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DayZ Public TeamSpeak (512 slots)

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Hello, I'd like to introduce my new 512 slot TeamSpeak server (Hosted by Swift-Gaming) dedicated to DayZ. (Yes their are a few others but why only have 4-5 500 slot servers with 500k unique players

on DayZ?)

We now HOST us 1040 :)

Server Stuff:

Slots : 512

Staff needed?: Yes

IP: swift-gaming.hiddencorner.org

Port: 9987

WebSite: http://swift-gaming....ner.org/forums/


We ARE looking for staff members, Administrators and Moderators of the TeamSpeak server to ensure all rules are followed and that the clients using our TeamSpeak are being treated fairly and not being harassed by others.

Also this is a NEW TeamSpeak, bring all your friends in.


  • All DayZ Rules are to be followed
  • Respect the Administration (They aren't paid to be staff)
  • Talking about ANY hacks/exploits/dupes will result in a ban and it will be forwarded to DayZ staff
  • No Hacking


Any feedback is welcomed and will be read, reply to this forum or send to my email

Any major problems are to be E-mailed to [email protected]

Custom channels/ Server groups will be assigned to clans, or a group of people that are regularly in the TeamSpeak (Contact Hunter)

Once again, we are in NEED of staff for this TeamSpeak. Contact Hunter ASAP for a application. (All Timezones, Bilingual is also nice)

Edited by HunterBoy
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This is incredible, i'll stop by on it tomorrow when i do my round of banditry.

if you need any help with anything relating to it, please feel free to contact me.

Cheers mate, it's great to see people letting the community use their TS's.

Edited by Diederik

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Holy crap that's crazy. I can only imagine how awesome that would be if everyone were in the same channel. haha.

Good on ya for setting this up. I'll try to swing by next time I'm online.

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Holy crap that's crazy. I can only imagine how awesome that would be if everyone were in the same channel. haha.

Good on ya for setting this up. I'll try to swing by next time I'm online.

We have a ton of channels, just for the reason being not everyone is going to play nicely together :P I'm thinking of maybe doing a "Bandit/Survivor" TS Icon to determine who's who :D

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GOOD IDEA however i have joined a public ts server in the past only to have some random enter the channel , listen to our comms and then kill us all so maybe passworded rooms

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Relocating the box

Edited by HunterBoy

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Who knows, possibility it will never come back up.

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Who knows, possibility it will never come back up.

This guy <_< :lol:

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Well This is intresting so pegz and yukki if the server dies we need to get everyone back together and not loose contact


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Haha hunter you promote a server then shut it down? What a joke haha

Me dishing 50$ a month out of my pocket for kids like you? That's why I'm contemplating not even paying for the box again.

Edited by HunterBoy

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Well This is intresting so pegz and yukki if the server dies we need to get everyone back together and not loose contact


Yea I kno. We've been on ts100.light-speed.com:3729 today, I found a old hatchback on US385 needs wheels engine hull and fuel repairs. I have one tire so far.

Haha hunter you promote a server then shut it down? What a joke haha

eff off douche we don't want your kind on our server anyway. All servers have downtime.

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We're currently trying to work out the funds with the staff we have, will follow-up if we figure something out.

If you'd like to help us get things up and running again, please send me a PM so I can give you further information. We appreciate any help we receive and we do apologize for this downtime, this was my fault entirely I thought the box was due to be paid in the next week, not today.

We need 12.50$ more! If you donate to get us back up we'll help you out somehow. We're going to setup a Supporter tag


^^ Donate there

Edited by HunterBoy
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Pretty damn close to what we need. Hopefully we'll be up tomorrow. (If we get the money needed)

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Need to keep better track of things like this... Wish I could help but the steam sale sucked away all the money I had.

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Need to keep better track of things like this... Wish I could help but the steam sale sucked away all the money I had.

They usually pop me a email a week before its due but didn't this time, for unknown reasons. I have contact with them and they do know that we are getting the money together (Really close as soon as this last eCheque clears we should be good to go) will follow up when everything is settled. Thanks again to anyone that donated.

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Edited by HunterBoy

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