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Private servers (local dbase)

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Rocket you have done an amazing job but please consider allowing private dbase release, please before flaming please read.

If you had a private hostable Dbase this would allow all those of us who want to set up things like "scenario servers" "roleplay servers" "clan servers".

IMPORTANT: A private dbase would mean no connection to the hive, no character jumping from private games to public games (balance and items on public servers would in no way be affected)

All it would mean is that all of those that love this game and see a potential for it beyond the pure public servers could enjoy themselves.

A private server would simply be a strip down copy of a localised hive and dbase linked to the server on the same box.

Just to make it clear

1)Characters on a private server would make no calls to the central hive

2)No load on the public games

3)No way of a private server char affecting a public game and causing imbalance

4)Solve a huge amount of whining and complaining on the servers.

5)Even if hacks and cheats, item duping, spawning happened all they do is ruin there own game because simple your char is not part of the hive thus can never be transfered to another server.

The only down side is you may find out 50% of your comunity wish to be playing on private servers (although this would reduce costs for Rocket and his team)

More sales for BI :)

To me this is a nobrainer and urgently needed as it would relieve a huge amount of pressure on the public games and dbase.

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Other reasons a localhost Dbase would be beneficial to the community and Dayz as a whole.

You pick a server, play on it and your char saves to that server, yes you can create multiple characters by playing on other servers but it would add more permanence, your server would be your home, you would gain a reputation on that server good or bad in time this may balance out the bandit issues

This way would completely remove the problems with having a central dbase also, no more waiting to retrieve your char or imbalance of people kitting up on one server then hopping to another to kill, the only lag and issues you faced would be based on the server you decided to play on.

If this was possible in the future I personally would find a server I liked and live there, at the moment we have bandits who regularly do the rounds of 20-30 servers so people do not keep intel on them.

Those people you kill who live on the server you play on will remember, its there home too, people will be able to warn others of reputations "stay away from GHRTYHJ he will guide you then shoot you in the back of the head"

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Yeah. I'd love this. I've been looking for ways to do this actually lately, found none though.

Sometimes I'm playing with my friends and we specifically want to play together, and we spend time searching for an almost empty server.

If I'd have the ability to host a private server, with its database separated from the main server, I'd have loads of fun when we wanted to cater to our more roleplaying moments.

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It does sort of defeat the idea though, he wants an open sandbox environment, not one where a clan can control the variables and force roleplay etc. There's nothing to stop you from running scenarios in the current servers, in fact the addition of random survivors running around would make said scenarios more realistic.

All the tools already exist, you just need the will to use them.

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It does sort of defeat the idea though' date=' he wants an open sandbox environment, not one where a clan can control the variables and force roleplay etc. There's nothing to stop you from running scenarios in the current servers, in fact the addition of random survivors running around would make said scenarios more realistic.

All the tools already exist, you just need the will to use them.


You can't effectively roleplay in a public server as there will be other people on the "scene" that are not intended. In movies everything is decided in the paper. Roleplaying servers would be exactly that. We're not getting any advantage because of loot etc (The database is local, so in official servers everything is the same as when you last played in them), we just want a place to simply practice together, or do any other stuff we wish to do.

We're not getting anything because the data on the main server isn't even reachable.

There's nothing to stop others from griefing what could be a good "movie" we could then edit. If I want a scenario with a random survivor running, that survivor would be actually running, not just going around and "hey lol a random group, lets kill em".

It would also let us practice without the fear of losing our gear in the main server cause hey, in the main server we would be completely different players.

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Local databases. not connected to the central hive +1

Optional, with ability to use local if the hive cannot be contacted would also be a useful backup for the developers if they suffer a major database glitch.

DayZ changed fast. and not in a good way or in a way that in any way mirrors reality.

Local servers would bring back the Old dayZ. pre hackers, pre murderfest.

if you do not belive me. try out a private server sometime (hopefully you find a non broken one)

devs will probably delete this whole thread any minute tho. rocket and the mods seem to despise any talk of local databases.

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Defeats the spirit and theme of the game. Public servers with actual strangers would become desolate.

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good, maby they will stop killing eachother on sight for no reason then :P

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Defeats the spirit and theme of the game. Public servers with actual strangers would become desolate.

Why is that ? because we dare to want to play this mod a different way, our way, we are human beings not sheep.

The enviroment on the public servers is getting so bad that a lot of people are stopping playing, me myself have not logged on for a week because there is no immersion on the public servers only death match or team death match.

I love the game but the people you meet are not people playing out survivor rp or even end of world scenario roleplay they are just the gutter trash of online gaming, I have only seen 5 really good killers who roleplayed and killed for in game reasons the rest its just LOLZ and GANKULATERZ

IF you truley fear that the public servers would become desolate then ask yourself why, if the majority of the players would leave and play on there own servers does that not mean that the majority want this?

I dare to eve say that OUR private servers with local saved character would in time become MORE like how it was intended because killers and bandits would not be able to just flip over to another server with all the loot and weapons if things got too hot, bandits would get reputations, groups of bad people would form and become part of the world they live in with consequences as would the good guys.

So tell me again how this would go against the spirit and feel of this game.

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good' date=' maby they will stop killing eachother on sight for no reason then :P


You know... aside from avoid getting shot themselves. Seems like a pretty valid reason in a world where there are less people in a kilometer wide radius than you can count on your hands. :rolleyes:

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You obviously have never played on a private server.

