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[Fix] Battleye not updating, kicked as a result

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Make sure you are running steam as admin.

Manually install from the website and follow the simple instructions. Was having same problem and this worked. Had the same problem with yesterdays update from 1.166 to 1.167 and this process worked perfectly. Worked for 1.168 as well.


ArmA 2 / ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead


(Put these files into a folder called "BattlEye" in the "Expansion" folder of your game install directory)

You need to download and replace both Client and Server files!

Put them in these folders:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\BattlEye

C:\Users\<profile>\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\BattlEye

Note: Are you guys running Steam as admin? If not that could be the problem with it reverting back each time you exit game. Also if you verify your game cache after replacing the files, it might keep reverting as well.

Edited by Problem?
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Not working for me this fix :(

Did you put them in correct folder? Replacing the old ones?

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It didn't work. It fails updating in game still. I put both of them into both the arma2 BE directory and the OA BE directory. I could be playing on a server with a lower version, so it could just be the server's fault.

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works for a while but version reverts after 15-20 minutes. fuck this engine and battleye

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The problem seems to be that we need BattlEye 1.66 but on the downloadpage http://www.battleye.com/download.html the latest version to grab is v1.61.94945+

Can someone link us to 1.66? Or a working .dll for that matter?


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ok this is working for me, but it's annoying:

revert to beta 95389: http://www.gamefront...Build_95389.zip

switch your BEclient.dll (located in operation arrowhead\Expansion\BattleEye\) to this version: http://www.battleye....61/BEClient.dll

connect to server!

NOW HERE'S THE KICKER: you have to constantly re-apply the 108kb http://www.battleye....61/BEClient.dll file every time you join a server, as joining a server replaces the 108kb file with the outdated 100kb file

Edited by met

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The problem seems to be that we need BattlEye 1.66 but on the downloadpage http://www.battleye.com/download.html the latest version to grab is v1.61.94945+

Can someone link us to 1.66? Or a working .dll for that matter?


The newest is actually 1.166 not 1.66 which is what the download is. Also servers shouldn't be replacing Battleye files as it is directly updated from battleye servers. It checks with their server if a new version is out each time you connect(reach the multiplayer setup screen) and update it accordingly.

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Worked for me thanks! Should probably put a note on the installation page that when DayZ has an update, make sure to check for new Arma II beta patch as well as Battle Eye patch.

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I did not understand those instructions. Where can I access the main install directory of my game? And my Windows is 64-bit,does it have anything to do with it? Sorry for sounding like a newbie.

EDIT: Forget it. Already figured out,I'm about to test this now,will edit this as soon as I finish.

EDIT2: Worked like a charm,thanks man!

Edited by vanden1989

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I did not understand those instructions. Where can I access the main install directory of my game? And my Windows is 64-bit,does it have anything to do with it? Sorry for sounding like a newbie.

It depends if you are using steam or retail copy.

For steam :C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\Battleye

For Retail should be similar Bohemia Interactive\Arma 2 OA folder in Program Files (x86) directory. Then look for Expansion\Battleye.

You need to download and replace both Client and Server files!

Edited by Problem?

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I did not understand those instructions. Where can I access the main install directory of my game? And my Windows is 64-bit,does it have anything to do with it? Sorry for sounding like a newbie.

If you're on steam (like me), install directory is accessed through 'My Computer -> (C:) -> 'Program Files' ('x86Program Files' for some) -> Steam -> steamapps -> common -> arma 2 operation arrowhead -> Expansion -> Battleye'. Paste the 2 DLL downloaded files here and overwrite the old ones.

If you're not using ARMA II on steam, find the install directory by the same process but exchange the steam-apps-common etc. with wherever it actually is. To be honest, I don't know if there's a 32 vs 64 bit difference with these files.

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It depends if you are using steam or retail copy.

For steam :C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\Battleye

For Retail should be similar Arma 2 OA folder in Program Files directory. The look for Expansion\Battleye.

You need to download and replace both Client and Server files!

Ok Problem? you can have this one. I'll go back to playing =)

Too bad I gave you my beans, I could sure use those right about now. Nothing but empty Jack Daniels and 12G which don't seem to fit the caliber of my hatchet >.> ...

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Ok Problem? you can have this one. I'll go back to playing =)

Too bad I gave you my beans, I could sure use those right about now. Nothing but empty Jack Daniels and 12G which don't seem to fit the caliber of my hatchet >.> ...

There you go :beans: . Only use it if your food icon is blinking ;)

Edited by Problem?

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Thanks, worked. You have my beans. :)

By the way, do you know how to fix the 'No Entry.profilePathDefault' error?

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I've put these "updated files" in four times and it still says I have version 1.165.

Edit: Now it's saying I have 1.164. Awesome.

Edited by Johann

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First i got the not updating error, but after i replaced it with the listed files i get the battle eye not responding errorr. Does anyone have a clue how to solve this?

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This did not work for me so I put the files also in the battleeye folder directly under the arma 2 folder and that fixed it.

Which file was that you put them under and it worked? I copied and replaced the two files into the correct folder but with no success. It also seems to replace them again after trying to play as the downloaded file is 108kb, and the file it is replacing is 100.

I can't really find the folder you seem to be talking about in the arma 2 folder. I get to the point below:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 2

and then hit a wall. The only folder I can see there is the BE setup folder.

Help Please

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