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RE: Private Hives and 'The Rules' - (Update from Rocket inside)

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Nature tends to lead towards entropy, if you or Rocket happened to forget.

Cutting one's self from the populace? I'm pretty sure that's natural too.

In real life, if you don't like the people you live around, you move.

If you don't like the country you live, you move.

Think about how the countries rapidly began popping up and empires started taking over.

Think about how the United Staes of America was formed.

People didn't like where they were at, so they left the populace and did their own thing.

Nature always leans towards entropy, get used to it.

BTW this is just a game ...

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I'm not recommending any private hives, even though there's two that I frequent, since the reason they've managed to maintain somewhat successful running and experience is down to not advertising them like this.

SInce I let this thread die over 3 days ago, it shows people do want this as an option. I did, however, see two hackers on a private hive yesterday (although they were strangely friendly and offered me weapons) and about 10 minutes after I interacted with them (refused and walked on) the server admin, who was online, rebooted the server (even without the 'no message received' sign) and we were brought back to the lobby, only me, one other person and the admin. I can only assume they were all banned.

If that doesn't make you want to use private hives given the current situation then I don't know what will.

I understand you want to keep them to yourself. Are the servers you see in game any good or should i seek out a good one through a different method?

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I understand you want to keep them to yourself. Are the servers you see in game any good or should i seek out a good one through a different method?

You can only find servers in game.

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Short answer: You are not contributing to help develop and test the mod, this is the whole reason why we are here. Rocket could not care less if you are having a good time, that is not the point of releasing the alpha version of DayZ.

Shorter answer: Don't be a leech.


Also the private servers typically have BattlEye disabled and the cheaters love those, because they won't get banned for cheating. More likely to find cheaters on a non-Hive server for this reason and because they can truly grief you when you have no other servers to play on with that character.

Edited by thisisbleep

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Short answer: You are not contributing to help develop and test the mod, this is the whole reason why we are here. Rocket could not care less if you are having a good time, that is not the point of releasing the alpha version of DayZ.

Shorter answer: Don't be a leech.

While I agree we are here to test the mod you are totally wrong if you think Rocket doesnt want people enjoying their playtime while they are here... Try looking at about any of his interviews.


Also the private servers typically have BattlEye disabled and the cheaters love those, because they won't get banned for cheating. More likely to find cheaters on a non-Hive server for this reason and because they can truly grief you when you have no other servers to play on with that character.

Yes there are a handful or unreputable ones but there are definitely more that have BE enabled and/or custom anti-cheat emplaced. Also for private servers it doesnt show in the server list if it is actually running BE or not. I run BE and it doesnt say I am... even better way to catch cheaters tbh.

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I have been playing DayZ for little more than 2 months or so. I tried a private hive for the first time yesterday. I had a MUCH better experience than I have had the last couple of weeks on regular hive servers. Why?

1. Friendlier community. Out of the 4 players I met, 3 were friendly and the fourth shot me in the back. On regular Hive servers, 4 out of 4 would have been shoot-outs.

2. No tent or .50 cal saturation. So high end gear is rare.

3. No hackers.

4. No server hoppers! (one of my biggest gripes otherwise, people combat DCing and flanking to get an edge on you).

5. Higher stability, better ping, faster loading times.

6. There was tension and excitement again. With a new KOS culture, without knowing where to find tent camps and l337 gear and with a more level playing field everything became much more fun.

Sure, there are drawbacks too but I like the option of playing on regular hive servers sometimes and private servers other times.

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Short answer: You are not contributing to help develop and test the mod, this is the whole reason why we are here. Rocket could not care less if you are having a good time, that is not the point of releasing the alpha version of DayZ.

Shorter answer: Don't be a leech.

Are you telling me I'm not allowed to have fun?

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Short answer: You are not contributing to help develop and test the mod, this is the whole reason why we are here. Rocket could not care less if you are having a good time, that is not the point of releasing the alpha version of DayZ.

Shorter answer: Don't be a leech.


If you put it that way Private servers would seem better for testing actual gameplay without as many scripters or player whom DC for most part. Most players who just started playing Dayz in last month came because of the publicity such as taht on Kotaku and see these videos that make the game look really awesome the expience many are getting is complete different yes this isn't the fault of Rocket and BI, but it should have been expected that many players would want a seperate private feature. A private hive doesn't not effect the experiance of players on public servers at all, people want to experiance more of the gameplay they see thus demand for more private servers will pop up. Vast majority of online games have players who sometimes play on private servers such as BF3, CSS, and even Arma 2 and so on, Yes game play is vastly different in those games but point should still remand the same. I really don't see why so many players here seem so against it. Even in that mashinimananamanamanna interview thing Rocket said they should have played on a private server. Private servers would allow people to make more videos of gameplay and how to play without fear of DCers and scipters adding to popularity of the mod and hopefully show more closely how the standalone version would hopefully play (sans many bugs). Look at the live stream with machinima that live stream was kind of embrassing with all the scipters ruining the game if that was done in a private server maybe then an exagerated amount of hackers wouldn't have ruined it and possibly turning people away from playing. This is an Alpha but still trying to sell the concept and fact there is a player base for a game as unique as this.

