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Please stop with anti-sandbox suggestions!

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I don't know how anyone is seeing a noob survivor as some sort of expert.

You have two cans of beans' date=' a canteen, some basic meds and a shitty pistol that isn't any good beyond 20 yards anyway.

You don't start as a survival expert. You have to get the right gear and learn the world. I think it works just fine.


You can also run infinitely, instantly master any gun, are apparently a master of first aid and basically know how to do anything and everything the moment you pick up a certain item. In that way one could consider you as an expert... Just because I haphazardly stumble across a wheel I shouldn't suddenly become an insane car mechanic that can pretty much transform a wreck into a working car.

The running is a flaw that can be fixed with ACE (if ever added). First aid........ eh I don't think it should be so easy, I'd rather it take longer and most wounds should require help from someone who takes time to learn a system.... like you guessed it ACE! Also have you seen the way people shoot? Experts not at all.

I would rather see flat tires and no oil/gas for the car rather than fixing the whole thing. Helicopters should go away.

Btw, who is to say that we the "Survivors" aren't some sort of expert in at least basic survival, we just have extremely limited means at start.

The weak die, the educated and capable live on. That's the point. You may be a software developer who has never gotten away from his PC in years. I on the other hand am a former Marine who likes to camp and tries to pack as light as possible and live off the land and I grew up working on cars and I've taken a Combat Life Saver course and I'm personally just into a lot of different things that have given me a skill set.

So just because you would die because you don't think you're qualified to be a survivor doesn't mean I'm not.

So I think I would be more or less okay.

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The more I think about it, I think a 'start' class would work. But no improvement, leveling, et al. All it would do is give you a possible boost in one skill (e.g., a Doctor gets more benefits from bandaging or blood transfusions, a Soldier a better starting gun, etc.). But you still start out on the beach, and you write the story from there.

In other words, no real classes or leveling, just a 'backgrounder' start. Being a good Soldier takes months/years, a good Doctor years/decades. You can't get that chopping wood.

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The only problem I have with this is that there are only a couple of ways of doing it in ArmA.

A: Have predefined players slots in servers for each class, which means when one class fills up people will come on here and bitch because there aren't enough slots for their preference.

B: There is a gear menu that you can choose from before you launch the mission (at least in COOP missions) but this gear menu is total and complete shit and most mission builders opt for just putting ammo crates down where the mission begins.

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Look, b/c there are no set goals besides survive, and even then ur not rewarded for surviving nor killing, DayZ has created one of the most enjoyable experiences in a game that I have ever had. If players want to kill each other so be it. IF u want to be a survivor and team up to survive then u can do that to. When u start punishing, and limiting how we play, u start down the path of linear mmo's and other games that aren't popular. This is a fresh approach to survival, even beyond the original Resident evil which was truly a survival horror game, imagine if RE was half of this mod, imagine how popular that game would be.

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The running is a flaw that can be fixed with ACE (if ever added). First aid........ eh I don't think it should be so easy' date=' I'd rather it take longer and most wounds should require help from someone who takes time to learn a system.... like you guessed it ACE! Also have you seen the way people shoot? Experts not at all.

I would rather see flat tires and no oil/gas for the car rather than fixing the whole thing. Helicopters should go away.

Btw, who is to say that we the "Survivors" aren't some sort of expert in at least basic survival, we just have extremely limited means at start.

The weak die, the educated and capable live on. That's the point. You may be a software developer who has never gotten away from his PC in years. I on the other hand am a former Marine who likes to camp and tries to pack as light as possible and live off the land and I grew up working on cars and I've taken a Combat Life Saver course and I'm personally just into a lot of different things that have given me a skill set.

So just because you would die because you don't think you're qualified to be a survivor doesn't mean I'm not.

So I think I would be more or less okay.


