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DayZ Standalone rlly?

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sry my friend just told me that it will become standalone :/

Sorry I did edit my post to be nicer since you were being so polite, there is a lot of cool stuff he mentioned, for example building underground bases.

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It should be free until it's out of Alpha LOL

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How about us Alpha players getting it for free (since we have Arma) but new players have to buy the game? Most reasonable solution

What exactly have you TESTED? I don't see any posts from you reporting issues and such.

Firstly, you did NOT pay for DayZ.

Secondly, Rocket HAS been saying it will be standalone for months.

Third, Get what everyone has already told you into your head.

Forth, Rocket deserves money for this since none of it has gone to him

Fifth, You go create a game then give it away for free, see how much you'd change your tune then.

Sixth, if YOU can't afford to buy the game again then I'd assume you don't work, which can only lead to a couple things. One, get a job or two, you're too young to be playing anyway. If you do work, then you can afford to pay for it. If you can't? Then you got FAR more to be worrying about.

Stop acting like it's owed to you. It's not. Period.

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Less than it would cost you to buy an AS50 and a Rangefinder IRL, and also less than a treadmill, so DayZ will remain your best option for duck-shooting as well as your best running simulator.

LOL duck hunting with an AS50....bang, no more duck...bullet continues for another 6 miles....lol

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I'd imagine in the $15 - to $30 range. Trust me, if you like the game enough, it'll be fine. Not to mention you could log onto some of these pay-to-whatever websites and make that much money in a month or less, easy. Also, if you have a family you can easily get the game from their money they send to you on your birthday or Christmas. I understand you most likely bought Arma 2 entirely to play DayZ, like myself, but people like money. We should really be concerned about big oil companies and what they are doing to our wallets.

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I'm surprised at the amount of people that know what they paid for.

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I would have gladly paid 100$ to play/test this mod for the last 3 months and some. And then buy it again. B)

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So when it becomes standalone, I'll be forced to buy the game? Stupid.

The transition is too fast and he should at least inform everyone about it many months before

I think this post gave me cancer.

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I think this post gave me cancer.

HAHAHAH seriously though I don't understand these people how can you be so cheap that you would expect to get a stand alone game for free!!!? These guys have been working there asses off to make this mod great and they have seen no money from the sales because its a FREE MOD. If you like the game as much as I do then I doubt you will have a problem spending at least 30$ on a standalone. I would be happy to spend 100$ it's just annoying how silly people act.

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I'm sick of these threads.

If you can't afford a 15 dollar game, you probably should be searching for a job, not whining that you want the game free.

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dam, maybe instead of worrying about how much DayZ standalone will cost you should stop playing for a month or two untill or IF it comes out and get a freakin job. Or for those that are too young for a job and going to school, go sell some drugs or smack some hoes. I am sure you've played GTA...didn't that teach you anything?

hell...instead of a bake sale, make some baked beans and have a bean sale on your street or at the local farmers market. :beans: :D You can even go global with it like Heinz did

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How about us Alpha players getting it for free (since we have Arma) but new players have to buy the game? Most reasonable solution

God damn foreigners and their flawed logic.

I think this post gave me cancer.

You got off easy, I think my head exploded.

Edited by Zace

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How about us Alpha players getting it for free (since we have Arma) but new players have to buy the game? Most reasonable solution

Good idea, who needs to make any money on the first 1 million + coppies of a new game?

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HAHAHAH seriously though I don't understand these people how can you be so cheap that you would expect to get a stand alone game for free!!!? These guys have been working there asses off to make this mod great and they have seen no money from the sales because its a FREE MOD. If you like the game as much as I do then I doubt you will have a problem spending at least 30$ on a standalone. I would be happy to spend 100$ it's just annoying how silly people act.

Exactly. I personally can't wait until there is something to purchase. Feeding money into this is what will keep it alive and moving quicker. Not to mention that fact that Rocket has already taken the time to "inform everyone about it many months before"

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DayZ as Stand alone? hmmm

I think DayZ, if its became standalone, have the same porblem like Liberation 1942-1945.

As Mod good and playable but as standalone not worth the money.

If he wants money he can call for donations and im giving him 5,-€ but i dont think the Game is more worth than 10,-€ as standalone, not 15,- or even 30,- , sorry Rocket but thats my opinion.

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I hope they release a stand-alone, with a different anti-hacking system too.

The current engine was never meant to support an online community like Day Z. Day Z needs MMO-grade security at the very least, or even better Diablo 3 grade security (instant kick whenever hack used, then ban).

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i wouldnt personally pay for dayz without a humanity function or zombies being made more terrifying

The zombies zig-zag, what's more terrifying than a zombies who can dodge you bullets? Also they do have a new humanity system, link is here:


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Love the people who say OMG I bought ARMA 2 for Dayz I should get standalone Dayz for free! Wow what morons. Yep you should get any former mod that becomes a fully released game for free because you bought the game that the mod was originally made for meaning that the developer gets nothing for making a fully released and supported product. Wow what an entitled 12 year old you are.

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I'm sick of these threads.

If you can't afford a 15 dollar game, you probably should be searching for a job, not whining that you want the game free.

of topic but just curious, did u use to visit melbshuffle.com and play sc2?

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God damn foreigners and their flawed logic.

You got off easy, I think my head exploded.

What you posted then is just as ignorant and stupid as asking why the game isn't free for Alpha testers.

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of topic but just curious, did u use to visit melbshuffle.com and play sc2?

Yes that's me mang, and I remember you sort of :).

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Rocket expects to get DayZ standalone quickly, or quick in the term for developers. He also wants to do a Minecraft sort of stance on selling the game, if anyone remembers how that went. If I'm correct, earlier versions of the standalone beta will be cheaper than later versions.

i.e: Minecraft in Christmas 2011 was about 15$, as opposed to Minecraft now being 30$.

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