U.B.C.S. Hops 128 Posted July 28, 2012 The sad truth is... kids with mental illnesses like you are usually the ones who make worthless posts on internet forums which I guess make them feel happy.Own 3 servers, have a clan, own more vehicles than most of you in this thread; walk away please.Whats with you and making so many jokes about mental illnesses? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 14 Posted July 28, 2012 Hoarding vehicles?Oh sorry, :> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lahrmid 10 Posted July 28, 2012 fifteen out of nine hundred.would read again Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The True Nova 22 Posted July 28, 2012 Could you guys have a form of decency and actually try and address his concerns instead calling him a whiny kid and other insults.I myself don't care much for vehicles as they are more of a convenience rather than an actual necessity to play the game.Still, the only true way to limit this issue to randomize spawns as suggested above to any city or town on the map itself. Actually block off the maps borders entirely (if possible) and lower the time it takes for them to re spawn.Complaining that people are hoarding is no different than multiple groups grabbing 1 vehicle and storing for there own use. To me this just sounds like your not getting what you want when you want it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Izithel 23 Posted July 28, 2012 The edge of map where people hide stuff is fairly large, and not everyone has the time to search every square kilometer of it for the 10+ cars people stashed up there.Combined with bandits often guarding their camps and admins restarting their servers and locking it as soon as someone touches their stuff and most people won't ever be able to get a vehicle.First of all the spawns of vehicles should be more random so that a clan can't just lock their server for an hour and already have every vehicle found and driven off map.Second cars should re spawn quicker, not after a week of non-use but a couple of days, people should actively use their vehicles, not use them as storage or trophy's.There are two sides of people to this problem, the idiot entiteld kids who think they should be able to find and keep every vehicle on the map and the idiot entitled kids who want to expend no effor finding the vehicles.The only positive thing to the current situation is that if you know where to look you can easily find a hoarder stash of perfect conditioned vehicles. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bulk 5 Posted July 28, 2012 I see and somewhat agree with both sides of the argument. Those that "hoard" have put time and effort into grabbing vehicles and probably repairing, and refueling them to the max. However, a group of 5 with more than three vehicles is rather dickish (IMHO you shouldn't be running around solo anyway in this game, especially in a large target like a vehicle). So how do we solve this?1. All land vehicle spawns are randomized along all roads! You'll find "cars" along the paved roads, ATVs, Tractors, on unpaved roads.Trucks and military vehicles will be found along all roads (Military vehicles will be found at military installations as well). A bus will ALWAYS spawn in the larger cities when it spawns. Motorcycles will spawn everywhere, near roads of course.This will make them easier to find initially, and a randomized spawn location will help prevent farming of them, making finding them more luck of the draw and not who got on the server first.2.Vehicles must have fuel in their tanks.If they don't have fuel in their tanks for more than 2 server resets they respawn.3. Vehicles will leak fuel at a rate of 1/10th the fuel tanks capacity a day even if repaired. If someone jacks your ride and abandons it then it's eventually going to go back into the spawn pool. Also this encourages people to drive their vehicles/search for fuel and not store/hoard them4. Fuel cannot be stored on the vehicle itself. So no grabbing a car and running around all over to fill the thing up with jerry cans.5. Bicycles will spawn near the starting spawns at random. However if you dismount from them they will disappear. This is so they can be used more readily by people who have just respawned. However falling off a bicycle is likely to cause you to have a broken bone(that sound balanced?)What does this do for everyone? Well if a person(s) are just going to sit on their pile of cars suddenly they will have to scavenge more, mainly for fuel. This could push people to fight over it, much like people would in such a situation as DayZ presents. Adding another (late game) element of survival into the game. And another issue that could be addresed (hoarding vehicles to use for storage) on this is also coding in another tent or two in the game (once the first one gets fixed cause they're still buggy) a smaller one that is about as common as a upgraded backpack that stores as much as a Czech pack and a larger one that shares the spawn percentage with the coyote pack and has twice the storage capacity? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yeni 53 Posted July 28, 2012 Vehicle hoarding= Having more vehicles then needed. You only have 6 people in your clan? A uaz is good enough. You only have 2 people in your clan? a Pickup is good enough. If you have more then that, consider yourself hoarding. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
