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Night time doesn't serve a purpose

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No shit night time servers are less populated. Also, stop dancing around the fact that night time is a great advantage. Travel at night.


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Would be good to see such thing in DayZ, i think.

But.. You DO see such thing in DayZ. Some nights have full moon, others have no moon.

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Well it depends on night, On full moon, you can see anything good.

And on full moon during winter, i remember, it was REALLY bright.

Would be good to see such thing in DayZ, i think.

Yeah well a snowy ground + clear sky with the moon out is a different scenario than no snow and the moon out. But yeah, I get what you're saying :)


i never considered this but you have a point, thats sick.

Yeah, here's a quick tutorial on how to know where north is. Very useful with the help of an internet map to not get lost in the dark :)


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I spy with my little eye; A city boy.

I live in a pretty small town. And if I leave the "safety" of the street lights, you can't even see the ground you walk on.

And I have a naturally great "nightvision." (Just able to see well in the dark.)

Really? Because I've lived all over the place including small towns, and on a clear night the moon and stars provide plenty of ambient light to see around you... you might want to get your eyes checked, Also if you're the one who can't see w/o a street light it sounds more to me like you're the city kid?

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Night time is great for camping as everyone goes for Stary Sobor and the Airfield, and usually you see them comming from miles away because they have their flashlight out.

That is untill you meet a brightness/gamma cheater or someone with nightvision ;).

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Someone sounds mad. I do live in the middle of nowhere, and streetlights are only around the very middle of the place.

It's not hard to go somewhere where there's no light at all, besides the moonlight.

DayZ DOES have moonlight, and if there's a full moon, you actually CAN see during the night, without a flashlight or NVGs.

But if it's cloudy, you can only pray to your personal deity.

(Can't recall if trees block moonlight in DayZ, but they do in real life, so walking around the nearby forest I have here, does make you wish for something more than just the moon to light your path.

While I disagree with your initial statement this part is true. Moonlight without clouds is actually quite bright and you can see quite visibly and is no where near as dark as it is in game. That said if its raining or your in the woods it's quite literally that dark and you would be stumbling into tree after tree. I'm not sure if something like this can be scripted into the game, where the moon does have an effect and you can see shadows and such in game but only in clear open spaces. Wandering around in the woods or if its raining you will require some form of light source to see. This is only an idea since I agree with the OP, no one uses night servers because its to dark and using a flash-light pretty much spells your demise.

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from what i understand your eyes get used to night lighting conditions. i was playing last week from ~5pm to 3-4am with a friend of mine and I had no issues seeing in the night at all. i didn't pay much attention to the sky, so it might have been a clear moonlit night as well, however.

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Really? Because I've lived all over the place including small towns, and on a clear night the moon and stars provide plenty of ambient light to see around you... you might want to get your eyes checked, Also if you're the one who can't see w/o a street light it sounds more to me like you're the city kid?

"Try moving into Finland. Wait for winter.

The nights are dark as hell.

Nights are not as dark everywhere, and the season is a factor.

Winter days are darker than summer nights here."

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Here's another new guy bitching about night time.

Yes night is very dark but it also allows for you to be sneakier seeing as how zeds can't see at night also you can't be spotted by snipers as easily.

Night serves a purpose if you're not very sneaky and you want easy loot.

I LOVE NIGHT. When I was a newbie I hated it but now, I would rather have night than day. At night I can move faster and get more done. You sir, get beans!

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I love playing while it's dark, zombies can't see shit so can run safely while crouched, the people who have NVG's are usually in high-risk/High-reward places and the common bandits don't know you're there unless they hear you (If you don't go using flares and chems, obviously)

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While I disagree with your initial statement this part is true. Moonlight without clouds is actually quite bright and you can see quite visibly and is no where near as dark as it is in game. That said if its raining or your in the woods it's quite literally that dark and you would be stumbling into tree after tree. I'm not sure if something like this can be scripted into the game, where the moon does have an effect and you can see shadows and such in game but only in clear open spaces. Wandering around in the woods or if its raining you will require some form of light source to see. This is only an idea since I agree with the OP, no one uses night servers because its to dark and using a flash-light pretty much spells your demise.

