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Some people are real dicks

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At least, this guy was an honest dick and trying to kill you from the first moment on. Many players declare themselves friendly and kill you after coming near. These are the worst.

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You say I would have done so, but you say it not knowing who I am/what I'm like.

I really enjoyed your story and I feel sorry for the person who lost his life while helping, such is the way that things go.

Had I known he was there? I would have hidden in a bush near him and tried to talk with him.

Never did I say all people are dicks, the title clearly says some people are dicks.

Maybe some day you and I will team up in game, and do the right thing by others because its a bleak environment if no one is nice.

(EDIT)- I commend your actions for doing the least that you could do, being exacting revenge on the person who wiped out someone who couldn't have deserved it less at that point.

thats the problem, you never know how the player is as a person until it is too late

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I've said this in many other threads but it's bandits like that who give us a bad name.

Some of us will kill experienced players who can and will always fight back.

We kill for sport. And for sport you need someone who can be a worthy fight.

Cheers and kill all those new cunty bandits you can.

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Maybe he was shooting because so many people looking for military loot lie about being unarmed when they have a hatchet and a ranged weapon in their backpack, just food for thought.

After a short debate about whether or not we should, my friends and I once shot a guy with a hatchet at the Stary military tents. We inspected his corpse and he had a L85A2 AWS and a bunch of other stuff in his backpack, he could have killed us, and you don't go to those tents unless you're looking for stuff to kill people with.

Edited by Ulfhedjinn

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You had a hachet meaning you where armed and i would have killed you also , i have been told ( prolly half the folk who play also )in chat friendly and then had guys start wacking me with a hachet also for all this guy was to know you get a gun in that deer stand and next time you see him you kill him imo your the dick here for even making this thread .

Pretty sure you just won that award with this post!

OP sorry to hear some bandit took you out in such a cowardly manner, here is hoping karma comes around and bites him in the arse or even better shoots him in the head!

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That's good. Now don't cry man... really. Go and play counter strike and stop whining here. Bye!

Where does it say i was crying?

I was simply sharing a story.

learn to read son.

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unless its people you know and are playing this game with them maybe on teamspeak or something you WILL GET SHOT DEAD, PERIOD. its hard lesson to learn and some dont want you to learn it so you stay noob and they own you for your stuff, dont listen to the bullshit about shouting friendly thats just to distract you from owning their ass while they fire bullets in you. most people who play this game and are remotely good at it know this, ive encountered so called friendlys and ride along with them for a while then soon as he got a gun and i gutted an animal bam he shot me dead and took everything i dont like the pvp elemts that much but thats just the harsh realitiy be cause the majority of dick ass players have made it that way because they just wanna shoot people. go play COD noobs.

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That's good. Now don't cry man... really. Go and play counter strike and stop whining here. Bye!

exactly the attitude thast fucking this game up grow some balls you stupid prick

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+1 beans for not disconnecting under fire, OP.

I'm just wondering where the headshot came from? I've been in that position and it's very difficult for someone to shoot you if you go prone in a deerstand.....

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Well, this game breeds dicks, basically. When you get killed by a player once, you'll think twice before giving another person a chance.

At some point everyone becomes a dick. I don't shoot on sight, but if I manage to sneak up on you I'll hold you at gunpoint until guns are dropped and handed over.

Edited by -Atlas-

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I always shoot people on sight if they are armed and I don't know them, to many times I have succumbed to a hatchet in the back.

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It cuts both ways...

Last night I saw a guy in the distance taking pot shots off a roof. I typed into chat that I needed supplies but he never answered. A few minutes later, there he is running at me in the house with an axe, and a zombie face. I said I was unarmed and without saying a word he came towards me, while I feared the worst.

However he chopped up a few zombies and dropped a loads of supplies for me. Then lit a flare and crawled off into the distance, the last I saw of him was a zombie attacking the smoke plume in the grass. Never did know who he was, lol :)

Edited by DazTroyer

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You guys seem to have a lot of player interactions and decision making time. Every time I come across a survivor, I have less than half a second before he shoots me. I'm not even trying to communicate - I've been trying to shoot first immediately and sometimes I don't even have time to get a shot off.

I've only once had time to talk to a player before shooting them, and thats when they didn't see me.

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+1 beans for not disconnecting under fire, OP.

I'm just wondering where the headshot came from? I've been in that position and it's very difficult for someone to shoot you if you go prone in a deerstand.....

D'Cing is a dick move, ive only done it once and that was cause i stopped playing immediately because a hacker picked everyone on the server up and dropped us. I got frustrated and logged out to play another time, when I got back on the next day the hourglass wound down and I got back up.

Had no idea that would happen and I was like opps didn't mean to do that.

