too. Thing is, I am pretty cautious and I tend to stay away from highly populated servers. I am always looking for comrades, though, so feel free to message me.

Steam name: Atlas

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Heres the best way to find friendly players/identify yourself as friendly: Run into player hotspots singing 'Why can't we be friends' in VOIP :D Works everytime...

I did something like that before. in electro dead players all around the town as a sniper on top of a tall building. he managed to kill me. so i respawned in electro again and I decided to just annoy him. the whole way he shot at me and missed horribly. and I sang and screamed in the mic " whhhyyyy ooo why why cannnt we be friendsszzz!" when I got to the building I began to say " You cannot aim for shit" and why cant we be friends. once I got on top the building I got on the last ladder up to where he was. I gave him the last bit of why cant we be friends. and when he finally hits me the last thing I said was " I love bullets give me MORREEEE" and I died.

at the end he must of wasted like 2 mags on the ground and another mag on me(that actually hit) once I got to him he HAD to be low on ammo.

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I only shoot if your armed.

If you have a hatceht and keep your distance from me I won't shoot.

Makes me as freindly as it comes I suppose.

Also I will shoot zombies chasing someone and offer medical aid.

Names same in game as here so if you see me come to me unarmed if you want something.

Edited by Argent_LeRoche

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I had the same kind of hesitation once. While I was in one of the appartment across the street of Cherno's hospital, I noticed a guy running into the hospital.

After taking a good look, I notice he has a gillie suit and a M249 but I still had my doubts about pulling the trigger. But after some thinking, a guy with a gillie suit and a machine gun in cherno isn't there to make friends, so I fired on him before he had a chance to see me.

i was equipped with a ghillie and a M16A2 while making my way towards berezino, to get supplies. military gear is not necessarily a sign of evil intentions.

of course, trusting the other guy wont shoot might get you killed more often - but imho its worth the times when both happen to be friendly..

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I had the same kind of hesitation once. While I was in one of the appartment across the street of Cherno's hospital, I noticed a guy running into the hospital.

After taking a good look, I notice he has a gillie suit and a M249 but I still had my doubts about pulling the trigger. But after some thinking, a guy with a gillie suit and a machine gun in cherno isn't there to make friends, so I fired on him before he had a chance to see me.

I got myself in a similar situation (but from the diffrend angle)

I was in the position of that guy with the gillie suit.

I came across a wounded player in the middle of nowhere,a field to be more accurate.

He got broken bones and heavily wounded.

He asked for help in a return of friendship and hidden supplies.

I agreed,it was a fair deal (i woud had helped him anyway,its in my nature)

I didnt had any medical supplies on me so i had to run to the nearest town/hospital.

The risk was however to high,because i was fully loaded with a sniper,gillie suit and lot of mags with me.

I ussualy play as a silent ,,bantit hunter,, and mainly survivor but seeing a wounded player asking for help just gets over my precatious and personal rules of survival (wich is stupid)

Anyway,when i got to the town i cautiously aproached the hospital to recover some supplies and bail out as fast as i can so i can save that guy.

5 seconds of looking in my inventory and sorting it out ... i was gunned down by a sniper,and that guy died because i never got back to him.

My point is.

IMO if a survivor/bandit doesn't see you and you have him on your iron sight.

Dont take him down UNLESS he sees you, and you sense him as a thread.

,,Shoot on sight,, shoud only be used in self deffence.

And all of this is coming from a medic/bandit hunter survivor.

Edited by VaultDweller

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Dr.Lyme, if you aren't speaking straight out of your buttocks, I'd like to play a game or two with you, if you would like it. You're the kind of person that I would enjoy playing with. Though, I almost enjoy playing the game with someone who isn't a pro. There is a level of DayZ that I think I don't want to achieve, and that is logging on everyday and running through Chernarus making rounds from the NWAF and Stary. I want to play and have fun, explore and die, and in death discover new things about this game. I feel like that magic is lost when you play with someone who knows everything.

My Skype is Buddymcfriend

Send me a request if you're interested! Or if anyone else is, for that matter.

I know what you mean, and I left my faction recently so I am looking for people to join up with. I'll add you on skype. But right now I am carrying high level gear, if that is a problem at all.

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Heres the best way to find friendly players/identify yourself as friendly: Run into player hotspots singing 'Why can't we be friends' in VOIP :D Works everytime...

I may try that, normally I mic-spam rave music while running around; but I like that idea better. xD

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I did something like that before. in electro dead players all around the town as a sniper on top of a tall building. he managed to kill me. so i respawned in electro again and I decided to just annoy him. the whole way he shot at me and missed horribly. and I sang and screamed in the mic " whhhyyyy ooo why why cannnt we be friendsszzz!" when I got to the building I began to say " You cannot aim for shit" and why cant we be friends. once I got on top the building I got on the last ladder up to where he was. I gave him the last bit of why cant we be friends. and when he finally hits me the last thing I said was " I love bullets give me MORREEEE" and I died.

at the end he must of wasted like 2 mags on the ground and another mag on me(that actually hit) once I got to him he HAD to be low on ammo.


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send me a pm i have a large group of people who help "newbs" but dont much like other large groups. on our home server, were at war with a large gang, and they have a chopper.

theyre a squad of KoS type guys, so killing them and taking their chopper (or killing the chopper) would be good.

Edited by dillonblunts

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Tips for avoiding KoS...

1. Use a mic.

2. Always get first visual/audible contact and maintain the advantage of concealment and cover when making voice contact.

3. Play on low pop/3d-off servers.

4. Stay near the coast, but away from Cherno/Elektro/Berezino

5. Do not get fancy clothes.

6. Do not get fancy weapons, or hide them if you do.

7. Do not drive a vehicle.

8. Avoid people who have fancy clothes, fancy weapons, and vehicles. They have more reason to take no chances.

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Here's 2 theories as to why everyone is killing everyone.

1) They are experienced players that are bored with the same old scavenge and survive and killing zombies so they resort to mass murder and taking in the pleasure of killing human beings who have feelings

2) It's very peculiar that ANYONE is willing to run up to a survivor when the only people making themselves known are the stupid/uncautious, or the bandits. Friendly survivors would want to sneak and hide to avoid being shot.

Me personally, had 2 murders 1 life cause they killed my friend and tried killing me, and then another life had 1 murder cause they were a well armed player crawling to the top of a firehouse, and everyone knows, or should know, that there's no loot up there... ever. Other than that i'm very friendly

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yeah we dont generally kill on sight, but the guys in the chopper do. were going to try to break the hold they have, they dont appear to be admins.

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