That doesn't mean I wouldn't have a single chance at all, granted you'd have an edge over me when it comes to certain things (the background story) we'd both learn as we go along however, learning through experience as everyone does. ('leveling') Granted I'm a developer now but I lived on the coutry-side when I was young and know how to fix cars, I built my own house pretty much from scratch. Someone else might be a qualified doctor, heck the three of us could team up and learn from eachothers strengths and help mitigate eachothers weaknesses.

That's the kind of 'leveling' and 'backstory' system I'm on about.. and yeah one could abuse that and powerlevel in a way but that hardly matters, you can be a god with guns but one misstep and one zombie in the wrong place is all it takes to screw everything up. That's what's so great about perma-death.

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The running is a flaw that can be fixed with ACE (if ever added). First aid........ eh I don't think it should be so easy' date=' I'd rather it take longer and most wounds should require help from someone who takes time to learn a system.... like you guessed it ACE! Also have you seen the way people shoot? Experts not at all.

I would rather see flat tires and no oil/gas for the car rather than fixing the whole thing. Helicopters should go away.

Btw, who is to say that we the "Survivors" aren't some sort of expert in at least basic survival, we just have extremely limited means at start.

The weak die, the educated and capable live on. That's the point. You may be a software developer who has never gotten away from his PC in years. I on the other hand am a former Marine who likes to camp and tries to pack as light as possible and live off the land and I grew up working on cars and I've taken a Combat Life Saver course and I'm personally just into a lot of different things that have given me a skill set.

So just because you would die because you don't think you're qualified to be a survivor doesn't mean I'm not.

So I think I would be more or less okay.


That doesn't mean I wouldn't have a single chance at all, granted you'd have an edge over me when it comes to certain things (the background story) we'd both learn as we go along however, learning through experience as everyone does. ('leveling') Granted I'm a developer now but I lived on the coutry-side when I was young and know how to fix cars, I built my own house pretty much from scratch. Someone else might be a qualified doctor, heck the three of us could team up and learn from eachothers strengths and help mitigate eachothers weaknesses.

That's the kind of 'leveling' and 'backstory' system I'm on about.. and yeah one could abuse that and powerlevel in a way but that hardly matters, you can be a god with guns but one misstep and one zombie in the wrong place is all it takes to screw everything up. That's what's so great about perma-death.

Do you know who Dr. Wasteland is?

He made his own story, he didn't need a Dev to build it for him.

Why should I get a bonus for doing something so many times? If I say I'm a doctor and I want to help people then I'm going to do it, and in my head I'm a damn good doctor. So I'm going to load up on bandages and meds and set about my work.

For me personally? I'm from a military background and I play with a platoon of guys (see sig). I'm a team leader, I don't have a specific role other than telling other people how to not die and how to move on an objective. We have a medic, we have designated snipers, we have designated looters and when the building system isn't shit and college ends for most of my guys we will set about building.

You don't need leveling or perks, you just need the will to be good at an aspect of the game and strive to accomplish your own goals.

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You don't need leveling or perks' date=' you just need the will to be good at an aspect of the game and strive to accomplish your own goals.


ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Restating What Should Be Obvious


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Indeed. Its up to players to decide. Any presets would counter the purpose of the game.

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minecraft was fun a year before 'release' but it's a hell of a better game now, much more can be added with out altering the unique core appeal of the game.

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Haven't read all six pages but OP is absolutely right. There are so many tears on the forums from players who want to change the game from an all out survival game to a game that holds your hand in the darkness and comforts you when you get murdered.

Most are from people who should probably just play a different game they complain about ridiculous stuff, Player X complains about the open pvp and the "morality" of murdering other survivors, player Y complains about the temperature system. "It's pointless and a hinderance", player Z complains about everything that makes DayZ what it is and wants designated pvp zones, saved loot when you die, and a fucking cake to eat when you're hungry.. wtf?