ACTUALLY just when I had been talking about this here, last night I did get alot of moonlight during the night. Every tree cast a shadow with nvg's on and when you took them off and let your eyes adjust, the moon did light the ground that wasn't shaded by trees. It looked spectacular :o

So apparently it's all about the weather and time of night, I guess... as later on that night it got pitch black with a cloudy sky.

Damn, I should've taken some screens, come to think about it... Captain Hindsight at work again.

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Personally I love playing at night. It makes sense to only move around at night as a survivor where everything in the game is out to get you. The Darkness is your friend. Also, just jack your gamma settings up. You will be able to see fine. (most of the time) Or, give your self the mission to find nvg. They are out there, you just have to find them. Then you will love playing at night, in the rain, on a cloudy night.

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Night is good. Use chemlights. Wait out the rain. Hunt NVGs or players who would have them. Rely on your map and compass. Go very very slow. Take a break to work on your novel at night while you wait for the next full moon.

It's a realism mod for a realism game. You can't really separate night from that.

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Start by increasing your High Dynamic Range lighting quality to maximum.

You go from seeing absolute black to being able to discern shapes, such as trees, grass, shrubs and even zombies and other players.

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Just going to clear this up really fast the lighting at night is effected by the lunar cycle, the cloud cover, and the visible stars. Some nights are darker than others but this is simply something that honestly doesn't need changing. You are playing a simulator not a mainstream fps and you need to learn this and accept it or maybe move on to something else. All I have seen you do in this entire thread is bitch, complain, and flame anyone without the same opinion as you. Grow up and realize the game is working as intended as you can see on some nights and not others (once again this is a sim not cod or bf get over it already or get out) There are several weapons that have flashlights on them and there are also military flashlights you can get in a tree stand that are less visible. Also different chemlights have different visible spectrums blue and green can bee seen from a fair distance I recommend using red if you have to as it draws less attention with a smaller visible radius. Use the things the game gives to you to get through the night or play on a daytime server.


Edit quoted the wrong person you know who I'm talking about

Edited by Corpselooter

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I spy with my little eye; A city boy.

I live in a pretty small town. And if I leave the "safety" of the street lights, you can't even see the ground you walk on.

And I have a naturally great "nightvision." (Just able to see well in the dark.)

so true haha. there's so much rest light everywhere that it aint half as dark as it would be normally.

anyone who's been to places before far away from the city or towns knows that at night it's pitch black. when you're lucky you've got a full moon to see something.

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Night is awesome, I've noticed the loot is much better at night. During the day i never find a sniper rifle @ the NW airfield, but at night I will be unlucky not to see at least 1 DMR or M24. Heck every SVD I've found (4 in total) was at night.

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Love the night, but i normally have NVg's. Last night got killed by a tree on the north face of Klen. I had some nice gear and didnt want to loose it, and i was on a server that restarted every 3 hours.... no idea where in the cycle i was when i logged in and died. Anyway, i spawn ay Kamyshovo and quickly started running up the coast as fast as i could. No gamma warrior, no weapon, no nothing. It was creepy, scary and fun. Even passed by 2 players gassing up a boat in Niznohye. I ran right to the north store in Berezino, kinda impressed myself with my accuracy only navigating by silhouettes on the horizon. Found a Mac and Map in short order, set a way point and was on my way again. When i got there, i couldnt find my body, there were no flies or anything so after about 5 minutes of searching i started to leave. Suddenly i heard flies to my left, i shined my light in the offending tree and saw a face with NVGs! My body had returned!! Took another couple of minutes to find the sweet spot, but i eventually got it and got all my gear back save the camo clothes. Any way, it was an adventure running up there in the dark, doing it old school. Its shit like that the actually keeps me coming back.

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LOL.. saying night time doesnt have a purpose in a game, the developer try to make realistic is like saying:

"WHY THE HELL, is there night time IRL.. IT SERVES NO PURPOSE"

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In real life, you still can see in night even without any light ,but in this game all i see is a black screen . you are fucking right

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