syncmaster (DayZ) 63 Posted July 28, 2012 The only problem I have is the people who treat their cars like a bunch of trophies and never use them. The thought of losing even 1 of them to some stranger is just too much to risk, even if they have 9 more back at base. Take them all if you want, I don't care, IF you are actually going to use them. By use them I mean lose them occasionally and take it like a man, and don't only take them out when you have 30 clan members on and/or your server is dead.I 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CerebralZombie (DayZ) 151 Posted July 28, 2012 The map is only 50km square. So it's shouldn't be to hard to stumble upon a the bandit camp. Sure it's harder then being somewhere around the shore since it should be further up North, so it's 50/50. Not a huge deal, and maybe join a new server or one with no groups that play on it and have a big camp site. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 3 Posted July 28, 2012 Playing Dayz without vehicle is quiet annoying! Earlygame u dont need a vehicle! But after getting the "basegear" and dont masturbate on spawnkilling noobs, freshly spawned at the coastline, a car is needed. This map is soooooo large!!!!! If i wanna go from south to stary for example, i need 45mins.(only if server is empty). In fact i have job and a reallife, its quiet annoying to walk the whole time. Its still a game!!! i wanna get entertained while playing!!!! And dont start with that reallistic shit!!! Z`s arent reallistic at all!!!!! Even so its unreallistic that civillian cars are parked in a forest on a hill! u would never get up there!!!!!!! this while game is one of the most unreallistic ever programmed! But thats not the point!I havent played dayZ for while now, cause me and my friends(we are a team of 5) only have an atv(2seats). We looked every day for several car-spawn-locations. But never find one there! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Neek (DayZ) 53 Posted July 28, 2012 Location A is next to noob spawn. Noob needs that bike to get to his friends in a reasonable amout of time.Location D is next to some veteran's collection on the other side of the map. Veteran needs that bike so he can masturbate looking at his collection.Is that unfair? you tell me.LOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 112 Posted July 28, 2012 Vehicle hoarding is pretty obvious once you come across it. The worst case I ever witnessed was an entire carpark of some 10 vehicles all in the exact same spot, they didn't even have tents, because they didn't need any. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bloodriki 12 Posted July 28, 2012 General rule of thumb is if you have vehicles you use vehicles, and in using those vehicles you are susceptible to whatever dangers are out and about in the world. Our group "hoarded" vehicles. We lost one to someone stumbling into our camp and we lost another when we barreled into another 8 strong group's camp en-route to go pick up one of our's that had died. The ensuing fight was glorious, they came out on top so they deserve the V3S and all the trouble it brings them :). Also, it takes hours to fix up vehicles if you dont have the parts on hand. I personally don't run around with 4 wheels on me at all times so I either have to A. Run back to camp to grab parts and hope that no one finds the broken down vehicle at it's spawn (rarely happens) or B. Scavenge the surrounding area in search of parts and pray I'm lucky. Having people to back you certainly helps though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Atamawood 22 Posted July 28, 2012 (edited) The map is only 50km square. So it's shouldn't be to hard to stumble upon a the bandit camp. Sure it's harder then being somewhere around the shore since it should be further up North, so it's 50/50. Not a huge deal, and maybe join a new server or one with no groups that play on it and have a big camp site.Actually its 225km squared...Anyways, I think the best fix for finding vehicles is to find a single server and stick to it. Check the west side of the map x:020-100 y:001-015 is where I usually find many tent sites and parking lots. I remember I went two weeks without seeing a car. Then one day found a red lada and a blue van both around Myshkino. Me and my group have had camps there, once with 11 vehicles that we raided from camps near by. Of course hiding that amount of cars is near impossible! It really is, I don't get how people seem to think that they are easy to hoard. They are not! We get some vehicles stolen all the time. We usually find them later, abandoned in some field with no gas or tires. And people wonder why we hoard them. The vehicles for us are kinda the end game at the moment. We spend our time fixing up and finding them instead of going off and killing