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Just adding my post to build up the replies, I'v also been experiencing this. I have seen the artifacting every once and a while weeks ago, but since the latest patch, its in every server, everywhere you look.

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I've also encountered this at the Green Mountain tower, at the northern firehall in Elektro, and various other random places.

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i am not playing any more couse its so bad im just going to wait for the next patch and see if it fixes it

It is making the game completly un-playable.

I'm also with you, its unfortunate.

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Ive had it from wrecked Humvee doors and the smashed glass from the humvee plus some other objects. 100% positive some of them are from the humvees...

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i am not playing any more couse its so bad im just going to wait for the next patch and see if it fixes it

unfortunatly, same here :/.. it is impossible to play on certain areas...

On some cities, turning vsync on/off worked but other places didn't

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Get this too. Not that barbed wire seems to be the cause though.

I get it on military sites (airfields), everything else seems fine just those specific parts of the map are bad. NW airfield is unpayable for me.

Also noticed that it looks to be worse in 3rd person than in 1st.

Edited by tickle_me_jesus

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Same problem here it's around the NW airfield both barracks also in Stary around the front two military tents..

game at it stands is unplayable around these areas...

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yes its the static dead military zombies. they spawn around broken humvees, and some other military places, if you run to the point of the glitches you will also find this end result, they need to do a hotfix for this. it is the only way

The bodies you are referring to are not military zombies, they are dead solider npc's and yes I have the same problem. It is totally unplayable in places where these dead bodies are. :(

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I've been having the same problem but only in those few places. I've noticed it in Berezino on separate occasions ( and and recently in Stary Sobor but ONLY when i was close to or looking at the military tents. In berezino, it was the entire city to some extent but you could not even approach the hospital (with the military camp next to it).

I figured it was a bug but I'll play with some of the graphics card/game settings like you guys have had. I just wanted to put this out there. I play with 2 other people as well. One gets the problem. The other doesn't.

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Yeah...this is absolutely unplayable in any place that has a dead military NPC. The razorwire issue was one thing...this is full retard.

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Anyone know if 95417 fixes this or at least tones it down like back in 95208 where the artifacts were rare?

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It's either not barbed wire at all, or barbed wire isn't the only cause. Me and two of my friends have noticed it comes from the static dead soldier bodies, as have many others on the forum.

It's from the dead soldier bodies. while at Starry Sobor I studied every single one of the soldier bodies and they all were having the same graphical issue. and everything else was fine.

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Getting the same problem here. I do believe that they are linked to the dead soldiers and/or the Humvees and/or military tents.

I just tried to raid the Stary Sober tents and I could not even look at them without massive artifacts exploding from them...

At that time, I thought it was the tents that were freaking out on that server, so I hopped into another server to just get the same thing.

Thinking it was the tents, I decided to raid the NW airfield because there are no tents there.

The moment I tried to scope out the firehouse and control tower with binocs, artifact explosion again...

None of the given remedies in this thread completely fixed it... Temporary at best.

There were no (major) graphic issues before the last update, so I assume the fix should be easy for your guys to roll out.

Please fix this!!

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Yah the graphic carny tents and loading screen from hell seem to be the only real issues with latest patch. That and the damn yellow cap zombies aggro rate.

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At this rate I think at least one developer would be aware of this bug by now...

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good job taking what everyone has said in this post and making a summary. we needed to hear it again bro

summary? I was only trying to get the misinformation/miscommunication removed. No one explained all sides of the 4-5 different 'issues' everyone was mistakenly assuming was the one the thread/current issue was referring to. Sorry for trying to remove a tad bit of chaos to clarify the game breaking issue that the post was about - because if I was a dev, and I read this thread, I'd not have a god damn clue what the actual issue was. Sorry for being a dick. Dick.

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There has been a lot of miscommunication/confusion in this thread.

First off, yes, barbed wire fences have been causing this issue for some people over the last few weeks. HOWEVER, that is NOT the current 'serious issue'.

The current serious issue, as of, is the dead soldiers that are statically placed in various locations (they are NOT dead zombies, or zombies at all for that matter, just permanently/statically dead soldiers). These guys are EVERYWHERE, including starry tents, NWAF, cherno hotel (right at the base), etc. THIS is the current issue making it unplayable.

The current suggested fixes are:

Reinstall your video card drivers, regardless if they're current.

Hold shift, hold 'minus' on numpad, let go of shift, let go of minus, type flush.

Restart game client and/or computer

Some config change relating to complexity (see previous posts)

Set your ingame resolution and 3d resolution to your maximum monitor resolution on both.

Out of these, only the last one worked best for me, and it was only temporary.

Now stop saying it is or isn't something if you don't know what the actual discussion is!

Edit: Yay for realizing I had not actually registered, even though I swear I did.

I lolled at this :P

Picard facepalm.

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hold shift

press dash on number pad once

type- flush

will fix it for the time being. do the same if you see it again

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1. Download NFOpad (Your going to need it to open and edit a file)

2. Right click "edit with NFOpad" - Mydocuments/ArmA2/"yourname".ArmA2OAProfile

3. Once you have open the file scroll all the way down until you see "sceneComplexity="

4. Change the value after the "=" to "100000" (ex. sceneComplexity=100000)

Worked for me so far. No artifacts. Good luck.

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I can confirm the same issue.

It has happened to me once before, maybe about a month back, but it was a non-issue really, only a small amount of the screen was affected. However, this time the game is virtually unplayable. I am at the NW airfield and at some stages 80% of my screen is filled with this graphical error.

again i agree, that it seems to be triggered by dead static soldiers and military camps (quite possibly barbwire).

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