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Six Launcher - Easy Install/Update, Find/Join DayZ servers, worldwide network

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bonjour, voila je voudrai acheter arma 2 combined operation sur steam, et cet pour vous demander esque en le telechargent sur steam je serai jouer a dayz ou allors il faut acheter le cd.

merci d avance

ps:desoler pour les faut d'orthographe

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Sixlauncher gives a 9999 ping to every server, even when I refresh the list. No amount of waiting fixes this for me. It used to work fine, now I have to restart the program to get a brief window of accurate pings.

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Supposedly easy....well I'm sorry, I know the makers of this app put time and effort into this, but it's not easy nor does it work as intended. For me at least

It always wants to update my mods even when I know they are installed and up to date.

It always shows about 2 or 3 servers from australia, but no others. Tried everything but it just doesn't do it.

In the end, I hoped this program might be an easy way to browse servers (as I definitely will not use it to update my mods, too much of a control freak for that lol) but since it only shows 2 out of about 50 of the servers I usually see on my in-game browser, if fails to meet my expectations.

The other thing that annoys me is servers always have 9999 ping, making the server browser part of the app completely useless (if having only 2 aussie servers wasn't bad enough)

Also I find many of the options and controls clunky, unintuitive and therefore useless. I'm a techhead and usually have no issues with this sort of thing but really, it needs some revamping IMO

It's so much easier to install mods manually, use ArmA2 Launcher and browse for servers in game using the filters. So much easier!

Why it is people who seem to be noobs and can't get mods to work manually find this a better solution (ie they arent savvy enough to do manual installs) is beyond me...but hey if it works for you, all the better. Sadly it's just not for me.

Edited by Irenicus

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Hello, Any idear why six launcher /updater isn't detecting my Server? Was reported to me thats its been like it for days which has caused a drop in players.

Server shows up fine on gamespy and DayZ commander.

Server: DE320


Edited by Brit~XR

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Everything seems to work fine until I get into the game. The screen says something about creating a character and then it hits a Loading screen and never budges. Please help, I'm going insane. I'm using steam by the way.

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Please some one help!!!!

I have Six launcher & six updater.

When click "join" or "quick match" it says "Addon cba_main requires addon cba_common"

Then after i exit the error screen it launches..

I click on a server to join then it tells me "C:/programfiles(x86)/steam/steamapps/myname/blah etc.. etc.. cba_xeh.pbo, cba_man.pbo

etc.. must remove or provide a valid key..

Please someone help it has been bothering me for weeks. :(

Edited by watchinghook89

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Just wanted to say i love the SixLauncher, really made this whole process so easy.Didn't have any problems installing and playing dayz at all.

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Just wanted to say i love the SixLauncher, really made this whole process so easy.Didn't have any problems installing and playing dayz at all.

I envy you.

I've sadly never gotten this to work - installing ARMA 2, ARMA 2 OA, downloading the Six updater, let it install, and it only leads me to the debug forest.

(Not having had it working, I tried adding the gamepaths under 'options', but to no avail (if it was done correctly)).

It does seem like a great way to play the game though - easy and (purposedly) simple.

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I envy you.

I've sadly never gotten this to work - installing ARMA 2, ARMA 2 OA, downloading the Six updater, let it install, and it only leads me to the debug forest.

(Not having had it working, I tried adding the gamepaths under 'options', but to no avail (if it was done correctly)).

It does seem like a great way to play the game though - easy and (purposedly) simple.

That sucks, did you run Arma 2/OA and play both atleast once before DLing Six Launcher and installing Day Z ? Did you manually update your Battleye before installing Six/Dayz ? That's the only things i did and never had one problem.Hopefully someone here can help you get your problems sorted out so you can get it working too.

Edited by SuperJesusDude

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Six launcher doesn't work for me, i get the message "CLR Error: 80004005, the program will now terminate"

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do you have to pay for the arma games to play dayz


Alright Sick...been working fantastic for me. Stopped playing for a few days. Says I need to update to I have downloaded and extracted 1.60 and 1.62 and extracted the files to my OA folder.I hit update and it used to get stuck at Verifying pack @ Dayz 18% and now it gets to 12% before freezing. Eventually I get a Unhandled exception during update. The request could not be performed because of an I/O devive error.

Tried syncing with updater....any suggestions? I would really like to get back into this game and pwn some nwbs :) Thanks sickboy

EDIT: Well I got the 1.60 and 1.62 updates and the newest OA beta patch all set up and im getting to 18% verifying before freezing again....6% closer than before lol

Edited by Meleemaker

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Killerboxhead: Yes, you need to buy Arma2 Combined Operations. DayZ is (at the moment) just a modification for Arma2:CO.

Btw. we just released the community preview of our next generation application. Check it out on http://Play.withSIX.com!

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SixUpdater site is down and I experience big issues with SixUpdater right now! Heck that's shit!

edit; checked with isitjustmeorforeveryonelse but it says that it's just me! Why is that?

edit1; the issues I experienced when SixUpdater stopped to work is that it said it couldn't synch anymore and there was hell of a lot failure codes!

well, not given access to the site... no moar SixUpdater...

Edited by Camoplast

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When i click update in six launcher it gets stuck at 0% verifiying @day z and then i get an error message: "Unhandled exception during update Exhausted all hosts" it wont let me update and i can't join any servers! how can we fix this? thanks

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Questions concerning SixUpdater:

I have only played for a total of 3 days, and it has been more than 7 days since I last played.

(busy with other things)

I would like to play this weekend, but have a few questions concerning the DayZ version & Arma II:OA Beta Version.

How do you check what versions are currently installed ?

I do not know how to check what I currently have installed.

Before each game session, I run SixUpdater, which I assume verifies, and downloads current DayZ version,

and Arma II:OA beta version.

Then I run SixLauncher / Verify / Launch.


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Does the Six Launcher automatically update by you? I obviously have some problems here.

My Six Launcher searchs for updates and than Six Launcher it's fine with version Maybe server problems?

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Huh, everyone elses SixUpdater working? My have assload of problems and it cannot get started! I have used SixUpdater without any problems for many months but now its not working!

Also I cannot redownload SixUpdater because the site is down?!

I tried at the websit, isitjustmeorforeveryone and it said it is just me that the problems with sixupdater occurs!

Anyone knows how to solve it?

Edited by Camoplast

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Huh, everyone elses SixUpdater working? My have assload of problems and it cannot get started! I have used SixUpdater without any problems for many months but now its not working!

Also I cannot redownload SixUpdater because the site is down?!

I tried at the websit, isitjustmeorforeveryone and it said it is just me that the problems with sixupdater occurs!

Anyone knows how to solve it?

I cannot enter their site either. Thought it was my firewall that blocked it at first, but it seems that isnt the problem here.

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When i Try to Find a Server it says this:

Unhandled exception during Processing undefined method '[]' for nil:NilClass

What does this mean?

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