people in cherno. We use them for transport and storage, raiding the air field and picking up guys on the coast.At the moment we have 2 bicycles (which are the best vehicles in the game hands down) a jeep, military transport truck, atv, white truck, two motorcycles, blue van, a bus, and soon to be helicopter. We have around 11 guys what play with us so these vehicles get a lot of use. And maintaining them is the hard part, really just falls down on myself and another guy who has to go fix and retrieve what the other guys leave behind... Still thinking about cutting down by getting rid of the bus and white truck, we've donated a red car, hatchback, and the other white truck we had. Went from 5 bikes to 2. Lost our Ural. But who cares, we don't restart the server to get back our "St3LLaR Lutz", we don't get mad or upset, frustrated or hurt. Frankly its because we know we'll find it some day maybe and it gives us something to do. Edited July 28, 2012 by Atamawood Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daddy'o (DayZ) 146 Posted July 28, 2012 (edited) One week is way too long for unused vehicles to respawn. Make it 2 days max. If you don't use the vehicle and just hoard it for whatever neurotic reasons, then it could as well be used for more interesting stuff elsewhere.Nothing wrong with finding a vehicle and hiding it somewhere else to use it the next day or have it discovered by people looking for it. But hoarders hide them kilometers off the map, doing nothing with them, effectively removing them from gameplay. They are hindering alpha testing with their personal issues.Vehicles will be reset anyways from time to time. There is absolutely no point in hoarding them and not using them.Vehicles off the map reset in under 12 hours. This is why you can't store vehicles off the map, like I said in the OP.Sorry kid, not everyone has countless hours to run through forests looking for hidden vehicles just to have the autistic admin lock the server and have you lose that vehicle you have just found.Plus admins appear to piss their panties and restart servers every time one of their many camps gets raidedFirstly, those admin abuse threads we get are people who found a camp, took a car, and one of the many, many server restarts servers go through per day happens to hit around before they can stash their vehicle. They immediately come to the forums to cry wolf. Truth is, every time a server reboots its most likely this happens to someone. Locking the server does no good to the admin, even if you steal his vehicle and he notices and locks it, what then? It's not like he knows where the vehicle is so he can get it back.The sad truth is... kids with mental illnesses like you are usually the ones who make worthless posts on internet forums which I guess make them feel happy.Own 3 servers, have a clan, own more vehicles than most of you in this thread; walk away please.Firstly, could you tell me which 3 servers you run so I'll never join them by accident. You seem to be one of those exact ass-hat admins who abuse their power like no other, since you seem to be 14 judging from the way you post, saying people have serious mental illnesses like they were something to laugh about. You're not superior to anyone man, no matter how many servers you run. No need to look down on people, but you're seriously making us look down on you with your childish posting. I wouldn't say your posts are really 'worth' much either as you pointed out to someone else... Edited July 28, 2012 by Daddy'o 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chaossound 101 Posted July 28, 2012 (edited) Locking the server does no good to the admin, even if you steal his vehicle and he notices and locks it, what then? It's not like he knows where the vehicle is so he can get it back.Actually it does help him to restart lock it then join alone as he can restart it with a certain edit in his server cfg file that allowed him to see every vehicle on the map.Also in general when you kill an admin and take his vehicle when they restart the server like that it's to reset the location to back to where the vehicle was last saved before you have a chance to save it. Moral of the story save the vehicle as soon as you kill someone with it. Edited July 28, 2012 by Chaossound Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
a_casual_banana 38 Posted July 28, 2012 Vehicle hoarding more applies to people who smuggle vehicles into the debug plains or that one island that you can only get to during a certain time of night. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BossFi 90 Posted July 28, 2012 Vehicle hoarding is when you take far too many vehicles than you will ever need. If a clan of ten players took 10 vehicles fine but when a group of two takes 10 vehicles then that's a dumb thing to do.Vehicles spawns are around locations where players are likely to visit like towns etc. But hoarders are in locations that nobody needs to go.So glad the heli radar has been disabled!OP is just looking for an excuse. