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What was your most annoying/worst death in DayZ?

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I got sniped as I was experiencing the graphical artifact glitch, made me mad because I was basically blind :\

Edited by Icy954

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miles from nowhere i needed a bit of food seen a outside toilet went to open door it broke my leg :rolleyes: i died

my friend topped this today and had been alive for along time had ghille suit great sniper all the shit you need and how did he die ? a tree :lol: lol tree glitched and killed him :lol: :lol: :lol:

death by tree cant beat that shit

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miles from nowhere i needed a bit of food seen a outside toilet went to open door it broke my leg :rolleyes: i died

my friend topped this today and had been alive for along time had ghille suit great sniper all the shit you need and how did he die ? a tree :lol: lol tree glitched and killed him :lol: :lol: :lol:

death by tree cant beat that shit

Same here. Latrine door=broken leg now, and killing trees! ;D This game gonna more funny now than L4D2....

Another shitty dead. I just was on de65 server. This is server with bots! We runned with my wingman in forrest, then two shots, two deaths... I said ok, it's happens. But when started in the middle in nowhere, running forrest near three valleys same shiit - sudden headshot. Must be bot or cheater. But I'm for bot, because when other killing people, on server info about friendly fire. But after our death was just XXX was killed. No comment.

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Whenever someone server hops to spawn behind me, and shoots me in the back.

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Just then, A noob tp'd to my base he had some sorta desert camo AUG lookign then and mowed us down, Lost a Ural, V3s, Offroad pickup, Bus, Van, Tractor, Motorbike, ATV, and 2 bikes........

thank god man now other people can get a chance to play with a vehicle

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Running through the woods. A sniper comes over and tells me to stop. I stop, we talk, i tell him that if he needs something like food or water or bloodpacks he can have some because i have more than enough. he said no, gave me a map. i say thanks we both say goodbye, i walk 10 meters he killed me with his as50.

i was pretty stunned at what schizophrenic fucks are around.

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Accidently agro'd a zombie who broke my leg on its first hit, forcing me to shoot it with my AKM. As a result I agro'd every zombie around me which all rushed me down without me being able to do anything about it.

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going prone whilst running into sand bags at the military camp outside Balota airport, i fell through the map and found myself swimming in an ocean, then quickly presented with the death screen. i lost my gullie suit, fn fal, alice pack and other lovely items. i cried myself to sleep.

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I have had several. One time I just logged in dead. I've been one hit killed by zombies three times (also, all on video) and I've been hacked and turned into a goat in the middle of the ocean to die several times. However, the most annoying had to be this...

oh man! terrible death, i can feel the uncosonsciousness. if this shit happens your just WTF! But the server you were playing on was pretty lagy man! you should have realized that something is wrong when you tried to use the bandage.

i am sorry for you mate.

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shooting up folks in elektro, then the guys got mad and turned on a hack and teleported to me. i actually killed him (half a mag of dmr and he passed out, 2 mags of prenerf 1911 to the head and he FINALLY died). killed another guy then got teleported into water and killed.

was so angry. respawned and literally 5 minutes after i started some guy tries to hunt me down in a farm complex between cherno and elektro. i snuck up behind him with a hatchet (the only item i had) and POW, dmr, coyote pack, lots of tools.

so, my worst death led immediately to my best kill. was so pissed when the hacker killed me, and so elated when i got hatchet kill on a geared-out sniper when i had nothing.

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Getting killed by a player who was invulnerable and invisible.

He's on screen taunting us, we unload full clisp into him, he laughes, turns invisible and kills us all.

What's the point in playing with shit like this >:(

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Worst Death? Too many to count them. I really hate death by a bug.

1. I climbed up some stairs in a castle north of electro. On the roof suddenly my legs were broken. I went back down and lost again blood crossing the same position on this roof. Then i died! Same happened in an light tower.

2. Once i was in a barrack on the airfield. A Zombie hit me through the wall and made me bleed. After i got him down i opened a door and had a broken leg(even if the door hit my head). I killed myself since i had no morphium and too many annoying graphical effects.

3. One day i walked in the night north of Gorka through the woods. Suddenly i died with no obvious reason.

4. Another day i found a silenced M4 and a silenced M9 in the same barrack. Died by zombies shortly after this because i got hit at 7000 blood, was unconscious instantly and got hit by the zombies for 1500 life each hit. Lost everything. Not even my nearby friend was able to help me because they kicked the blood out of me so fast.

5. another day i lured for a player at the airfield. He was hiding in a hangar. Then i died suddenly. My friend in the nearby bushes told me that a grenade fucked the whole building up in a little atomic mushroom explosion. Grenades are vocking strong! Didn't even see that he was throwing it at me.

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I travelled with a friend all the way up north w/ some decent gear. I believe we were at Devil's Castle, I was on on top of the highest "castle" scoping the area out w/ my DMR. All of a sudden I see through my scope a moving world. I am sooooo confused, I right-click to unscope and realize I'm falling off the side of the castle. I fall to the ground and die. My friend goes to loot my body and gets sniped.

The only time I honestly thought about quitting the game lol

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My 39 or 41 days char got shoot in the head by friend fire, while we shoot some zed into a school. The shooter was aiming zed head, and just ignored my warning "coming thought door at 9 o'clock" and make his shoot :}

Instantly death from a markarov into the head, at about 1m... Later he and other friend have to guard my body until I run to Mogivileka. Later 2 other guys arrived at city and got killed by my body guards :}.

I finished better after death, because these two dudes have 6 bloodbag, antibiotics, and good military loot :)

Edited by octopos

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Death by any bug.

Last night, for example: Ran to NE airfield, See infected spawn on the south side of the ATC. I run around the north side. As I approach the door, 4 infected spawn, one swings at me, breaks my legs and as I try to crawl in the ATC, the other 3 attack and I pass/bleed out.

First week of playing: Climb up to a factory roof in Cherno to avoid mass infected attack, I'm trying to look over the edge (3rd person view) to see how many are down there, and I feel my self sliding. (i'm not hitting anything on the KB, yet I'm sliding) Off the edge I go....dead.

Infected killing me through the barracks walls at the NW airfield

Opening a door, it hits me once, and I die instantly.

So yeah, death by any in game bug just sucks ass.

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Worst death for me wasnt really a death for me but my team.

We were farming NW Airfield and were looking for vehicle parts. I went into the large industrial building near the north barracks. I stopped to check the DayZ DB map and I hear a commotion from my teammates. As I come back in I can gather the entire team was killed by a hacker.

Panicking I run upstairs (the one w stairs and a U shaped upstairs w 1 room) and peek out of a boarded up window w an opening at head height. BINGO I see the hacker w Z's all around him. I bring up my L85A2 AWS and try and bear down on him...... for some reason my gun is bouncing rapidly up and down as if I needed pain killers... as I am proccessing this the hacker starts at dead run at me from 200m+ firing 4-5 rounds out of his 1911. 2 strike me dealing 5k dmg. I alt + f4.

The entire team lost their gear (NVGs l85s m107s etc)

part that pisses me off is I could have has him if all he had was radar and auto aim :S

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Spawn in, "gambles has died" in plains with nothing, D/C rejoin different server. Sitting on beach with not even a backpack. Didn't even get the excitement of watching myself die or knowing someone was taking my loot, just striped because of a bug. Not killed...but moise well have been.

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spent hours on a character and i was in great shape. Found a tractor at my spawn. I was decked out and then i eventually crashed the tractor, i didnt know you die instantly like that lol.

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