I'd like to encourage Rocket to make DayZ even harder, more zombies, extreme weather, maybe some blizzards and shit where you have to find a house to wait out the storm or die. I would like to see this on a map 10x the size where you spawn in a random location and your mode of transportation to where you think your friend on ts might be is a beat-up 1965 Dodge van with an erratic idle and slipping clutch. Morphine doesn't heal fractured bones and a blood transfusion isn't as simple as making a PB&j sandwich. I would like to see a world where a can of beans is worth it's weight in gold and zombies can smell tears from a mile away. I want to hear the cries of pain when you shoot someone over a twinkie that's been baking in the hot sun because you're starving to death and sharing isn't an option. A world filled with zombies of all ages; gore covered child zombies that screech as they run at you causing you to piss yourself, bony elderly zombies that scratch and crawl their way across the ground, ribs and spines protruding through blotchy pale flesh.

Fuck yeah, that's what I want, I want to die in the first fifteen minutes from a zombie horde that makes my ass pucker or from a survivor in tattered cloths with a thousand-yard stare. Then I want to do it all over again. I want to fight a group of morale deprived survivors over gasoline for my shitty van, loot the corpses and continue on my way just trying to survive a minimum of 2 days before I'm eaten alive.

Instead, I read about players wanting more fuzzy bunnies and rainbows, sparkling gear and health potions.

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maybe some blizzards and shit where you have to find a house to wait out the storm or die.

With due respect' date=' "waiting around doing nothing" is not a compelling game mechanic.

Instead, I read about players wanting more fuzzy bunnies and rainbows, sparkling gear and health potions.

Can you link to these threads? 'cause I see a lot of very compelling suggestions for very interesting modifications to the game. There's a few duds, but mostly reasonable, quality suggestions from a community that thus far is way more civil and engaged than any I've witnessed in an online game forum. Almost all of the ideas are better than "make people go stand in a house for a really long time."

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An interesting experiment would be to allow survivors at the start to choose to either be a shooter, a medic, or a cook (bear with me). That would guarantee teamwork as everyone can't simply run around killing each other since they need others to heal and feed them. I am not suggesting this as an actual feature but it is an interesting way to encourage teamwork and not simply be every man for himself. One would be happy to meet another survivor and not for the reason that they can put a bullet in him.

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I am not suggesting this as an actual feature ...

So, you are suggesting this be implemented as an imaginary feature?

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I am not suggesting this as an actual feature ...

So' date=' you are suggesting this be implemented as an imaginary feature?


I am just wondering how the game would play if that system was implemented. It obviously has huge flaws in it (who wants to ONLY be able to provide food and not be able to shoot?). It would be interesting if players were forced into that system to see how it would pan out. Maybe having some type of system where it would greatly benefit players who worked together is needed to discourage everyone just killing each other. It is sort of like TF2 where a team has different roles to fill (medic mostly just heals people, engineer provides defense and teleports people to front lines)

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Haven't read all six pages but OP is absolutely right. There are so many tears on the forums from players who want to change the game from an all out survival game to a game that holds your hand in the darkness and comforts you when you get murdered.

Most are from people who should probably just play a different game they complain about ridiculous stuff' date=' Player X complains about the open pvp and the "morality" of murdering other survivors, player Y complains about the temperature system. "It's pointless and a hinderance", player Z complains about everything that makes DayZ what it is and wants designated pvp zones, saved loot when you die, and a fucking cake to eat when you're hungry.. wtf?

I'd like to encourage Rocket to make DayZ even harder, more zombies, extreme weather, maybe some blizzards and shit where you have to find a house to wait out the storm or die. I would like to see this on a map 10x the size where you spawn in a random location and your mode of transportation to where you think your friend on ts might be is a beat-up 1965 Dodge van with an erratic idle and slipping clutch. Morphine doesn't heal fractured bones and a blood transfusion isn't as simple as making a PB&j sandwich. I would like to see a world where a can of beans is worth it's weight in gold and zombies can smell tears from a mile away. I want to hear the cries of pain when you shoot someone over a twinkie that's been baking in the hot sun because you're starving to death and sharing isn't an option. A world filled with zombies of all ages; gore covered child zombies that screech as they run at you causing you to piss yourself, bony elderly zombies that scratch and crawl their way across the ground, ribs and spines protruding through blotchy pale flesh.

