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Remove NVG Poll

Remove NVG and NV/Thermal Scopes  

338 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want to remove NVG and NV/Thermal Scopes?

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Removal of any items that allow you to see at nighttime would be awesome, and would bring an amazing gaming experience that comes with playing at nighttime without "fixing" your gamma to see. True excitement is playing at night, with nothing but chemlights, flares, and flashlights.

At the very least, night vision goggles and the L85 should start to require you to refuel it with batteries etc.

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What are you on about? No one uses flashlights because they don't want to be seen easily, NOT because they have NVG's since they are extremely rare and most people don't have them!

Anyone saying they are not rare is lying or extremely lucky. I know heaps of ppl who have played for over 200hours, myself included, and some have found NO NVG's, some a couple of pairs, and myself ONE PAIR. One pair of NVG's in (looks at steam hour tracking) 275 hours.

I know what you are saying but even without NVG's the smart players do not switch on flashlights due to it being so easy to spot in the darkness.

Your right smart players wouldn't use any light source because it exposes they are near. I think one of the main reasons I have against chemlights and flares, is that they can been seen past their light range.

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I for one wouldn't mind them being removed when the standalone is released, so long as there's more flashlight equipped weapons or a way to carry a flashlight and a pistol at once.

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What are you on about? No one uses flashlights because they don't want to be seen easily, NOT because they have NVG's since they are extremely rare and most people don't have them!

Anyone saying they are not rare is lying or extremely lucky. I know heaps of ppl who have played for over 200hours, myself included, and some have found NO NVG's, some a couple of pairs, and myself ONE PAIR. One pair of NVG's in (looks at steam hour tracking) 275 hours.

I know what you are saying but even without NVG's the smart players do not switch on flashlights due to it being so easy to spot in the darkness.

I think it'd be very intriguing if, since this is in Alpha, NVGs and thermals were removed from the game to TEST how it works out. Then we would see how people react when it comes to night. My thoughts are this...

1) Most people would just not go to night servers at first because they can't see.

2) People would find safety in night servers since there aren't people sniping on them that aren't actually skilled.

3) Night servers would serve for some very interesting gameplay as light sources would actually be useful.

4) Night servers would get more activity than ever from your average player instead of just groups playing together at night.

More people will use light sources without NVGs and they'd use them smarter. Flashing your flashlight to get a quick glimpse of your area and then navigating based on silhouettes and memory and throwing flares and chemlights strategically. I'm kind of daydreaming about the interesting gameplay now but they seriously need to be changed somehow and removing them while we're still in Alpha is a great way to test part of what DayZ is about.

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I voted for removal of NVGs.

I personally think it is very boring to play with NVGs myself.

Either you encounter other's with NVG: Equal playing field, like in daylight.

Or you encounter people without NVG: No challenge at all, piece of cake.

NVGs are one factor which is driving the people from the server at night.

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The game is in alpha. Deal with it. If you don't want to deal with rusty game machanics and hackers come back in full release. Right now Rocket needs to be dealing with bugs and graphics issues such as artifacting. He should NOT he focusing on balancing the game. He can do that in Beta when he's getting ready to release it. Everything that needs to be done is being done and he is probably apready working on fixing the duping. Removing NVGs is just going to waste an hour of his that he could be spending fixing bugs.

tl;dr: Let rocket fix bugs when and which ones he wants to. Complain in full release pls

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I think one of the main reasons I have against chemlights and flares, is that they can been seen past their light range.

Tell me, what can be "seen beyond its light range"? Thats not possible per definition.

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The NVG, Rangefinder and coyote backpack are the only items I have not aquired, Don't even think of moving them, Night time play is difficult without the tools.

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Actually, most of night time I can see better without NVG because NVG has low contrast, monochrome palette and blind spots in well lighted areas. Here example - I shot some guy (I didn't kill him because he disconnected) who has NVG.

I wasn't sitting in ambush near that crashed heli - I looted it and was going away from it when I noticed that well packed guy. I immediately went prone and he walked by me really close (about 30 m) and didn't notice. As I hate guys with NVG I decided to shoot him.

Well, you were playing on server with nameplates - it is pretty match wall-hack, really easy to locate players in the darkness in such way :) But yeah, when the moon is out it is really easy to see at night, but when it is cloudy - it is still pitch back. So there will be 2 options - either flare/chemlight/flashlight or NVG. I think that NVGs should stay, but a duping exploit is freaking ruining the game itself.

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well saying as arma2 is a millsim game, the L85 should have the IR removed. The CWS is a NV sight only IRL so id love to know where the IR sight came from.

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Rocket has said that it's not supposed to be that dark at night. The reason it's that dark is because in ARMA you don't play at night unless you're equipped with NVGs anyway.

I would honestly prefer if there were more light at night, but no NVGs.

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I would like to see how removing them would change the how players deal with night.

