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zombies are bull and ruining the game

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this is my thought after trying to play for 5 days or so.

they are just broken. almost completely unneccessary, as the main struggle is against humans.

they move WAY too fast, making aiming IMPOSSIBLE

they see you from FAR too far away, making it impossible not to attract them

they chase you FOREVER, and cannot be shrugged off reliably by hiding in bushes or running through trees.

they walk through walls, can spawn right next to you, and can knock you out in one touch, which basically means your dead.

there are too many of them unless you have a team, or the patience to crawl around every town in prone position. you ALWAYS get seen by one that you didnt know was there, ALWAYS get chased forever, which becomes so tedious it is little more than harassment in the end. It doesnt add tention to the game because you know if you run in a straight line theyll never get you.

you ALWAYS get hit because you cannot shoot them until they are right next to you.

i would love to play this game but with fair rules, that can be predicted.

zombies really dont ADD much to the game at all, infact in their current state i really think they detract from the game. i dont think many people have the patience to constantly be screwed over and lose their characters due to zombie bugs and super human abilities.

why dont they get scaled right back, in numbers and abilities, until the game is in a more solid and less buggy state?

really i think this would be a wise move by the dev/s to keep people happy and playing instead of becoming infuriated and not wanting to invest the time anymore, like i have become.

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zombies are the easiest part of the game. still.

they can be shrugged off incredibly easily. be more stealthy if you're being spotted the whole time.

all in all it sounds like you are playing particularly poorly.

Edited by Dankine
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i kinda agree with u but in the stajnd alone game i would like to see the zmobie number rise. and also have things called hords :D

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1they move WAY too fast, making aiming IMPOSSIBLE

2they see you from FAR too far away, making it impossible not to attract them

3they chase you FOREVER, and cannot be shrugged off reliably by hiding in bushes or running through trees.

4they walk through walls, can spawn right next to you, and can knock you out in one touch, which basically means your dead.

5there are too many of them unless you have a team, or the patience to crawl around every town in prone position. you ALWAYS get seen by one that you didnt know was there, ALWAYS get chased forever, which becomes so tedious it is little more than harassment in the end. It doesnt add tention to the game because you know if you run in a straight line theyll never get you.

you ALWAYS get hit because you cannot shoot them until they are right next to you.

1 - This makes them scary as hell. I like it

2 - Nope it's fine for me too. It is not that easy to sneak through them but possible. I almost never attract zombies and I do a lot of elektro and cherno runs. It's just training

3 - wtf they've seen you running into that bush.. why should they stop chasing you then?! oO

4 - this is an arma engine bug. The dayz team can't do anything.

5 - look at 2

Edited by Lycake

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dumbass the whole game is zombies thats why they are hard. think before you type dumb dumb

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There are no rules in this game, and nothing that you can predict.

That's the beauty of DayZ.

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this is my thought after trying to play for 5 days or so.

they are just broken. almost completely unneccessary, as the main struggle is against humans.

they move WAY too fast, making aiming IMPOSSIBLE

they see you from FAR too far away, making it impossible not to attract them

they chase you FOREVER, and cannot be shrugged off reliably by hiding in bushes or running through trees.

they walk through walls, can spawn right next to you, and can knock you out in one touch, which basically means your dead.

there are too many of them unless you have a team, or the patience to crawl around every town in prone position. you ALWAYS get seen by one that you didnt know was there, ALWAYS get chased forever, which becomes so tedious it is little more than harassment in the end. It doesnt add tention to the game because you know if you run in a straight line theyll never get you.

you ALWAYS get hit because you cannot shoot them until they are right next to you.

i would love to play this game but with fair rules, that can be predicted.

zombies really dont ADD much to the game at all, infact in their current state i really think they detract from the game. i dont think many people have the patience to constantly be screwed over and lose their characters due to zombie bugs and super human abilities.

why dont they get scaled right back, in numbers and abilities, until the game is in a more solid and less buggy state?

really i think this would be a wise move by the dev/s to keep people happy and playing instead of becoming infuriated and not wanting to invest the time anymore, like i have become.


It's really depressing how many threads like this there are... not on this topic but with this whiny attitude of "Man zombies are SOOOO TOUGH. I mean, Nobody has the patience to crawl through all the zombies!" This game is ABOUT THROWING YOU INTO SITUATIONS THAT YOU CAN'T SURVIVE! Thats the WHOLE POINT. Thats what made this game great. And now all of the cry babies that are used to being ushered through a game without ever meeting any real resistance think that this game should be like that too. Doing something like this would RUIN the game. While I agree that zombies aren't coded great and need to be re-done at some point, you need to realise that it's an ALPHA. You're not PLAYING the game, you're TESTING it.