Once again if any communities run a Private server could use 7 or 8 more players mature players who aren't dicks pm me with community website literally begging

Edited by Kex
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DayZ is great and all, but I'm going to Lingor until the hacking shit dies down.

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DayZ is great and all, but I'm going to Lingor until the hacking shit dies down.

I'm considering this myself. I can no longer play without having to deal with hackers.

Every day this week, man. I'm serious. Every single day there has been a new hacker or new GROUP of hackers.

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I never said that you could not have fun whilst testing and helping develop DayZ, but that is not the goal of the alpha release.

If we did not enjoy it we would not play, but it means that if something negative happens (e.g. a bug or cheater) you should not start jumping up and down. We know that this is alpha and what the purpose is (to develop DayZ into a standalone game which we can all play and enjoy).

If you play on a private server you are not helping at all, which defeats the whole point. Yes you might have more fun, but again, that is not why we are here.

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See, the stupid thing is I'm in an almost inversion of the mentality surrounding non-hive characters. My Hive character runs around with midrange gear and doesn't give a single shit, because I'm going to end up dead at the hands of a hacker within 3 days. Meanwhile my non-hive character plays much more cautiously; I feel more in control of the situation because I'm not paranoid about being ghosted, and non-hive admins can actually hand out goddamn bans to hackers.

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If you play on a private server you are not helping at all, which defeats the whole point. Yes you might have more fun, but again, that is not why we are here.
Excuse me? Don't tell me why I'm here.

I'm here to have fun. I'm happy to help, but I'm not being paid for this, nor do I have direct access to the development team.

Right now there's very little fun to be had on the public hive. Almost every single encounter I've ever had with players has involved combat logging and hacking. These people have made it impossible to enjoy the mod OR test it. If I want to play on a private hive (something I'm strongly considering at this point), I'll do so without apology. It has absolutely no effect on anyone but me and whatever hive I choose to play on.

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Right now there's very little fun to be had on the public hive. Almost every single encounter I've ever had with players has involved combat logging and hacking. These people have made it impossible to enjoy the mod OR test it. If I want to play on a private hive (something I'm strongly considering at this point), I'll do so without apology. It has absolutely no effect on anyone but me and whatever hive I choose to play on.

If Rocket is running an experiment, that experiment is totally piss everyone off.

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If Rocket is running an experiment, that experiment is totally piss everyone off.

His game already does that, and he knows it.

On the other hand, my problem isn't with his game design. It's unforgiving, that's fine. My problem is with those people who change the rules to the point that I can't actually play.

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i like when people who dont know what they are talking about try to claim that non hive servers have more problems with hackers than hive servers, when thats not even close to true

there are far less hackers on non hive servers

theres still some, but in a week on hive servers, you will get mass killed with everyone else daily or every other day, and on private servers, maybe once a week

hackers dont want to have to jump thru a bunch of extra hoops like downloading another map, its configs, setting it up, getting hotfixes, just to hit a button and watch more random names scroll dead. they can do that on normal servers.

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I'm not recommending any private hives, even though there's two that I frequent, since the reason they've managed to maintain somewhat successful running and experience is down to not advertising them like this.

It sucks, but I'd encourage others to adopt this view, especially until Rocket released more official word on his feelings towards them.

Googling is your friend and so is PM.

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This thread makes me so sad to see the direction dayz could head.

I can't explain it better than rocket has multiple times.

You're taking a groundbreaking game that has a legit chance at success and showing him that it doesn't work and only games that don't really penalize you for making mistakes or playing dumb can succeed.

Instead of letting players balance the game (politics of a post apocalyptic society is what I think rocket calls it) themselves you cut yourself off from the populace and defy that whole concept of the game. You're not really interested in the evolution of player interaction or how the games progresses at all. You only care about your server and forget everything else.

All I can hope for is that people like you don't ruin this game for the people who want to play it the way it was intended and that he sticks with the "core" of his vision for the game.

I play on the hive server with friends with all the combat d/c'ing and server hoppers. I don't think that is rockets vision. On the other hand, the private hive I play on I feel keeps his vision, players can't serverhop for the best loot. The private hive I play on plays exactly the same with the same degree of danger/risk when encountering other players, difference is they can't dc and then flank around you on another server. I see no problem with private servers besides load testing the hive

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I can see why some people are attracted to private hive servers. You get more security from hackers, better / tighter moderation of players and often have a regular base of players who you get to know. Also of course less lag / loading issues.

