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Updated servers SUDDENLY are password protected

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I see a LOT of servers which just have updated to and only ONE person is on it plus it's password protected.

Let me guess, all the admins now running for helis????????

I think the HIVE needs a routine which allows to blacklist server whichs are pw-prtected imediately!!!

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No, they're "testing". Riiiiiight.

I don't care because. A lone player, I will never get hold of one. Clans and server admin pals will hoard them.

I will look around to steal them, though >:)

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US 850 shouldnt be passworded. I just updated it and let it run for the people

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Take pictures of all the servers and post here, they are going to be blacklisted and the admin will not have his heli again, how sad huh? :P

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My server is pass-worded because I keep getting Battle Eye Errors. It's a huge hassle and it pisses people off when they think they are getting in then you need to shut the server down again. I have been cussed out in my own lobby a half a dozen of times. That's just what a server admin needs that is trying to get a server running right for everyone to enjoy....... 6 people calling him everything but a white man, while having extra server load. Sorry, I'm locking it until the server will load up completely, and battle eye works. If I get blacklisted for it, I get blacklisted for being a good admin. I don't want to waste peoples time..... mine has been wasted enough trying to find a server just to play in. That was one of the deciding factors for me going dedicated. I don't have to wait for another admin, I can change my own time zone......... but now I seem to be waiting for days, before anyone from DayZ answers my ticket. Common meow!!! LOL

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Denzilla, you incriminate yourself. Don't put a password up.

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Denzilla, you incriminate yourself. Don't put a password up.

I dont blame him. I have my own dedicated server that I always work on. Granted, I give a 5 minute warning and post in my server thread on what is going on. I tend to not have to work on my server much because of all the batch files and other little scripts that monitor and restart the server.

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Denzilla, you incriminate yourself. Don't put a password up.

It is very common to LOCK or Password the server while doing a restart or post update.

Given how many things are often updated (Server Version, Server Files, DayZ files, BattleEye, Config files, BEC, server tools, etc) it is easy to miss one or few things if you're doing it manually. I've done that a few times. I've missed updating the server version, and 15 people joined the server in the 2 minutes it took me to start my ARMA2 client. Now I have to kick everyone off and do another restart because I messed something up.

If I was wiser, I should start the server, lock it, load and test, then when it's good, unlock and let everyone join. Takes all of 5 minutes of it being locked. Don't hate on server owners.

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I don't lock or password my server on a reboot because it can handle the massive connection spam that usually follows. However I find the amount of bitching posts following restarts/updates, hilarious. I'm reading these forums more and more every day. There are so many crybabies that claim an admin hacked this or rebooted, to only be proven false. It just shows the lack of tact by most players. It's the WoW-generation.

Be reasonable before you make a post crucifying the admin of whatever server. Hell I've seen at least 15 people today alt-f4 on my server after being shot at and haven't started QQ posts or banned them for it. Sadly I guarantee if I got killed and restarted my server, they'd be on here registering a forum account and posting like I shot their dog and raped their mother.

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Denzilla, you incriminate yourself. Don't put a password up.

LOL, incriminate myself? I guess you have never ran a dedicated. "I have little experience, and this one is a little more difficult that the last ;)" I opened it up to the world last night, and guess what...... HACKERS 3 hours later, and I couldn't do anything about it!! Guess what I did..... closed shop, read up on a few thing this afternoon, then pass-worded it, and played with BERcon until I finally kicked a friend. Now, I'm restarting the server and hopefully all is well. I'm trying to make a nice running place for everyone to enjoy.

I bet US 1212 is gonna be a popular server because of all my hard work. Find something better to do than hate fella!

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