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Bring Side Chat BACK!

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I have found many friendly people using side chat I do not think it breaks the game at all if there are people that do not want to see others conversations or have people talking from all over the map then I think there should be an option to enable or disable sidechat but I honestly think there would be less shoot on site situation then there are now if there was side chat, have you ever been in a game where a new player I asking how to do this or that? How do they figure that stuff out? A) figure it out themselves (not terrible) or B) have someone help them (everyone likes to feel welcome when playing a new game right?) Bring Side Chat BACK!!!! Plzzzzz?

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They won't bring it back, unfortunately, it DOES take away immersion. It also encourages the "shoot first, ask questions later mentality", which I don't like at all.

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It was spammy and annoying. The amount of idiots who use to yell out 'FRIENDLYFIRENDLYFRIENDLY DONT SHOOT! DONT SHOOT!" over the sidechat really got on my nerves.

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No thanks, I really like DayZ now that I don't have to listen to the pissy moaning of teenagers. It's bad enough that they play the game, I don't want to have to read their inane discussions about how they're going to fuck my mom or whatever.

No, side chat can stay dead please.

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Every once in a blue moon there were some cool people I could chat with while traveling is all. I guess you're all right about the spaminess. An then there were the people using VOIP over side driving me nuts.

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-Add walkie-talkie/radio type loot item

-Open sidechat or something similar when in possetion of said item

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-Add walkie-talkie/radio type loot item

I would like to see some kind of CB Radio type system. Would be pretty neat. Or even an actual radio tower where a player could enter and broadcast to radios in other locations or carried by players. Then here the gunfire as someone silences his for playing Top 40 garbage.

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I joined US 173 the other day which still had side chat going. There were a bunch of guys going round in a bus having so much fun and getting everyone to come along with them. It was pretty awesome. I really miss side chat.

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Side chat was good and bad. The good part was that it offered a bit of comic relief to some of the more interesting situations that happened on the server, and it had allowed me the opportunity to carefully gain trust with someone I ended up squading with, which was great fun.

The bad: well, immersion...while the simple chat could break immersion, the morons that decided that side chat was a satisfactory place to use VON absolutely filled my soul with hatred.

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Nobody payed attention to where I said have a disable and enable button for sidechat huh?

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Nobody payed attention to where I said have a disable and enable button for sidechat huh?

I agree. Right now, I feel there is no encouragement to team up with other players in game.

Sure, you could post that you're looking for a clan or team or help on the forums, but other players can easily pose as friendly's, then gun you down for entertainment. There's actually several videos of this happening.

The same thing could happen in game, of course, but... In a server, it's real time and people are actively engaged in the game, which makes it more desirable to group up with someone else who's in the game (who's facing the same challenges you are) for a little bit to get through a city, or help repair a vehicle, or whatever, then go your separate ways. Or, come to like each other's play style, and decide to group up more often.

They say trust no one in DayZ, and i agree. But I know there's a lot of players out there who just want to help the newbs get set to defend themselves against bandits and zombies.. But the newbs don't know which players are friendly and which are bandits.. So we get the fire fight fest automatically on sight of players. Haven't seen a zombie apocalypse in real life, but in the movies there's usually camps with several survivors that work as a militia to defend the well being of the group. Then again, they usually all end up turning on eachother..

Of course this is just my personal opinion, it's not backed by a lot of facts, and in no way am i grilling the DayZ team for disabling it. The negatives are there for side chat, but i feel the positives out weigh them. With an enable/ disable feature, i feel it would please the majority of the player base. Just a suggestion to improve a mod that is still in alpha. Regardless, mod is still very enjoyable and interesting, and I'll continue to play with my RL group e/w.

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It ruins the immersion. It's unrealistic. Just wait for radios.

Or join a server's TS server. Half the ones I join have open TS servers in the MOTD.

If you want friends to play with, there are a million ways to make them and coordinate outside the game. You're using one now.

Edited by Junos

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Is there actually confirmation that radios are going to be added? or is it just a suggestion that's been thrown around? Seems like it would be the same as having a optional side chat. Unless, of course, you could change the frequency to certain channels. That would be a great alternative. Although it would be kind of hard to find out what frequency a player you want to team up with is using without a side chat

Like i said before, I'll be playing with my RL friends and patiently waiting for a good solution to this death match mentality for as long as it takes. Thanks for the food for thought though.

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Rocket has said that he would like to add them someday.

IMO, nothing is ever confirmed until it is released. This is a grand, adventurous experiment.

But it feels a lot more like having an adventure trying to survive when you can't telepathically communicate with everyone in the world.

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I think the games more interesting without it

I never used in-game voice/chat (stick to group voip), but I don't see how you come to that conclusion. Side chat helped newbies ask questions, helped survivors find each other (at their own risk of course), etc. Direct chat is beyond useless, you have to be *way* too close for them to see it, and you can't know for sure whether they saw it or not (imo there should be a direct chat with a fairly wide radius so you can be sure some one sees it, plus a whisper for when you want ONLY the guy next to you to see it). I feel sorry for the people actually trying to play with randoms without 3rd party apps, shit is beyond broken.

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The loss of side chat makes dying that much more painful - because you may never get to talk to the person who killed you, let alone exact revenge on them. The chat only allowed attention whores to ramble and victims to cry foul at their killers. It has no place in DayZ.

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