The only thing that speaks against this is that its contrary to what Rocket (probably) has envisioned for Day Z. Day Z was supposed to be a social experiment and part of that is actually having to stumble upon players you are not familiar with and deal with them. Currently (sadly) the only way this is done is by shooting them, showing that many players have made bad experiences, lack empathy and generally get paranoid while playing Day Z.

This is why people on non hive servers often get "belittled". They go there to avoid annoying encounters, hackers and lag issues, which I can't blame them for. No one likes being frustrated, but at the moment its part of the game. The non hive servers to me are a good indication what the next step of Day Z should be, more grouping / social functions and better control over malicious actions (ALT F4-ing, scripting etc.). If this was implemented and the official game serves would have more fixed communities we would see less non-hive servers.

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Private servers don't give a fuck.

I exclusively play on one of them, cool people and you won't get shot on sight since you have both sidechat and a Mumble server to rely on for communication. 7/10 encounters that don't outright start with hostility for me end up in me saying a location on side or mumble and whoever's there telling me he's friendly over either.

Besides, a couple tweaks on the rules increase the vehicle spawns, and the server being passworded keeps out hackers, and the private hive keeps out hoppers and such. It's how DayZ should be.

To the people saying private servers don't help with developement: It should certainly say something about the developement if people are buying servers to disconnect them from the hive and have fun, shouldn't it? And we run the latest alphas and betas, so we get the same problems and bugs other servers do other than the large-scale hive-related ones, and we still report them to the forums.

Edited by LatinGeek
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I've encountered many players on the private hive. It plays about the same. My first day on private hive I helped someone fight off zombies, gave him a blood transfusion and decided to run with him for a while... 15 minutes later he shot me in the back. I respawned and found him with my alice pack. He shouted at me in direct chat to go to him because what he saw I was being chased by zeds with only a hatchet to defend myself. Little did he know I had just found a m9. He turned around about 15 meters then I changed to my sidearm he turned back around and let him have all 15 rounds. I died soon after when his buddy who I didn't see opened fire on me.

My personal experience with both hives, play pretty much the same

Edited by sivart212

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I never said that you could not have fun whilst testing and helping develop DayZ, but that is not the goal of the alpha release.

If we did not enjoy it we would not play, but it means that if something negative happens (e.g. a bug or cheater) you should not start jumping up and down. We know that this is alpha and what the purpose is (to develop DayZ into a standalone game which we can all play and enjoy).

If you play on a private server you are not helping at all, which defeats the whole point. Yes you might have more fun, but again, that is not why we are here.

What exactly do you think is being tested here?

The only stresstest that occurs is the database being hammered. There is no magic behind it. The exact model that is being used right now won't be used in a standalone version anyway. You can't have this amount of important data send to you by privates who play on an engine that is as shaky as this one right now. Statistics mostly don't matter right now anyway since there is such a massiv amount of duping going on. Do you know how hard a serverhoster theoretically could fuck your beloved hive?

If rocket were to give the option to his paying server-hosters/admins to go private he could collect data as well on let's say an hourly basis. Noone would say shit. You get the same results, the same data, you can have the same banpower. Where is the problem? Feedback to the state of development would be exactly the same.

There is only one thing you as a player get from a central hive and that is server-to-server inventory persistence. That's it. There is nothing more. Get this in your head. Anything else that is of value like tents, vehicles, trading posts and as such the community around these things is bound to the server. The negatives outweigh the positives by a shitton.

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Rocket has changed his views on Private Hives, he wants them in to combat hackers. Discuss.

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Rocket has changed his views on Private Hives, he wants them in to combat hackers. Discuss.

I didn't actually catch that the first time around. I was going to say you took that out of context but it really does seem like he is supporting private servers/hives now. I will totally continue to use them guilt-free now.

I think what he was worried about was people abusing the "private" function in the sense that you have your own server with 1/50 players in it and just play it as a single player game. That's what I got from the message. Fortunately, no private servers/hives are like that and they encourage multiplayer interaction as any standard part of DayZ. I think that was rocket's "vision" as I'm so sick of people misinterpreting and play that line like a fucking broken record. That goes to all of you that posted in this thread with that bullshit carte-blanche.

Its nice that he's actually cleared up that issue since I always felt it as ambiguous regarding these private hives. I'm going to enjoy playing much more now that I know what I'm doing to enjoy the game isn't in fact the taboo that most people, the majority of whom have posted in this thread, consider it to be.

Edited by Anton17

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