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Who was the friendly sniper near the NW airstrip?

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Me and my friend were in the town south of the airstrip

When zombies came.......lots of zombies....

As we fired and fled, a couple of bullets whizzed and hit the zombies, I only had my pistol ammo left and my friend hadnt fired his winchester. When the silenced rounds hit the zombies I froze and looked around but no one was in sight.

We were split up in the battle and my friend made a stand in a small shack, I kept running.

My friend was killed in the shack, but I made it out on just under 3000 blood

A goat later im feeling a bit better but no more rounds are fired, maybe he thought I wouldnt be friendly up close?

I thought I saw two guys in the main tower but my game started glicthing out with texture issues, when I got there I found a backpack with some cooked meat in it?

Did you leave it for me?

Who were you?

Whoever it was has my thanks, though the place was completely bare except for the pack I found so guess you looted there first

Edited by thelonewarrior
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This sounds cool, like theres a 'Good Samaritan Sniper' running about. Who is this unseen savior?

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Yes, I hope I never have to run through the woods with the sun setting and 3000 blood pursued by zombies again though.

Screen blurred, getting dark. Everything looks like a guy aiming at you.

I think maybe when I killed the goat (took me 4 winchester rounds, my aim was shaking so much from all that pain I had suffered)

They probably saw me at that point (second time) figured I was hurt and left some extra cooked meat for me.

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I bet he just missed you and hit the Zs by accident!! jk :)

Well i had an encounter where the sniper would try to hit me instead of the 10 Zs running after me, what a shame.

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