/end rant

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i agree that zombies in their current state are bull. the need a buff. i can run circles around them then jump into a bush and voila, i lost them. i can even instantly go from prone to crouch and bandage myself like a boss without them noticing.

doors are more dangerous than zombies. pls buff Zed.

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dumbass the whole game is zombies thats why they are hard. think before you type dumb dumb

no and no

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Holy shit kid, the zombies are way too damn easy. I forget they even exist most of the time. I wish they were harder, this is a zombie game. Players are the only thing you need to fear. However your playing is dead wrong lmao.

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this is my thought after trying to play for 5 days or so.

they are just broken. almost completely unneccessary, as the main struggle is against humans.

they move WAY too fast, making aiming IMPOSSIBLE

they see you from FAR too far away, making it impossible not to attract them

they chase you FOREVER, and cannot be shrugged off reliably by hiding in bushes or running through trees.

they walk through walls, can spawn right next to you, and can knock you out in one touch, which basically means your dead.

there are too many of them unless you have a team, or the patience to crawl around every town in prone position. you ALWAYS get seen by one that you didnt know was there, ALWAYS get chased forever, which becomes so tedious it is little more than harassment in the end. It doesnt add tention to the game because you know if you run in a straight line theyll never get you.

you ALWAYS get hit because you cannot shoot them until they are right next to you.

i would love to play this game but with fair rules, that can be predicted.

zombies really dont ADD much to the game at all, infact in their current state i really think they detract from the game. i dont think many people have the patience to constantly be screwed over and lose their characters due to zombie bugs and super human abilities.

why dont they get scaled right back, in numbers and abilities, until the game is in a more solid and less buggy state?

really i think this would be a wise move by the dev/s to keep people happy and playing instead of becoming infuriated and not wanting to invest the time anymore, like i have become.

Pro tips for ya man

  1. Attract zombies
  2. Run into a building with 2 exits (Barns, Orange brick houses)
  3. About halfway inside, turn around
  4. Shoot zombies
  5. ?????
  6. Profit

If you do not have a gun, change number 4 to, "Run out of the other exit"

Edited by Sticky

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apparently based on the "they chase you forever" the OP has never tried running in 1 side of a building and out the other, or up a hill, or along a dock, or just in 1 direction for a long period of time, i have lost groups of 10+ zombies in all of these ways

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If their movements were more fluid and less erratic i would gladly welcome an increase in their awareness.

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Im suprised the animations havent been fixed right now... they are too jerky atm. They switch between run and attack with an almost audible clunk. Best when they run 90 degrees away from you for 20m then face towards you xD. Need to make the attack animation more smoother but I guess its difficult or it'd be done already.

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Here i have a wild soultion for you :o

Either stop sprinting down the middle of the road and actually wise up when near the zed's


Go back to call of duty you whingeing little kid.

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the z´s are no problem at all... they cant run in enterable buildings...so if u attracted a z just run in a building and when they walk u can simply kill them with ur hatched or gun... in my opinion the z´s aren´t dangerous enough.... in every movie they eat bullets in the body like beans ;-) only headshot works..... rocket should make the z´s waaay more dangerous and higher their number (hords)..

so hopefully the fokus will change a bit from PvP to PvZ...

@ tfninja...this is not Cod^^ may be should accomodate ur playstyle to ur nickname :)

Edited by vsbriCk
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It's in alpha, so what did you expect? The only major concern I have is over the spawn rates of the zeds.

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Sure. We can remove the Zombies, but then what are we going to call this mod Day?

That's surely not right....

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i dont believe the OP is correct but i will say this

1. Zombies needs to be buffed big time

1a. further reactions to the reports of weapons

1b. only killable with a headshot

1c. some items only drop from zombies

2. a humanity function needs to be implemented otherwise this is a military sim with zombies in the background

Edited by Dimes123

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Zombie aggro distance: Fine.

Zombie combat skills: Fine.

The amount of zombies: Fine.

Misleading zombies and escaping them: Fine.

Zombie endurance: Fine.

Zombie respawn time: NOT fine. 1-2 minutes respawn time is bullshit. You gun down one zombie and you will encounter endless waves of constantly spawning zombies.

Zombie respawn range: NOT fine. I personally dont like zombies to spawn right at my fucking face.

Zombie level of alertness: NOT fine. The zombies cant hear your gunshots even if you are firing an Enfield right next to them.

Just my opinions tho.

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Zombies are the easiest part of this game.

If you want people to help you then you should ask questions rather than posting yet another whiny thread about how you suck at the game.

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