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Ghillie Suit / Backpack (Bug)

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Equipping a ghillie suit appears to remove your currently equipped backpack, resetting it to the previous backpack you had equipped.

Date/Time: 28 July, 2012. 20:00 GMT +1

What happened: I equipped a Coyote Backpack, equipped a ghillie and ended up with an alice on my back.

Where you were: North-east of the mountain between Chernogorsk and Elektrozavodsk

What you were doing: Hiding in a couple of trees!

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: SE 9

*Your system specs: Intel i5 2500k, 8gb ram, GTX 570

*Timeline of events before/after error: Had a camo suit and an alice backpack equipped, decided to check for the ATV on top of the mountain west of Elektro, found an ATV alongside 3 bandits, killed the bandit gang, looted their corpses (fancy guns and a coyote backpack) and stole their ATV. Made my way to a hidingplace, looked in the stolen Coyote and found a Ghillie Suit. Decided to equip it only to find that the Coyote Bag disappeared and my old alice returned. Albeit the 2 weapons in the Coyote got transfered to the alice, the coyote and the 4 ammo mags in it got teleported to another dimension.

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I equipped a Camo Suit and all kills and headshots were reset to ZERO. Running with last patches.

Update: Kills reset accurately after I logged off....

Edited by Lok0

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I can comfirm this bug. It happened to me today. Changed my Czech backpack back to my patrol pack. Changing backpacks with the wookie suit on does not appear to be affected.

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Has anybody tried to resolve this by just dropping your pack, equip/put on the camo or ghillie and then pick up the backpack?

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I can comfirm this bug. It happened to me today. Changed my Czech backpack back to my patrol pack. Changing backpacks with the wookie suit on does not appear to be affected.

once you reload in it'll be fixed it is a quazi bug.

Edited by schalart

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i got this too when i put on a ghillie suit, lol. I had the starting backpack and well i had the contents of my alice packbefore and after :\

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I can report a sucessful Ghillie suit attiring without the loss of a of my alice and no affect on my character even after logging out.

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Has anybody tried to resolve this by just dropping your pack, equip/put on the camo or ghillie and then pick up the backpack?

I did this, you will dupe your bag. I had coyote backpack and found a ghillie suit, i dropped it and put on the ghillie. Then i had a new coyote backpack on me but my old one was still on the ground. My friend got the new coyote bag.

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Has anyone else been teleported to the debug plains by equipping a ghillie suit? I just did. I put all my stuff down to make sure it wasn't deleted or whatever first. So then I got teleported to the abyss and all my stuff is probably despawning as I type this. I aborted and I am waiting to rejoin. Hopefully I will be back where I was and I will be able to pick up my kit again.

Edited by Uncle Gus

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Has anyone else been teleported to the debug plains by equipping a ghillie suit? I just did. I put all my stuff down to make sure it wasn't deleted or whatever first. So then I got teleported to the abyss and all my stuff is probably despawning as I type this. I aborted and I am waiting to rejoin. Hopefully I will be back where I was and I will be able to pick up my kit again.

Yes this happened to me but only for 1-2 seconds and then i reappeared at my original location.

I also lost my ALICE pack and was instead given an 8slot coyote pack.

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i got this too when i put on a ghillie suit, lol. I had the starting backpack and well i had the contents of my alice packbefore and after :\

Same here

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well, this is since a few versions like that. just drop your backpack befor u put on a ghillie or camo...

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Well, it happened to me too... I had an L85 with termal in my backpack, when i putted the guillie suit, just gone, now im pissed off

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If they wanna do patch's for the game, they should fixe this things, or sent a warning to players about this several bugs, it is so annoying when u have good gear in the coyote and then it is gone

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Its a beta blah blah blah. Would it be better if it was perfect and had already been made and you had a time machine powered by crying and bitching?

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I can confirm this

Found a camo skin today and the same thing happened

Except mine wasn't hacked like fox's...

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I equipped a Camo Suit and all kills and headshots were reset to ZERO. Running with last patches.

Update: Kills reset accurately after I logged off....

I second this one.. although I have not logged back in yet to test to check if stats were restored.

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Camo Clothing works fine for me, don't know about the Ghillie Suit.

The Camo clothing appears to work for me aswell.

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lesson learned, always drop your BP before equipping a ghillie suit...

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I lost my GPS, it happened to put in Alice Backpack from a friend, we thought it was because of server lag but never appeared in his backpack, this is a possible bug?

thanks for help me.

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I have also experienced this.

Also my friends inventory is wiped everytime he joins a server (with cammo gear on).

I am storing all my gear in tents just to be safe.

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I'm wearing Camo not Ghillie

And everytime i put items in my bag.

Logoff and come back.

Everything is reverted in my backpack. Anything in there is lost after relog.

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I'm gonna say that ghillie is working 100 percent for me. I can simply wear without dropping any gear, no loss of items or reverting of equipement. I can switch back and forth to civi's and ghillie all without problem.

We did however have issues with Ghillie's on our server but after much grief our server host ( HFB) reinstalled our DayZ server and that is what fixed our server for us.Since then they have been flawless.

Would be interesting to hear what servers this is happening on and what patches they are running. Also are these less than 40 player servers? A server less than 40 players is an old install and that's where the issue was on our HFB server.

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