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Avean (DayZ)

Weapon nerf needs to be removed

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Just tested and revolved requires now 4 shots to kill them unless you hit headshot. Before it was just 1 shot and they were dead with revolver.

This is actually good in terms of zombie lore, like Walking Dead tv-series they had to hit zombies in the brain to kill them, other movies they would dismember zombies heads to kill them.

Now here is the problem cause we are playing on Arma 2 engine.

This game has terrible zombie animations making headshots incredibly difficult. You have to run backwards and let the zombie actually hit you before taking the headshot.

This weapon nerf is good AFTER zombie animations are fixed, not now.....

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its ARMA that has been updated to nerf the guns, not DayZ, and i heard rumers that rocket should be solving this in hotfix or something.

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i am perfectly fine with this change. if they do change it back i hope they atleast keep the enfield nerf. because there is nothing more retarded than one of the most common weapons in the game to be instakill on players. and plus its actually useful for killing zombies because its quieter now.

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i am perfectly fine with this change. if they do change it back i hope they atleast keep the enfield nerf. because there is nothing more retarded than one of the most common weapons in the game to be instakill on players. and plus its actually useful for killing zombies because its quieter now.

And yet I see it as a balance. The vets can have the .50 cal with a scope and 1-hit people, and newer people get the Lee Enfield. Less range, same potential for killing. Think of it as the ultimate balance in a game without any.

Oh, and the weapon nerf needs to go. But we have to see what will happen. I for one want it to either complete the cycle and down the .308's damage, and we can have less blood for a readjustment. Or they should revert it. I can only wonder what those on ArmA2 are thinking about this.

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i am perfectly fine with this change. if they do change it back i hope they atleast keep the enfield nerf. because there is nothing more retarded than one of the most common weapons in the game to be instakill on players. and plus its actually useful for killing zombies because its quieter now.


Comparison of bullets, from left to right:

8mm Mauser, .303 British, 7.62x54R, 7.62x51 (nato), 7.63x39, 8mm Kurz, 7.62 nagant, 7.62x25, 9mm Parabellum and 9mm corto (.380 auto)

Can I try this .303 on you?... if you dont die instantly then I agreed if you.... ps: Its the second one left to right...

Edited by bola

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Personally, I don't care too much if the weapons are nerfed, but my enfield, I miss it.

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Seems the Arma2 devs are confident with the changes they made.Here is a post from a moderator of the Arma2 forums.Just posting this so people can see what the thinking behind the changes are.I kinda agree that people can take multiple hits before going down witnessed from watching many videos online where people were shot and did not even know it.The problem arises from the fact that Arma2 doesnt model critical areas well like the heart but instead its a head/body model only.


""For the record:

Rifles are rifles and pistols are pistols. One is not the other and neither can replace the other.

Saying goes: the pistol is for fighting to your rifle. A pistol is the weapon you can carry with you to more places and more situations than a rifle can go. That doesn't make it the ultimate power in the universe; that makes it convenient.

Pistols are notoriously weak 'stoppers' and it takes a lot of practice and training to use a pistol effectively. Anything less than a head shot or a solid hit on the central nervous system depends heavily on the target's state of mind upon being hit. Some subjects will keel over from a hit with a .22LR, others can take 10x .45ACP and still keep going. Note that LATER they may die from secondary causes such as blood loss, but an immediate stop requires a solid hit to a critical system.

Most pistol rounds - even when shot from rifle platforms - can't even touch rifles in terms of velocity and energy. This is an inherent limitation of short straight walled cases used by most pistols and even necked cartridges can only squeeze out so much more (see 7.62x25mm). The key advantage a sub-gun or carbine firing a pistol cartridge gives is increased accuracy and slightly improved velocity.

Rifle rounds are a different ball game altogether, offering much greater energy, power, and accuracy against pistol rounds. Even then, they must follow the rules of physics the same as anything else. 5.45x39 and 7.62x39 for example are not poor cartridges, but optimized for engagement distances within 300m. The 5.45x39 round is known to be a poorer performer compared to the 7.62x39 round; both rounds fall out in terms of performance against the 5.56x45 round. Out of a typical carbine, all three rounds have poor performance out beyond 300m. This gets worse as the barrel gets shorter, with both 5.56 and 5.45 suffering beyond 100m with barrels shorter than 10". Unfortunately the game does not reflect the velocity difference that occurs with different barrel lengths.

So what's changed? From my observations, beyond the typical range of 300m the 7.62x39 and 5.45x39 weapons are no longer laser rifles unaffected by atmospheric conditions and fluid drag. The AKM especially feels more like the two examples I own in terms of accuracy and handling from various distances in addition to the overall power. Pistols do not feel as though they've changed much except that they are no longer one shot kill weapons from all hits and now require proper aiming to score a critical hit.

And for you nay sayers, YES I know the effects of various rifle rounds and pistol rounds on living things. No, I will not elaborate on that.

ETA: Check the difference between an open tip and a hollow point bullet. They are not the same.""

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Agreed the weapon damage needs increased again ( and yes i know its not a Dayz change) i used about a third to half a clip of an ak to kill a guy on friday night and it was close range and no i didnt aim for the head but i hardly see the point when a few rounds through the chest should put somebody down.

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