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Dirty Rotten Scoundrel

All your hacking problems are due to this and NOT the DayZ dev team....

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Email the team and let them know they suck huge goat balls.

Typo in my Topic title.

Should reflect this:

All your hacking problems are due to this and NOT the DayZ dev team....

Edited by Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
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huge goat balls. the same goat u were turned into so many times in game?

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OP is an idiot and has never played arma 2

BE is one of the worst, if not the worst Anti-Cheat programs there is.

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dirty rotten stand still ! im trying to hit your balls but even with my 50. cal sniper from 10 meters i still cant get a aim of them..

Edited by zimfox

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No one blamed DayZ hes trying to tell you to tell BE they suck goat balls. I agree everyone should take their issues to the source. LOL

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Not to mention Punkbuster woulda actually checked to see if you hacked out your grass and tree files DUH!

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When DayZ goes standalone they are going to address the issue. I know there's a crap load of hackers but bare with it, it's not standalone yet so the engine is pretty restricted for them.

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The engine isn't restricted to them, they have full control. The problem is with this engine everyone has control. ARMA 2 is meant to be changed by adding a script. The problem is that the game ARMA 2 isn't restricted so the Mod suffers due to the huge amount of people that play it. Before the DayZ mod the ARMA community was pretty straight forward honest simulation players for the most part. But with this horde of people pouring in thinking its a new zombie first person action shooter....it attracts the kiddies and the kiddies like to cheat. I don't literally mean kids. This GAME isn't a game. It's a mod, it isn't a game yet it isn't complete. It's still in Alpha. so by the time it gets to the status of GAME. Most of these problems will be gone.

Edited by Kykle

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DayZ dev staff have no control over the anti cheat or are you just that stupid?

You had to read my edit. My iPad aka icrap missed typed the thread topic.

I am not that dumb, BE is.

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They should just use the VAC system from Steam (Anti hack) or punkbuster.

Both VAC and PB are horribly broken. There are, to my knowledge, NO working anti cheat on the market atm.

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OMG you were there!?

lol jk

Lol Everyone know Battle Eye is retarded if it wasn't we wouldn't have 100 new cheat threads every 2 hours not counting the people who feel to lazy or don't care enough to report stuff.

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I was thinking the same thing today. BE is fricken horribad. Punkbuster doesn't have these issues.

>thinking punkbuster is good

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If we used punkbuster, there would still be hacks, and people would still complain about PB.

Also, there are plenty of Steam game hacks, VAC isn't perfect either.

There is always someone smart enough to figure out the system in use, and always lame little script kiddies dumb enough to think they're hackers when they download the hacks.. unfortunately people will always do whatever they can to ruin the fun for people who just want to play the game.

The engine was intentionally left open for modding and scripting, and if it weren't, we wouldn't have DayZ because Rocket wouldn't have been able to even start building it. BE does a pretty good job with catching the scripts and hacks, you guys need to understand what you're saying before posting stuff like this.

Don't blame the game devs, don't blame the people who are trying to help. (aka Battle Eye devs) blame the losers who spend all their time finding exploits and use their coding skills to create hacks and then release them to the internet for the losers who can't code but use the hacks to feel cool..

It doesn't matter what anti-cheat measures are used, there will always be hacks no matter what game you're playing.

And honestly, I've seen VAC and Punkbuster games that are worse than Arma 2 ever was.

But hey, I guess we gotta blame someone!

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it's not the pb/BE really. nor is it the "limits" of the engine or code.

DayZ disabled this in the server.cfg config

deathmessages =1;

this would tell us who shot who and would be enough to deal with hackers who use guns to kill *like the epidemic of ESP aimbotters on every UK and US server in the past 3 days.

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BE is one of the worst, if not the worst Anti-Cheat programs there is.

PB is any better? i spent 1 year out of 4 gaming years fixing that shit by myself because those idiots couldnt figure out the problem themself -.-

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