They HAVE TO LEARN how to survive in the darkness. Next I'm going to whine a little bit about "good old days". Nowadays it's hard to find night sever because most of them just shifted time (I would restrict that btw) but I remember days when most of people had to play at night. Night servers were full of people - flares and chemlights everywhere, shots and cries in the night - I loved it. Now night servers are almost empty, usually 10-15 guys, I suspect half of them have NVG and those assholes are sitting in ambush near NWAF/Sobor and waiting their prey or sniping in Cherno/Electro. I've been playing a month before I found my first and last NVG. I've been playing only at night because when I came from work there is night in Europe (GMT+3). I think idea "give flashlights to everyone at spawn" is pretty bad. Flares and chemlights make gameplay more interesting, more dangerous and more intense. I used to throw flares and loot buildind just on the edge between light and dark. I've learnt how to navigate in complete darkness using stars, trees and building silhouettes, using sound of steps (steps sounds more louder on a roads: if you want to follow a road - just listen). And I remember feeling of huge relief when you find a flashlight. And most of the people are running with flashlights like idiots - it's very unsafe. You have to use "stroboscope technique" - turn flashlight for a moment, remember environment and turn it off. Now it's all gone. I haven't seen flares and chemlights for ages (they are useless now I don't know why they are spawning everywhere). I miss those nights full of life, scary as hell2012-05-12_00002.jpg

Edited by rman1974
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As an additional point I think there needs to be MORE content for high end players. It needs to be difficult to acquire and hard to find but it needs to be there. Currently I can't see a single way to improve my load-out, I have absolutely everything, NVGs, Rangefinder, GPS, Ghille, SVD Camo, M4 SD, Grenades, the lot, and with no helis a f***all else to do I'm just going round the map killing players. More high-level content and base-building would mean less banditry and more cooperation.

Here's an idea: When I had basically the same loadout as you, I ran into 2 survivors in the middle of Elektro and i told them to shoot me in the face. When they declined I dropped a grenade on all three of us. Then I got to start fresh, and it was pretty entertaining again. The main problem i see here is you are way too attached to your gear.

Edit: Spelling, Grammar.

Edited by Shnoogy

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Tell me, what can be "seen beyond its light range"? Thats not possible per definition.

I think what he means is, you drop a flare outside a building, the entire INSIDE of the building is lit up. There is no clipping for lightsources.

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Tell me, what can be "seen beyond its light range"? Thats not possible per definition.

the actually chemlight object can be seen further than the light it emits, I've seen chemlights on the ground (no light just the sticks) at ~100 meters

Edited by Orthus

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nvgs are pretty rare and usefull with not every gun

they are required to see at night when its dark, giving you an advantage against players freshly spawned

i personally dont see any problem with nvgs, but duping is extremely gamebreaking

They are not "required" by any means. Especially not from a survival perspective.

There are flashlights, chemlights, flares, weapons with flashlights, compass works at night and you occasionaly can orient by the stars. Nightplay is graphically beautiful and very atmospheric.

I currently have NVG and find it a bit pointless since most night servers are low pop.

Rather than removing it, the game should not be boring deathmatch/trolliing but about survival, so people would actually play at night with proper lighting.

Edited by perestain

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... ffs remove that silly quote button ....

Edited by perestain

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Should be very rare, like any of the high end military gear (excluding GPS).

Yup, so leave it as is then.

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Keep NVG's remove thermal's.

*flame suit on for them thermal using fag's*

[Warned - Ubi]

Edited by UbiquitousBadGuy

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the actually chemlight object can be seen further than the light it emits, I've seen chemlights on the ground (no light just the sticks) at ~100 meters

Wait, have you tested real chemlights and tried to see how far they truly can be seen when no other light sources are around? Have a bit of fun and google research the subject. I can't remember the exact numbers but even a cigarette burning can be seen from more than 50 metres away, a candle can be seen from a km at least.....so I don't know how far a chemlight can be seen but 100m doesnt seem unrealistic to me

Ok hold on a sec I just re-read that. You're saying you can see the stick with no light from further away than the actual light? How can you if there's no light to see the stick? Maybe with your HDR cranked up as well as gamma but I don't see how you can do what you are saying???

Edited by Irenicus

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Found NVGs two days ago at a chopper crash site... Heck let me enjoy them!

Altough i like the feeling on night servers without NVGs, so i might will trade them or drop them in the future.

Ok hold on a sec I just re-read that. You're saying you can see the stick with no light from further away than the actual light? How can you if there's no light to see the stick? Maybe with your HDR cranked up as well as gamma but I don't see how you can do what you are saying???

You can see a little glowing dot with the colour of the chemlight from at least 200 meters, that's how far i have tested it.

Edited by Tex Willer

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Keep NVG's remove thermal's.

*flame suit on for them thermal using fag's*

Wait, someone is a "fag" because they were lucky enough to find an L85? Which IMO is the rarest gun in the game and I only know 2 people who have found them! I personally have yet to find even ONE in over 270 hours of play

BTW you might want to edit your post before I report you for discrimination. One thing I know Rocket and the Devs have no tolerance for is racism and homophobic comments

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Found NVGs two days ago at a chopper crash site... Heck let me enjoy them!

Altough i like the feeling on night servers without NVGs, so i might will trade them or drop them in the future.

You can see a little glowing dot in the colour of the chemlight from at least 200 meters, that's how far i have tested it.

How are you seeing 200meters away, a tiny little stick?

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