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metal (DayZ)

Increase visibility range and reduce fog

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It's not the weather. The view distance is set server side to reduce latency. Currently I don't think it would be a good idea to turn it up as sniping ties into view distance. Sniping in Day Z uses the vanilla Arma system where only the effects of gravity effect your shot. With just gravity to contend with experienced snipers [those like me who have been playing the Arma series for a while and have played/sniped with their preferred view distance setting and grown accustomed to it] could kill players in one shot from 1.5 km or more away. If they implemented a more realistic system for the long range menace that are snipers such as the ACE2 sniper mechanic then an increased view distance would be a viable option.

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1,5km shots are great but in gaming reality you rarely encounter a player standing still long enough to take such a shot as the bullet will travel about 3 seconds or maybe more. And you will only have this one chance unless the player is very stupid.

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I don't agree! Fog makes part of the depressing atmosphere. Increasingly it would be a significant one side advantage of bandits intelligence, of where players are.

BTW: you don't see panoramas like the first picture in real life very often... not even once a month! So it would be unrealistic, too.

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The main reason the view distance is so limited (I don't think it's that bad tbh) is to help performance. Increasing Armas view distance really starts to hit the CPU hard, add that to the already CPU hungry buildings and you would have way more posts on here every day about crappy performance.

Anyway compared to most games you new to arma players have played, Dayz is pretty reasonable with view distance. Probably even higher than most other current FPS games. ( obviously not counting when there is foggy weather).

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I don't agree! Fog makes part of the depressing atmosphere. Increasingly it would be a significant one side advantage of bandits intelligence, of where players are.

BTW: you don't see panoramas like the first picture in real life very often... not even once a month! So it would be unrealistic, too.

I dont know where you live Scheff, but I can see much further than a third of a mile 99% of the time. Also, isnt the whole cloudy/stormy weather trope in horror/apocalyptic genre overdone? over done and unrealistic.

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I never understood why my gun can Zero to 1600m but you can't ever see that far, 1000m is about the max.

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