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quint (DayZ)

Fix for the artifacting.

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Aaand, the glitches are back when I changed my HDR settings. I had to go back in and restore the original file, then edit it again.

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1. Download NFOpad (Your going to need it to open and edit a file)

2. Right click "edit with NFOpad" - Mydocuments/ArmA2/"yourname".ArmA2OAProfile

3. Once you have open the file scroll all the way down until you see "sceneComplexity="

4. Change the value after the "=" to "100000" (ex. sceneComplexity=100000)

Worked for me so far. No artifacts. Good luck.

Edit: It will come back eventually after sometime. When it does just toggle vsync on/off.

Nope, doesn't have any relation to scene complexity.

Only fix i have found so far is to disable Anti Aliasing

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This fix worked for me. I just ran around the whole airfield at balota with no artifacts.

I'm pretty sure it is caused by the dead military soldiers (not dead zombie soldiers, the props) because they are still flashing and coming in and out.

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I love this mod, but it really seems that it is one step forwards, and one backwards, each time a new patch comes ouit.

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I love this mod, but it really seems that it is one step forwards, and one backwards, each time a new patch comes ouit.

I think you meant "One step forwards, two steps back" and yes i totally agree.

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Well i can confirm this is also happening to me !


Totally F U B A R . . . . . . cant play like this guess il try the fix see if it works if not il retreat to my tent and wait it out.


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mine is set to default, it doesnt matter, for some it works for just a bit, and for some it just doesnt work, it will return as this is a glitch in the game/mod, something has gone completely wrong, and i think the issue might lie with BIS and DayZ not communicating.

i could be wrong about the last bit.

Change it from default to something else then like I said, it doesn't matter what you change it to, stand near the artifacts and change it to another setting they disapeared immediatly for me.

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LOL the ONLY fix for this is the dev team fixing it and patching the game. They broke it with 95389 and nothing you do with your PC/graphic settings will fix it......

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1. Download NFOpad (Your going to need it to open and edit a file)

2. Right click "edit with NFOpad" - Mydocuments/ArmA2/"yourname".ArmA2OAProfile

3. Once you have open the file scroll all the way down until you see "sceneComplexity="

4. Change the value after the "=" to "100000" (ex. sceneComplexity=100000)

Worked for me so far. No artifacts. Good luck.

Edit: It will come back eventually after sometime. When it does just toggle vsync on/off.

worked for me! thanks!

the dead soldiers appear very late now. seems that they are the reason for the gfx issues.

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my bad i forgot to save the settings in the notepad so i re-did it and i works like a charm thank you

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none of this works for me not even temporaraly nvidia gt 590 amd chipset lastests drivers

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I have done everything suggested in this post and still its happening making the game once again unplayable considering i cant see anything.,,, surely they are patching this as a matter of urgency ??

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I think you meant "One step forwards, two steps back" and yes i totally agree.

Well the game is in ALPHA stage,do you even know what that mean?? ALPHA! And yes i am getting those too,just stop playing until they fix it,it won't last long ,the devs of this FREE mod have a life too!

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I think some news from the DayzDev team on this issue would help, patch has been out for a few days now, they must be aware of the issues but no comms.

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Now happening to me. Have rolled back my NVIDIA driver to the last and seems OK, played for 2 hours with no artifacting!

Edited by gun_uk

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The issue is with the 1.62 patch... Not DayZ

Don't waste your time.

Wait for Bohemia to fix the issue.

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just change your video memory option to default or something other then what it is, when I did it all the artifacts went away.

You got lucky.. Nothing more... chances are the artifacts will appear again in time.

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It worked for me and then it did it again after playing a few hours more. When it starts doing it again just toggled vsync on/off and enjoy a few hours more of playing. When it does it again toggle vsync on/off agian.

I also play on all setting on normal. vram on default.

can u link me to a download for nfopad? i just tried to download it and almost got a trojan lol

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