Ive played on some with AI bandits hunting us through the forests at night.

fought helicopters.

military landing forces come to wipe out the infected.

gone on zombie safari.

fought other players *rarely though* AI last longer and you can make them do all kinds of things.

gone on a massive marathon around all of chernarus. with a huge hoard of zombies in tow until they ran us to ground one by one as we fainted from exaustion and killed us all.

try doing ANY of that in a public server? even when rocket went on bashurverse to do a marathon they locked the server so they wouldnt be hunted down ny randoms * i did not watch it so I dont know what happened. bet it was fun :D*

so. if even rocket knows that its basically impossible to do anything other than hide in a bush shivering and clutching your single remaining can of beans and empty makarov like they are the last friends you have on earth. *which they are in a public server*

then what does that say about the mod? its a cutthroat world of murderers and thieves. the problem is. they dont act the part. they do not interact in the way humans would before betraying other people. they just walk up and BAM in the face.

even if they are outnumbered. its like suicide lemmings or something.

People just do not care about thier life. in the way they would out of game. me? I would be pissing myself running through the woods if i saw someone else even point a gun in my direction, even if i had a gun. can you say you wouldnt be scared shitless?

everyone would be. but no. survivors are fearless in this game.

small group, alone deep in a city in the middle of the night, no lights left. no ammo, zombies everywhere? thats fear.

that does not happen in dayZ public at the moment. there are simply too many people throwing flares and shooting eachother in the face to have that kind of experience.

Not that I dont play on public servers. i stopped a few days ago once I finally got off the coast after an abysmal run attempting to get to friends locations.

think Ill wait till the game stabilises a little more before I go further. I actually wrote a story about my escape but it got lost to the forum wipe :<

just too many hackers. glitches and assholes in game at the moment.

I just do not like "meta gaming" you know joining other servers or unpopulated servers to get where I need to go in another server ect. otherwise I would reach my friends easily.

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Completely Agree Fenrix, I have nothing against bandits it can spice up life but ruined by people only interested in a kill count of players and new people.

It totally destroys the immersion that this game could have and it is not like we want rocket to make changes to the public servers just let us create our own story, our own servers and our own entertainment.

I would live on a roleplay server, make friends and work together, no leaving at night and working together either for good or evil, choices and kills making a difference over the days.

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Just made an account to pop in here and say that I think that this is what dayz really need's. I don't like having the way I play governed so much by other people( though in this case its not even the developer who is governing it but the community.) So I think the ability to a "local db" would probably be the best thing to happen to this mod.

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I'm all for this idea for the aformentioned reasons. I think this works ok as a hive idea but i think that a clan of roleplayers would have a field day or days... on this establishing a base... clearing the towns one by one and collecting materials to, improve a base, build or mod a truck to be more "anti zombie" or build parts towards an end game like making a boat to leave the island..... and then it would be on to the next island, and the next zombie survival on a different map with perhaps a load of different ways to win or just thrive in a zombie world.

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I Know at the moment Rocket has said the Dbase updates frequently but I am hoping soon he will see the merit of this as a prime suggestion, I also know this was started as a project to push the boundries of anti gaming and see just what was possible.

Once again I will repeat because some people still do not realise it, we are not against the bandit lifestyle or the idea of killers what most of us want to bring is more realism to the game and to justify that statement let me explain.

This game is a triumph of what players need not what developers think we want, we all have spent way too long in games being lead by the hand and I can not give enough kudos to Rocket and his team.

What is lacking is immersion and realism, people jump ship at night, bandits cycle through 10+ different servers and play the game like no consequences.

LocalhostDB would not only allow clans/friends/roleplayers to play together it would put the consequences of living in a post apocalyptic world become apparent, you would gain a reputation good or bad on that server and if you renamed yourself or jumped server all your equipment is lost.

Add to that the idea of Storytellers, Dungeon Masters and Game Masters, old school style you know those evil bastards who spent days setting up a dungeon full of traps and punishments to kick your ass. Imagine what they could do with a few commands simple examples would be.

A)Weapons cache, you and friends have heard a rumor about a military cache of weapons, food and ammo in a northern forest what you do not know is the entire forest around that cache is zombie infested.

B)"Town is secure" You just spent days clearing and fortifying a small town, you have supplies, people and patrols kill zombies as they appear life is good, one of your lookouts spots a guy screaming and running towards the town being followed by 300 zombies, Oh look he saw the building you have made base camp in and is heading towards you bringing presents lots of presents.

The beauty of these ideas is this is not a lot of work for Rocket, a simple local dbase copy once at a point he believes it is viable as long as we as server owners realise this is a no support fix it yourself situation. We the players our imagination will fill in the gaps.

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It would be nice but it won't happen officially.

What will happen is the mod community will release a way to do it first.

If rocket won't someone else will, in the end it will happen....in time.

Some people want the persistant world, which is a totally valid point.

Some people just want to play on 1 server anyway, so they are not bothered about the cross-server persistency.

I expect this type of thing will become available soon, although i think rocket should do it first before someone else.

The bonus is it would never affect anyone on the hive, because they can't keep and take items on normal servers.

Obviously the down side is only persistent on that server alone so...

Tricky one!

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The only problem is that admin's who own the server will get butt hurt if you kill them and then ban you.

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The only problem is that admin's who own the server will get butt hurt if you kill them and then ban you.

This only happens with very immature server owners who will loose people.

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I desperately want to be able to have a different character on another server.

If I have configured my loadout for running with a group, and my group is not online, it is currently counterproductive for me to leave my location. I'm better off not playing.

Screw that.

Let me play a cool-headed woodsman here, a hot-headed bean bandit there.

Limit me to one character per server so I can't engage in exploitative gameyness, but let me explore some different aspects of the game without ditching my friends.

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One slight little problem, just about every public DayZ server would disappear. Most the server admins hate not having complete control over their servers and for that reason alone they'll switch to the local database. There are already enough problems with finding servers, and this will not help at all.

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Its outside scope - maintaining constant changes to local databases (you would have 700-900 databases to roll updates too) is impossible.

My god, how many times must I cover this very issue?

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