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As I dude that is getting this game in a few weeks I want the truth

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Slender Man lives on Green Mountain.

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it may all be talk, but I went to Green Mountain once...

while I was there it was scary and when I left there were 2 dead survivors outside the gate. They were not there when I arrived and I did not hear them die.

I ran away, and haven't stopped running since.

*something* is going on there... that's for sure

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You don't even know if that's picked up in Green Mountain. Some troll probably took a screen of Green Mountain then added another song/sound effect of his own to make that video.

"probably" ... and we dont see you providing evidence that this event took not place at ... you know where ...

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No body talks about Green Mountain.

What happened there once has never left that place.

It's not the bodies, no.

It's not the infected.

No, it's far worse than what you percieve, at Green Mountain.

There is something at Green Mountain, and it lurks, and it made Green Mountain its home ever since the military were wiped from it. I've seen snapshots of glowing eyes, in the dark, from another survivor who decided to pass through Green Mountain one night. He said how he thought the trees were moving. Watching him.

The woods that surround Green Mountain are thicker than the eye believes. The trees, they indeed move and they will leave you lost. Each step you take, the light fades ever so more until you are left in darkness. For when you are finally lost, What Lurks There can take you. It feeds on the lost souls of the Apocalypse.

What there is at Green mountain doesn't always lurk, mind. This is why you should be careful of Green Mountain.

What there is at Green Mountain doesn't fear us. It will watch you without fear of being caught, because you are no threat to it. No matter how many you are and how armed you are. I've met many times with survivors, but for only once. They'd say they were passing through Green Mountain, only to never appear on the other side.

And don't try and find lost comrades there. The only bodies that remain there are the ones from before What Lurks There took presence.

What lurks in Green Mountain, attacks your very sanity. Worse than that any zombie could do to you.

We don't go to Green Mountain, bro.

Edited by Scerun
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I went there once with 3 of other guys. I went at 6:41 AM in-game time. We got surrounded by zombies as we were trying to get around the side, and the only way to lose them was going into the 'lair' that is the top of the mountain. The only thing we saw was a sniper hiding on a roof, at first. We got him with our weapons we got from the NWAF. But then, then, it went down. We suddenly all died, except for the one guy who wasn't inside the walls yet. We didn't know what killed us, but it sure was something bad. My recommendation: NEVER GO TO GREEN MOUNTAIN! Death awaits those who do. That is all I will say.

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If you go, make sure you bring another person. Sometimes the mountain requires a sacrifice.

Yeah, true, but anyone who enters will usually die. The guy that survived the massacre of our group ran, and never went to get the gear we had. We had AS50's, AKM's, MP5SD's, all the good stuff. But he just ran. That is the only way out.

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Green mountain is just like any other place. Ignore the replies repeating over and over as senseless dribble as though it's funny 25,000 times.

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I heard there were zombies there. I don't believe in zombies, personally. And the person that told me this is a paint huffer.

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I went up there the other night alone. There was nothing but a lot of zeds, alot more than normal. That's it though.

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Me and a team of 4 other guys went up there once. We were all inside the compound and accounted for. We heard a single gunshot just outside the walls near the front gate. Noone in our group claimed to be the shooter. We got out of there fast. Never saw or heard anyone.

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last ime i went to green mountain i went with a group of 3 we all had full health and 2 aks and m16. We left Green Monutain with no loot and all around 3000 health zombies were respawning like crazy

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To the OP. Everyone here is just being a retard troll.

Green Mountain is a hill with a tower on it. It has a few vehicle spawns, a pile of random AI bodies (which I found near Cherno as well as other places) and 3 deerstands. Nothing else. If you're really far south west then it is probably worth it to stop by and hope to find some guns in the deerstands while you're on your way up north.

Do NOT listen to this man. HE is the one being the retard troll. He probably just wants to take comfort knowing another soul was lost to the ages in ...*shudders* THAT place.

No one knows anything about green mountain......save that you SHOULD NOT GO THERE.

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I went up there the other night alone. There was nothing but a lot of zeds, alot more than normal. That's it though.


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Green mountain is just like any other place. Ignore the replies repeating over and over as senseless dribble as though it's funny 25,000 times.

You're a misinformed idiot. Stop trying to send people there TO DIE!!

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what happens at green mountain stays there.

From what ive seen theres an invisible "thing" with an axe there. he will kill you. but he likes to play around with you before he kills you. setting off smoke grenades and flares to scare you first. putting stuff in your backpack, etc. I went in there with a squad of 8 to take the "thing" down, only 2 made it out alive.

im still scarred from what i saw there, i dont like to talk about it.

Edited by Hoboleader

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There's nothing there, its a myth.

So theres no atenna, dead bodies and forest?

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