Fuck yeah, that's what I want, I want to die in the first fifteen minutes from a zombie horde that makes my ass pucker or from a survivor in tattered cloths with a thousand-yard stare. Then I want to do it all over again. I want to fight a group of morale deprived survivors over gasoline for my shitty van, loot the corpses and continue on my way just trying to survive a minimum of 2 days before I'm eaten alive.

Instead, I read about players wanting more fuzzy bunnies and rainbows, sparkling gear and health potions.


This is the greatest thing I have ever read concerning Day Z. I've tried to put my feelings into words, but this is better than anything I've come up with.

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maybe some blizzards and shit where you have to find a house to wait out the storm or die.

With due respect' date=' "waiting around doing nothing" is not a compelling game mechanic.

Instead, I read about players wanting more fuzzy bunnies and rainbows, sparkling gear and health potions.

Can you link to these threads? 'cause I see a lot of very compelling suggestions for very interesting modifications to the game. There's a few duds, but mostly reasonable, quality suggestions from a community that thus far is way more civil and engaged than any I've witnessed in an online game forum. Almost all of the ideas are better than "make people go stand in a house for a really long time."

I could link those threads but instead I'll let you stretch your internet legs and wonder on over to the search feature.

Waiting around for 10-15 minutes (never said a really long time), while a storm passes may not be the most compelling game mechanic for the wow kiddies but I'm sure the zombies trying to get in will keep the majority of players busy for a few minutes while they sit and warm up.

Oh wait... are you one of those that want more rainbows? Should fires be taken out because you have to stand in front of them for a few minutes? How about low crawling, should that be removed too because it's just not as exciting as running? Nice attempt, asshat.

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Stop with the damn suggestions for artificial boundaries for characters. Everyone starts on equal footing, everyone can do whatever they want from there.

Want to be a cook? Go cook your damn meat.

Want to be a medic? Go raid the hospital and heal people.

This isn't Team Fortress 2. Nor is it World of Warcraft.

This is DayZ. A post-apocalyptic survival horror game which relies very heavily on being absolutely unforgiving. Stop trying to change the game to be more forgiving. If you want that from a game, go play something else, or even better, go make your own damn mod in which you are treated like a scared child. Stop trying to change the things that makes DayZ the most interesting and compelling game of 2012.

The entire premise of the game is that at any time hours, if not days of work can be undone by a single bullet from a malicious bandit or hungry zombie. If you don't like that, maybe this game isn't for you.

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I'd like to encourage Rocket to make DayZ even harder' date=' more zombies, extreme weather, maybe some blizzards and shit where you have to find a house to wait out the storm or die. I would like to see this on a map 10x the size where you spawn in a random location and your mode of transportation to where you think your friend on ts might be is a beat-up 1965 Dodge van with an erratic idle and slipping clutch. Morphine doesn't heal fractured bones and a blood transfusion isn't as simple as making a PB&j sandwich. I would like to see a world where a can of beans is worth it's weight in gold and zombies can smell tears from a mile away. I want to hear the cries of pain when you shoot someone over a twinkie that's been baking in the hot sun because you're starving to death and sharing isn't an option. A world filled with zombies of all ages; gore covered child zombies that screech as they run at you causing you to piss yourself, bony elderly zombies that scratch and crawl their way across the ground, ribs and spines protruding through blotchy pale flesh.

Fuck yeah, that's what I want, I want to die in the first fifteen minutes from a zombie horde that makes my ass pucker or from a survivor in tattered cloths with a thousand-yard stare. Then I want to do it all over again. I want to fight a group of morale deprived survivors over gasoline for my shitty van, loot the corpses and continue on my way just trying to survive a minimum of 2 days before I'm eaten alive.