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oZiix 45 Posted July 28, 2012 Impossible to hoard vehicles. If you haven't gotten a clue as to where 90% of the camps in the game are then I you will figure it out eventually. Think christmas, Santa, North Pole, Profit. At the very least if you go up north camp hunting your going to find a vehicle. If you go up north and there isnt a vehicle on that server switch to another I'm sure you will find one. I think problem is only a problem when its your "main server" if you just play on random servers I can't really see this as a problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oZiix 45 Posted July 28, 2012 Vehicle hoarding is when you take far too many vehicles than you will ever need. If a clan of ten players took 10 vehicles fine but when a group of two takes 10 vehicles then that's a dumb thing to do.Vehicles spawns are around locations where players are likely to visit like towns etc. But hoarders are in locations that nobody needs to go.So glad the heli radar has been disabled!OP is just looking for an excuse.That everyone knows! You sound like you giving an excuse to be lazy cause you don't feel like going all the way up north to look for a vehicle. Even though during your search the likelihood of you coming across a nicely stocked camp is very high. The reason people take vehicles and camps mostly up north is because most people hang down south. It makes sense just walk your lazy self up north if not just walk if your gonna chill down south. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sticky (DayZ) 38 Posted July 28, 2012 There should be no problem hoarding vehicles as long as it's within map boundaries. In my opinion if you drive outside the map at all the vehicle should explode, killing you and automatically respawning the vehicle. Another note I might add, is that vehicles should require keys, hotwire kits, steering wheel locks, etc. If someone puts hard work into fixing up a vehicle, it shouldnt be easy for you to just walk up and drive away with a brand new car...this is DayZ, not Wheel of Fortune 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SirDoom 6 Posted July 28, 2012 (edited) I like the key/hotwire kit idea. Wouldn't fix the hoarding issue many people see, but it would make having one vehicle hidden somewhere for your own personal use more secure.I will agree that hoarding is annoying. On the server I play on mostly, I've seen a grand total of one vehicle at it's spawn or anywhere near where people might cross. The only other time I found any vehicles was when I got really lost on the way to the NE airfield, and ended up running in random directions due to the lack of a compass, watch, or any landmarks. Ended up in a camp with about 7 vehicles in it right on the edge of the map somewhere. Logged out nearby, then back in 2 days later. None of the vehicles had moved, and I killed one of the guys who was on at the time before being killed myself. It's literally 3 guys who know exactly when and where the vehicles are going to spawn, and are there within minutes to repair and take them.If you can manage to pull that off, good for you. But the game shouldn't make it as easy as memorizing spawn timers. If the vehicles spawned at more random locations, that would probably do the trick. Edited July 28, 2012 by SirDoom 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michaelvoodoo25 3120 Posted July 28, 2012 Its a game, Instead of moaning about not finding them at spawn point A,B,C, why not go exploring? This Mod has so much to offer by simple exploring, Like a previous poster said, there are places to look for campsites and they rarely come without a vehicle nearby, Go and have some fun and (I'm not saying you are!!) enjoy the exploration of the game and stop camping.Hoarders make my skin crawl, I bet they are collectors of crap in RL. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mmMike 0 Posted July 28, 2012 You're a clown. I don't even know where to begin with you, lets start with the whole immersion factor that you kiddies seem to cry about on a daily basis. If this were real life (as a lot of people like to think it is) then in all actuality this is exactly what would be happening. People who banded together would scavenge all the workable vehicles in an area to their own camp/town so that they could better their own odds, keep other possibly dangerous people from having them, etc. Next let's go with the pretty simple point L2P, it's not hard to stumble onto a camp with a vehicle or two there. Especially after the patch that respawns them if they're outside of the boundaries.The entitlement of this community has been coming increasingly unbearable as of late. When you don't have something that you want you work for it. That's the way the world works, stop expecting everything to be giving to you. If a person/clan is hording vehicles on a server you frequently play on then stalk them and find it. It honestly isn't all that hard. I'll end this by saying the world owes you nothing (in this case Day Z) work for it or quit.Tl;Dr Stop whining...If this were real life there would be 100s of cars in a 225km2 area. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites