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quint (DayZ)

Fix for the artifacting.

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1. Download NFOpad (Your going to need it to open and edit a file)

2. Right click "edit with NFOpad" - Mydocuments/ArmA2/"yourname".ArmA2OAProfile

3. Once you have open the file scroll all the way down until you see "sceneComplexity="

4. Change the value after the "=" to "100000" (ex. sceneComplexity=100000)

Worked for me so far. No artifacts. Good luck.

Edit: It will come back eventually after sometime. When it does just toggle vsync on/off.

Edited by quint
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you dont need NFOpad to edit the file, just use note pad. right click open with, or hit open and select notepad.

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o snap. never knew those were called artifacts...interesting. Could this possibly be a server side issue or only client? because me and a group of 3 others all experienced this again today at the same time...and it lead me to conclude that it may be a server side issue

Edited by Blackwater

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help me! when i try to enter a server with the ip the server wont pop up? and also if i close the game and then open it again i get into eu 26 what to do?

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Fixed it for a bit, now having the issue again.

I did too. Just turn your vsync on/off when the problem comes up again.

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I am getting the artifacting. I have not had this issue before this patch.

Is this "fix" supported by the dev team? Is it confirmed to fix what artifacting? Can the op define exactly what was fixed by it?

Thanks....and apologies for being questioning, but I do not have a depth of technical knowledge and prefer to have confirmed and official fixes before I try to learn a new "system" of fixing things that may make things worse if not tested for all systems and configs.


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You don't need NFOPad, just regular notepad will work fine. However this "fix" is the same as turning object detail to very low in the in-game video options. It didn't do anything for me.

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It seems that this issue is being caused by a bug with the barbed wire.

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It didnt work for me, still stuck on the apartments in berezino....

It worked for me and then it did it again after playing a few hours more. When it starts doing it again just toggled vsync on/off and enjoy a few hours more of playing. When it does it again toggle vsync on/off agian.

I also play on all setting on normal. vram on default.

Edited by quint

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just change your video memory option to default or something other then what it is, when I did it all the artifacts went away.

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just change your video memory option to default or something other then what it is, when I did it all the artifacts went away.

mine is set to default, it doesnt matter, for some it works for just a bit, and for some it just doesnt work, it will return as this is a glitch in the game/mod, something has gone completely wrong, and i think the issue might lie with BIS and DayZ not communicating.

i could be wrong about the last bit.

Edited by Zyfer

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It seems that this issue is being caused by a bug with the barbed wire.

It isn't barbed wire. When this happened in the past it was barbed wired.

Now it seems to be wrecked humvees that are giving me the most problems. If you have this issue you'll notice it at the gates to nw airstrip, where the ruined humvees are. You'll notice it at the central industrial building there too, where the ruined humvees are.

Edited by random51

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It isn't barbed wire. When this happened in the past it was barbed wired.

Now it seems to be wrecked humvees that are giving me the most problems. If you have this issue you'll notice it at the gates to nw airstrip, where the ruined humvees are. You'll notice it at the central industrial building there too, where the ruined humvees are.

it is ALSO the barbed wire, and other things, alot of stuff is now causing this glitch. yesterday one of my "friends" removed one of the barbed wire's from the camp at stary and BAM, it was gone, explain? so yeah. but i applied this fix and it is working so far :)

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