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Unconscious spawning bug

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This same thing happens to me every now and then but its only ever a 5minute timer. it only happens to me when i log out to the servers lobby and then log back in within a couple of minutes. Quite a bad one concidering anything could happen irl or glitch/bug wise at anytime forcing you to quit to lobby for a minute to sort it out, come back in and your completely vulnerable for 5minute with no way out exept control+alt+delete then end process which doesnt exactly fix it just postpones it till you next log in and get a freind to guard/epi you or wait it out.

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Same Problem, Middle of Nowhere, Leave server to go get dinner, Rejoin with the Hourglass timer.

No Zombies within 1km minimum

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  On 7/30/2012 at 7:04 PM, Scrumbee said:

Two ways atm that i know of to fix this, get kild and respawn or getting someone to shot you in the leg so that it breaks, afther that fix yourself up wait a few and then log. Last one is better than dying if you have someone who can help you out. Bin doing this whnever this bugs pops up. Tends to happend when you logout needing painkillers, morphine etc. Dose not help to take em afther you DC, you need to die or get shot in the leg at that point.

Neither of those work for me, I've died multiple times on servers so far.

I've had limbs broken too, regardless of the server or life I have I log in unconcious. Its REALLY annoying because it means I have to log out somewhere or get friends to cover me whilst I come back alive!

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I'm having the same problem.

Please reset my character :)

Player ID: 23768774

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i better put my issue in here as well.

i was killed in the back room of a supermarket, went thru the you are dead screen, abort etc, spawned in around pridgoski or w/e on the beach half in the water. been a day now hourglass was halfway down, after 7 hrs then i relogged and it refilled. locked out of the game entirely just sits there. is frustrating but its a alpha right?

player id# 52044422 would love to play or at least admin the server as im the admin on duty today ;(


well it seems i went away and came back and my character died. natural causes. game master causes, player responding to my pleas? i dont know/care/ i re spawned and looks like everything is good/ thansk to what ever who ever or however its fixed. a proper death seems to be a common theme in correcting this.

Edited by Seattle

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I had this bug earlier today after getting into a car accident.

After finding out I had the bug, I tried to log on to another server and I was able to move around fine. However when I went back to my original server I got the same bug again.

Asking a friend to break my leg and fix me up ended up resolving the issue (once I let the shock finish of course).

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how to fix that: just get into a shock status and recover (make a friend shoot your leg or shoot right next to you, fall off a deer stand "small chance of breaking a bone") after you recover from the shock status logout and re login

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Its a spawn penalty for disconnecting while taking damage or in shock or bleeding. I cant remember where I read it but its not a bug. Its so you dont disconnect during pvp like a puss.

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  On 7/31/2012 at 7:02 PM, 135790 said:

I'm having a similar problem, I was killed by a sniper, went to the "You are Dead" screen, went through the respawn routine, did not get the gender option and appeared in Cap Golova unconscious, bleeding, with only about 4000 blood, the timer is moving so slowly after ten minutes only a sliver is gone, and I'm completely locked out of my controls.

Exact same thing for me. I was killed by a sniper and got the "You are Dead" screen, went to respawn and went straight into the game as if I hadnt died. I still have my zombie kills. I was bleeding at first but it stopped at about 4500 and so now I'm on a beach somewhere and cant even type for someone to kill me. It's been about 20mins and the hourglass has gone down a tiny bit, I think it will take hours and I'm guessing there will be a server restart in that time which will most likely start me at the beginning again.

I'm using and 95883 I think.

*Just noticed I'm getting cold now so I should die with any luck. Ahh the welcomed warm embrace of death.

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I have this bug too, and as of yet I have made no day z friends :(

Player Name: jack

Player ID: 70187344

If a mod could please respawn me... Thank you

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If you go into shock, then leave the game before your shock goes away. You will be knocked out for 5 mins every time you re-enter that server.

If you go into shock, and leave and enter a new server you will be fine. However. If you go into shock, and re-enter the server that you received that shock from you will be down for 5 mins (previously sated), now if you leave that server while you are knocked out and go to a new server. You will still be down for 5 mins.

Not a bug. Its just trying to prevent disconnecters from reconnecting and killing the players who tried to kill them.

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I have to frequently logout because of this ridiculous graphical artifacts bug, followed by this stupid big ... game is virtually unplayable right now.

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I have the same "infinite hourglass while unconcious at beach" bug. I've wasted half of my weekend trying to fix it. Second day into this game and now it's broken. Yes it's alpha, but I just bought Arma to play Dayz...

@Rocket and the Bohemians: if you don't want to be the new Blizzard and have happy costumers please fix this, before it goes to ebay along with Diablo3 :P Thanks in advance!

