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Server-side Hotfix 0.7.2, Helicopter status and server info

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  On 7/29/2012 at 7:28 PM, lundiin said:

I think he means that when he turns off the engine the helicopter starts to leak.

Understood! Thanks for bringing this issue to my awareness. That really is a problem if the fuel tank cannot be repaired... :(

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Buggiest things in the world, took off with over 20 jerrys cans of fuel used on it at all within a minute, fuel runs out before we get off of the island...

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  On 7/29/2012 at 7:52 PM, chriseeeee said:

Buggiest things in the world, took off with over 20 jerrys cans of fuel used on it at all within a minute, fuel runs out before we get off of the island...

Called fuel tank parts bro

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Ok we fixed it, we missed 1 glass.

You really have to repair EVERY single part of the heli, than the fueltank will leak no more.

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Just spent 2,5 hours on fixing our chopper. Then we found out that the chopper needs to be fully repaired (as in glass aswell) or it will swallow fuel like nothing you've ever seen. Let's just say we knew this afterwards and just for you people out there; 80 liters got us in the air for about 30 seconds...

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and we found second heli on Skalisty island today, crashed first one when we were making trips to collect parts to repair second :D

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  On 7/29/2012 at 8:14 PM, aadressiriba said:

and we found second heli on Skalisty island today, crashed first one when we were making trips to collect parts to repair second :D

You seriously shouldn't be allowed to get within 1000 meters of one!

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  On 7/29/2012 at 8:14 PM, aadressiriba said:

and we found second heli on Skalisty island today, crashed first one when we were making trips to collect parts to repair second :D

Hmmm, I wonder why Ander said one per server... Someone off kilter, there.

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  On 7/29/2012 at 7:22 PM, TSAndrey said:


The artifacts need a quick fix!!!!

There is a quick fix for tihs. In the advanced tab in your video settings, change whatever setting your video memory is set to something else, and then back again. So if its set to default (as it should be), go from default, to high, then back to default. This will always clear out the artifacts.

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  On 7/29/2012 at 9:32 PM, MastaBlasta said:

Will any of this fix the major artifacting issues lots of people are having?

Ive figured out how to fix the graphics issues. While in game, hit SHIFT + the "-" key ON THE NUMBER PAD, then type "flush" (NOT IN CHAT) and it will fix it

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  On 7/29/2012 at 9:37 PM, TibzFox said:

Ive figured out how to fix the graphics issues. While in game, hit SHIFT + the "-" key ON THE NUMBER PAD, then type "flush" (NOT IN CHAT) and it will fix it

Or make it worse =P

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Can someone please confirm that tents will now be able to save items correctly because our gameserver-hoster tell me they have installed the 0.7.2 hotfix correctly but we aren't able to save our items and also we can't find any heli :(

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  On 7/29/2012 at 9:40 PM, TheCapitán said:

How many window screen glasses do we need to fully repair one?

Should be 2-4 depending on what are broken, one main rotor, three scrap metal and one engine part. Repair only parts that are RED in list.

I repaired hull 10x unitel i managed to scroll down and repair Avionics unit with scrap metal :D

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Anyone have any clue on the respawn time? On our server I had to try and fly it off the island with everything red (meaning no tail rotor). Since we couldn't find any boats to ferry parts to the island.

The helicopter flew incredibly erratic and was almost impossible to control. I was almost able to land it on the mainland but I ran out of fuel and lost control again in one final descent, it crashed and blew up but I actually survived with 3k blood! Now my only questions is: How long until a helicopter respawns?

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Can confirm that it will start leaking(Albeit slowly) when damaged, have yet to repair it enough to stop. For those of you telling us to, you can't repair the fueltank on the Huey.

Huey also seems to be desyncing a whole lot, but not more so than other vehicles - seems to be on par, it's just very weird to see the helicopter go upside down for a few seconds, also makes shooting things very difficult.

A patch to fix vehicle desyncing in general would be very welcome. Vehicles desync depending on the amount of players, usually 30+ will cause the vehicles to desync very often - as in going off-course and through buildings, sometimes up in the air.

This has been around for long, and is annoying - but not really gamebreaking in itself. Although I can confirm that desyncing can get you killed, a friend of mine desynced and got killed(Teleported to where he died split-second after he actually died.), most likely some other guy saw him standing still on his screen - and shot him, thus he was killed. This occured on a highly populated server, with the Hatchback.

Seeing as vehicles are one of the biggest features of DayZ, I'd love to see them getting some love. Example of issues;

• ATV unreliable, likes to flip over when off-road(More common when uphill). Also gets stuck on bridges.

• ATV goes airbourne if pushed when flipped over or stuck on a bridge.

• DayZ specific objects seem to cause extreme damage, can ram trees and houses no problem. But if you hit a roadblock and your tire gets flat, the vehicle will blow up(V3S and Tractor is great to re-produce this issue with.).


  On 7/29/2012 at 10:27 PM, ForcefulCJS said:

Anyone have any clue on the respawn time? On our server I had to try and fly it off the island with everything red (meaning no tail rotor). Since we couldn't find any boats to ferry parts to the island.

The helicopter flew incredibly erratic and was almost impossible to control. I was almost able to land it on the mainland but I ran out of fuel and lost control again in one final descent, it crashed and blew up but I actually survived with 3k blood! Now my only questions is: How long until a helicopter respawns?

Am surprised yours even started. You can ferry items over to the island no problem, your gear should not disappear(This have yet to be confirmed whether its disabled by Server Admins or DayZ Devs!). Vehicles respawn on server restart.

Edited by Dealman
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  On 7/29/2012 at 9:48 PM, TibzFox said:

Fixed it for me.

This increased artifacting from has been reported to be fixed by many users by "simply doing this" but the fact is there are different fixes for different users, and for some none of the "fixes" work.

This includes:

- Flush command

- Changing video memory away and back to default

- Turning on anti-aliasing

- Turning HDR to low

- Disabling VSync

- Installing latest Arma2 Patch

- Running Arma2 stand-alone (without OA) then running OA again

For me and about 1/2 the group I play with, none of these fixes are working. Some changes make things worse. Some seem to help a little temporarily. The artifacting for me is based on certain military prop items including fences, dead bodies, items in the hangars, mesh in tents, etc. Balota, Stary, Berezino, NWAF are hotspots for this.

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