I'm not 100% sure where the final hit came from, I didn't happen to see it but he used alot of ammo to find it :P

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exactly the attitude thast fucking this game up grow some balls you stupid prick

Exactly what I was thinking :P

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Yeah you get that, but I also had a rewarding exp killing bandits, there was 4 of us in Chern, me and my mate were eating in RL so we hid under a tree in a courtyard, the other 2 were looting a shop just over the road, as they came back to our location they got insta killed by 2 approaching bandits. I could hear one coughing/eating over the wall where my friends bodies lay, so I popped my head round the corner and filled them both with lead with a Winchester, the 2nd one got a shot off at me just before he died and took me down, I was bleeding heavily and my friend managed to bandage me up (had 2-3k left) and gave me a blood transfusion, (got 2 bandit kills) we left it 5 minutes then looted them, they had everything, Rangefinders/NVG/Silenced Weapons/Biggest Packs etc, looted up, and hid in sight of the bodies waiting for my 2 dead friends to rejoin us, also knowing that it was likely the bandits would come back for their gear (as they prolly assumed he killed me also).

Waited for 10 minutes and one by one they both came back, waited for them to loot their body then happily killed them both with their own weapons, waited for my friends to get their gear back/and some of the stuff we couldn't carry, then disposed of the rest. Just as we were leaving one came back saying 'I'm friendly don't shoot' ... Yeah right you are pal... now its the other way round, killed him again and they both logged... boom.

Moral of the story, eating saves lifes.

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From my limited understanding people are only friendly until they feel they have enough teammates/guns/ammo to form a bandit group.

The only winning move is not to play, i.e. Hide out in the damn woods like Bear Grylls, drink your own piss.

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From my limited understanding people are only friendly until they feel they have enough teammates/guns/ammo to form a bandit group.

The only winning move is not to play, i.e. Hide out in the damn woods like Bear Grylls, drink your own piss.

Thats not a bad way to play to learn the game. Hit the woods - find a gun in a barn. Learn how to deal with zombies. Learn how to loot and loot quickly. Learn how to kill sheep for meat and cook it. Learn how to snipe by hitting zombies from a long distance.

THEN start duking it out with other players.

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If you don't have any items, who cares if you die. The best thing to do is go into a low populated server until u can at least get a weapon and then go into a more populated server. if I see ANYONE, I shoot them. As people have said you don't know if you will see them again and get killed. When you know you killed somebody or somebody just died in the text chat to the left, then you know that's 1 less person you have to worry about that will shoot you randomly for at least 5-15 minutes depending on where they spawn. I had a ghillie suit, an m4a1 coco, alice pack, whole bunch of drinks/soda, plenty of ammo, 1911, gps, etc etc and I died to a zombie because he somehow knocked me out. I came back and couldn't find my body(assumed somebody found it and then hid it like an asshole, SOMEHOW- even though I was in a random place). I could only hear the flies around my body. :(. Point being, when you have that much stuff, then it sucks to die. Never bothered me to die with no items.

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mostly i am tired of people saying they friendly in chat/mic, and moment they pick up a gun they want to shoot you in back. Had that happen way too many times, only reason i sometimes just feel like shooting people that are unarmed and just following you.

lil tip: Trust the person that doesnt say friendly and just follows you around, and trust the person with a gun that doesnt shoot you on sight more than someone that says they friendly.

I would think some people would try to be more social, this game is more fun with more friends.... 2-5 group of people doing stuff together is alot more fun than solo. I would trade best weapons in DayZ for a loyal new friend to have good time with any day.

Getting shot also when not having a weapon is jerk move i think as well... (I just hate the loading screen on some servers take 5 to 20mins) to get into the game, just to get sniped by a sniper the moment u spawn in re-spawn area. (nothing survival about it when u get shot while loading into the game)

Group Fights in DayZ are best.... when it 2 vs 3 , or 3 vs 3. or even on some rare cases 5 vs 5. Dog Fights in NW airfields are ton of fun.

Another dick move i found out recently done to me, is a guy showed up in NE, shot my legs, and when he noticed i am just crawling around and didnt have morphine decided to disconnect instead of finishing the job. (decided to just throwing grenade against the wall to bounce off and blowing myself up, instead of a respawn button)

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Another dick move i found out recently done to me, is a guy showed up in NE, shot my legs, and when he noticed i am just crawling around and didnt have morphine decided to disconnect instead of finishing the job. (decided to just throwing grenade against the wall to bounce off and blowing myself up, instead of a respawn button)

Lol I am sorry, but that is pretty funny. And I agree more people with you the better. I always get a RL friend to play with me and we get strategic. If we need items, he will sit on a hill while I go in and he watches my back. We got an ATV up and everything. We got into a huge fight in prigorodky and we ended up dieing to somebody we couldn't see, but we took out a few people. That city was just a warzone. Everybody was there for some reason.

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lil tip: Trust the person that doesnt say friendly and just follows you around, and trust the person with a gun that doesnt shoot you on sight more than someone that says they friendly.

True. The other day I was trying to ditch some zombies chasing me by circling a building. All of the sudden I hear "Don't mind me, just passing through". By the time I noticed him, he already passed me and was running away. He had an AK variant.

I suppose to be safe I could have shot him, as he was headed in the same direction I was, but the guy could have easily taken me out. He spotted me before I spotted him, it was my error. Definitely would not have been okay to shoot him in the back, so I let him go.

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