Anyway, how can I find out my player ID? Just in case someone would change his or her mind and be able to reset me?

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  On 8/18/2012 at 3:02 AM, Wubgunz said:

Exact same thing for me. I was killed by a sniper and got the "You are Dead" screen, went to respawn and went straight into the game as if I hadnt died. I still have my zombie kills. I was bleeding at first but it stopped at about 4500 and so now I'm on a beach somewhere and cant even type for someone to kill me. It's been about 20mins and the hourglass has gone down a tiny bit, I think it will take hours and I'm guessing there will be a server restart in that time which will most likely start me at the beginning again.

I'm using and 95883 I think.

*Just noticed I'm getting cold now so I should die with any luck. Ahh the welcomed warm embrace of death.

SAME exact thing happened to me. Killed by sniper and got the you are dead screen. Spawned in Cherno with my ghillie and not getting up after hourglass runs out. Even started out 12000 blood and bleeding. Sadly the bleeding stopped at 7500 and am now just laying here, hoping my guy gets hungry while unconscious or somebody shows mercy and kills me.

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Is this issue even recognized by the devs? It´s been more than 3 weeks without a reply now.

My GF can´t play the game since monday and she´s already kind of upset. I guess a few weeks longer and she´ll give up on the game,

which is really sad because we had a good time with it.

At the very least I´d like know the reason why the staff decided not to do character resets anymore. Must be a good one because it means they are indefinitely keeping actual fans of the mod from playing it.

Yeah yeah, I know, it´s a mod, it´s an alpha, it´s an "experiment", yadda yadda... this doesn´t keep the devs from leaving a statement in this thread or - god forbid - responding to support tickets.

And, yes, we paid for Arma2 not for DayZ - but I´m sure as hell not going to throw money at you guys for the standalone, if this is the kind of support we can expect from you.

Well, just in case someone will have the mercy and work on the issue:

PlayerID: 42108422

Current installed version:

Ticket #302959

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For some of you I don't think it's a bug, I think you're experiencing the new anti alt f4 that has been put in place. If you get shot at all now you instantly go into shock (not the kind where painkillers fix it, the kind with the icon on the right of your screen). If you logout while in shock, the next time you log in you will be unconscious and possibly bleeding. This is supposed to be a deterrent to people who alt f4 during pvp.

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I have the infinite hourglass bug too.

I got killed and respawned with my ghillie suit by the coast.

I have 100 blood but the hour glass is not moving!

I did not DC and I got the "you were killed screen".

No matter what server I try, I am forever unconscious.

Is there any solution?

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Jusbar, so you think a PERMANENT BAN from the game is supposed to be a feature???? I didn't ALT+F4 and neither did I hop servers!

AGAIN: We are NOT talking about the 5 minute punishment for server hopping! The hourglass is INFINITE!!

I've been unable to play the game since last Friday! The hourglass doesn't count down anymore and I am NOT bleeding and neither starving apparently.

I've waited for hours and hours - for a few days in a row I went to bed, let it sit there and nothing ever happens.

I have no friends in game either, because I've only been playing the game for 2 days until it happened.

Also tried to delete the player profiles and settings in the Win 'Documents' folder to no avail.

And I got properly killed too, before it happened. The next day I spawed in the exact same spot I was killed the night before, low on blood and surrounded by zombies and got killed again.

I am not aware of any WRONGDOING on my behalf.

And like Gnarfo I would expect more attention from Devs regarding the Bugs. I would be happy if my character could be reset.

Disappointing that there hasn't been any reaction so far. The reports about this go back several weeks now and still NOTHING.

Edited by Grabarz
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  On 8/23/2012 at 2:48 PM, Grabarz said:

Jusbar, so you think a PERMANENT BAN from the game is supposed to be a feature???? I didn't ALT+F4 and neither did I hop servers!

AGAIN: We are NOT talking about the 5 minute punishment for server hopping! The hourglass is INFINITE!!

I've been unable to play the game since last Friday! The hourglass doesn't count down anymore and I am NOT bleeding and neither starving apparently.

I've waited for hours and hours - for a few days in a row I went to bed, let it sit there and nothing ever happens.

I have no friends in game either, because I've only been playing the game for 2 days until it happened.

Also tried to delete the player profiles and settings in the Win 'Documents' folder to no avail.

And I got properly killed too, before it happened. The next day I spawed in the exact same spot I was killed the night before, low on blood and surrounded by zombies and got killed again.

I am not aware of any WRONGDOING on my behalf.

And like Gnarfo I would expect more attention from Devs regarding the Bugs. I would be happy if my character could be reset.

Disappointing that there hasn't been any reaction so far. The reports about this go back several weeks now and still NOTHING.

It is a joke. There should be an option in the player profile menu to restart your character.

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