+1 where credit is due! Testify brother SockpuppetSamurai, TESTIFY! :D

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Haven't read all six pages but OP is absolutely right. There are so many tears on the forums from players who want to change the game from an all out survival game to a game that holds your hand in the darkness and comforts you when you get murdered.

Most are from people who should probably just play a different game they complain about ridiculous stuff' date=' Player X complains about the open pvp and the "morality" of murdering other survivors, player Y complains about the temperature system. "It's pointless and a hinderance", player Z complains about everything that makes DayZ what it is and wants designated pvp zones, saved loot when you die, and a fucking cake to eat when you're hungry.. wtf?

I'd like to encourage Rocket to make DayZ even harder, more zombies, extreme weather, maybe some blizzards and shit where you have to find a house to wait out the storm or die. I would like to see this on a map 10x the size where you spawn in a random location and your mode of transportation to where you think your friend on ts might be is a beat-up 1965 Dodge van with an erratic idle and slipping clutch. Morphine doesn't heal fractured bones and a blood transfusion isn't as simple as making a PB&j sandwich. I would like to see a world where a can of beans is worth it's weight in gold and zombies can smell tears from a mile away. I want to hear the cries of pain when you shoot someone over a twinkie that's been baking in the hot sun because you're starving to death and sharing isn't an option. A world filled with zombies of all ages; gore covered child zombies that screech as they run at you causing you to piss yourself, bony elderly zombies that scratch and crawl their way across the ground, ribs and spines protruding through blotchy pale flesh.

Fuck yeah, that's what I want, I want to die in the first fifteen minutes from a zombie horde that makes my ass pucker or from a survivor in tattered cloths with a thousand-yard stare. Then I want to do it all over again. I want to fight a group of morale deprived survivors over gasoline for my shitty van, loot the corpses and continue on my way just trying to survive a minimum of 2 days before I'm eaten alive.

Instead, I read about players wanting more fuzzy bunnies and rainbows, sparkling gear and health potions.


Fucking amen.

And 2 posts later... another class suggestion. Maybe someday the starting gear would be randomized... woul be realistic and would bring in some "teamwork"... atleast to the nearest looting place when you stock yourself up. Again... less loot, more interesting it gets.

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I mostly agree, a lot of people are making sugestions that would turn this into a more linear experience, probably because they are simply not used to having a game as open as this (which is the fault of modern developers). I think it gets to a point where a change makes it less ooen ended, I will stop playing.

Atm the only real problem I have is that the descent into banditing/player hunting will be inevitable for a lot of players. Because, to be fair, what else are the supposed to do with all the ub3rHaX0r1337 gear they find?

Oh and nights. A tad too dark =]

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Haven't read all six pages but OP is absolutely right. There are so many tears on the forums from players who want to change the game from an all out survival game to a game that holds your hand in the darkness and comforts you when you get murdered.

Most are from people who should probably just play a different game they complain about ridiculous stuff' date=' Player X complains about the open pvp and the "morality" of murdering other survivors, player Y complains about the temperature system. "It's pointless and a hinderance", player Z complains about everything that makes DayZ what it is and wants designated pvp zones, saved loot when you die, and a fucking cake to eat when you're hungry.. wtf?

I'd like to encourage Rocket to make DayZ even harder, more zombies, extreme weather, maybe some blizzards and shit where you have to find a house to wait out the storm or die. I would like to see this on a map 10x the size where you spawn in a random location and your mode of transportation to where you think your friend on ts might be is a beat-up 1965 Dodge van with an erratic idle and slipping clutch. Morphine doesn't heal fractured bones and a blood transfusion isn't as simple as making a PB&j sandwich. I would like to see a world where a can of beans is worth it's weight in gold and zombies can smell tears from a mile away. I want to hear the cries of pain when you shoot someone over a twinkie that's been baking in the hot sun because you're starving to death and sharing isn't an option. A world filled with zombies of all ages; gore covered child zombies that screech as they run at you causing you to piss yourself, bony elderly zombies that scratch and crawl their way across the ground, ribs and spines protruding through blotchy pale flesh.

Fuck yeah, that's what I want, I want to die in the first fifteen minutes from a zombie horde that makes my ass pucker or from a survivor in tattered cloths with a thousand-yard stare. Then I want to do it all over again. I want to fight a group of morale deprived survivors over gasoline for my shitty van, loot the corpses and continue on my way just trying to survive a minimum of 2 days before I'm eaten alive.

Instead, I read about players wanting more fuzzy bunnies and rainbows, sparkling gear and health potions.


wonderfully said my friend, wonderfully said, I wish rocket read this.

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...I want to die in the first fifteen minutes from a zombie horde that makes my ass pucker or from a survivor in tattered cloths with a thousand-yard stare. Then I want to do it all over again. I want to fight a group of morale deprived survivors over gasoline for my shitty van' date=' loot the corpses and continue on my way just trying to survive a minimum of 2 days before I'm eaten alive.

Instead, I read about players wanting more fuzzy bunnies and rainbows, sparkling gear and health potions.


Like this post alot.

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I mostly agree' date=' a lot of people are making sugestions that would turn this into a more linear experience, probably because they are simply not used to having a game as open as this (which is the fault of modern developers). I think it gets to a point where a change makes it less ooen ended, I will stop playing.

Atm the only real problem I have is that the descent into banditing/player hunting will be inevitable for a lot of players. Because, to be fair, what else are the supposed to do with all the ub3rHaX0r1337 gear they find?

Oh and nights. A tad too dark =']

The suggestions for quest ideas come because of what you stated in your second paragraph above. There is nothing else to do in the end once you've mastered certain aspects.

For sockpuppet:

People discuss the morality of pvp because of the lop sided weighting toward it in game. The people that discuss it are serious role players that like to take this further than just shooting whoever else it is they see wandering around in a field. I see it as part of the "It's your story" catch phrase on the front page. The world won't turn into a murder fest. While there of course would be some, simply shooting on sight as frequent as it is now is purely unrealistic.

For another poster (too lazy to see who):

You do start as an experienced survivor and each time you play you get better and better with that knowledge you've learned (outside of your game character). This can now be carried over to your new character. If you want to be really hard core you could consider this an exploit actually, but of course you'd need a new map and everything fresh every time you play to negate that unrealism. If a skill based system were in place it should be silent, in the background and perhaps not even announced when implemented :)

For the rest:

Posts like "don't cater to the whiners" are getting old as well, even if the whiners are actually making good suggestions. Without suggestions nothing would improve and while I heard it stated that ideas are a dime a dozen... sometimes they are invaluable. After all this mod started with just one of those "dime a dozen" ideas.

[edit] I'm not advocating quests per se and have thought about them a lot. Perhaps that's the wrong direction in keeping with the origin of the mod, but giving players other things to do in some form would help. Each of them however have their own advantages/disadvantages.

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For sockpuppet:

People discuss the morality of pvp because of the lop sided weighting toward it in game. The people that discuss it are serious role players that like to take this further than just shooting whoever else it is they see wandering around in a field. The world won't turn into a murder fest. While there of course would be some' date=' simply shooting on sight as frequent as it is now is purely unrealistic.


There is a region of space in EVE online called Providence, that is run by an alliance of role-players. They do not operate a KOS policy, unlike the vast majority of other alliances in the game. Their strict adherence to this and some other aspects of their role-playing culture has hampered their efforts to hold this space, but they have and even when they lost it, they continued to hold to their culture. They now reside there again.

I think a lot of the role-players on here could use a spine transplant.

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