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Trenix (DayZ)

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About Trenix (DayZ)

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  1. Trenix (DayZ)

    Reddit - Jan 2013 - Q&A with Rocket

    Believe they're going to increase the size of Chernarus, At least I remember reading something like that :P
  2. Trenix (DayZ)

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    ArmA 2: OA is worth getting just for Wasteland, so I'd say it wouldn't be wasted money!
  3. Trenix (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    You and your clan have fun then, the rest of us will play a proper game.
  4. Trenix (DayZ)

    Has DayZ died down quite abit?

    I think most people are waiting for the standalone where hopefully there'll be a lot less cheaters.
  5. Trenix (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Customer service, where? As far as I know there's no customer support or anything like that considering DayZ is not a released or yet a game available for purchase.
  6. Trenix (DayZ)

    M4A1 HOLO or M4 CCO SD ?

    M4A1 CCO SD is quite awesome against players as well, it does 2700 damage compared to the Holo which does 3500. And it's very nice being able to shoot zombies/other players without notifying the entire city where you are. And whoever said "if you want to survive more than 1 day go with the Holo" couldn't be more wrong! ;p
  7. Trenix (DayZ)

    Zombies aggro from 50+ meters

    Personally haven't noticed any major issues for quite some weeks now.. was a period where it was really bad, but haven't noticed it being terrible every since.
  8. Trenix (DayZ)

    Fix for the artifacting.

    Stopped working after a while, back to screen tearing of doom :-(
  9. Trenix (DayZ)

    Fix for the artifacting.

    Worked, let's see how long it lasts :P
  10. Trenix (DayZ)

    LU131, Kicking upon joining

    I might be bitching, but they still have rules to follow if they wish to remain connected to the official hive..
  11. Trenix (DayZ)

    LU131, Kicking upon joining

    Oh and if there's a mistake, like server bugging or something, I'll gladly remove my post!
  12. There's two players from the same clan on the server, one of them is an admin. Tried getting a response from them but nothing, so basically everyone being kicked who joins but those two.
  13. Trenix (DayZ)

    Arma 2 oa has stopped working - crash to desktop: FIXED!!

    Yeah, Thanks alot both Rammfisch and Spiritreader, finally had it work after reinstalling the game two times!