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Hurry up fixing this ffs. I lost all my military gear because I couldn't see jackshit...I can't go to a military area without getting this..

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Stary Sobor tents.. Balota Airstrip.. NW Airfield.. All of these places have become unplayable for me due to this issue. :(

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I can confirm flushing the Gcache works but for those that are lazy like I am,

Alt tab out of the game to desktop

Alt tab back into the game

This effectively re-caches the graphics memory and fixes the bug.

Your welcome :)

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Hey guys stop whining, they will fix it's a small team of developers give them sometime if you don't like it, don't play till it's fixed..

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I can confirm this happens at Stray Sober near the mini army camp. Very annoying.

Running latest version of the patch and graphic card drivers up to date.

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I can confirm this happens at Stray Sober near the mini army camp. Very annoying.

Running latest version of the patch and graphic card drivers up to date. Also tried out the flush command but that didn't work sadly

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I found a temporary fix to this problem, When the glitch starts look at it, And then go to Options>Video Options>Advanced and play with Video Memory, By play I mean keep change it from Very High to Low, When its fixed change it back to Default I works most time in Cherno and Stary Sobor, SW Airstrip, NE Airstrip, Elektro and Berzino and sometimes in NW Airfield cuz its the area with biggest number of corpses.

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Hey guys stop whining, they will fix it's a small team of developers give them sometime if you don't like it, don't play till it's fixed..

Read the log for the latest patch, they HAVE FIXED THIS ISSUE. They just have NOT RELEASED IT.

That is what pisses me off, the issue has been fixed for a week but the fix hasn't been released.

And it isn't "whining" to complain about this, this is the BUG REPORTS forum! This is a BUG, it's been REPORTED.

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Also before changing the video memory settings, changing the Object Detail settings to low really helps because it lowers the poly count, nearly totally eliminated it for me and in conjunction with memory flushing makes it a very effective temporary patch.

Hope I helped,


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i to comfurm this bug, for me it happens in cherno, electro, and by the airstrip close4t to the cost when its raining or foggy weather condit

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I always get it at the bolota airfield. The control hangers, the tower, the rusty cars, the piles of rubbish. Plus the bolota tents where i can't see jackshit xD i died from zombies because of this. My screen literally goes completely glitchy. not a little bit, but so much that i can't see a meter in front of me.

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I fixed this by just changing my vsync on or off anytime I go to a city and see it, it fixes and I can raid any place now. Never have to get out of game and only takes 3 secs. :)

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i always try track it down and personally i noticed they are dead soldiers (not players or zombies, just from the game) and sometimes leafs :S. I never seen it being the mesh wire fence like some people say it is. it's deffo something military and i think it is to do with the beta patch (if this has been already said, i only read the first few comments #lazy)

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i have the same issue... appears in balota, cherno, starry sobor and on the airfield... all interesting spots, so its very annoying... would be nice, if this bug would get fixed, but thanks for such an awsome mod ;)

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I made a fix that seems effective for most people. Thanks.

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Me and my friend had this happen to us last night, too. We both had it. These fixes are all great, and I'm sure will work, but it won't work when you're getting chased by the undead, which is exactly when it started for me last night. I hope they patch this soon.

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What GPU does everyone have ?

I have a 6970 and also get the artifacts, however I have a friend that has a very old Nvidya card that does not get the problem (and somehow can run the game)

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I have this permanently in the same locations. Flushing, changing settings, windowed, full reboots dont do anything or make it worse. :C

I have crossfire 6870's

Edited by urzuper

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Yep, I get this in military bases and in Cherno. I'm guessing it's the bodies, as others have said. None of the fixes worked for me. In the end I had everything on low, had flushed every time I changed a setting, had gone in and out of windowed mode and still it didn't go away. I have a GeForce GTX 560 with the latest drivers.

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Well, I did try and it's still with that horrible glitch.


Same. the static dead bodies (at least at balota AF) are still causing the same video errors.

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