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Blood Regeneration

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I think that over time your character should start regenerating blood over time. I googled it and it said that the human body can make about a pint of blood every 24 hours. I think you should regenerate 100 blood per every 20 mins playtime. This doesn't have to be exact but i just wanted to put something out there. If you dont regenerate blood i think you should be able to give yourself blood with a blood bag. Its hard for solo players like myself to get blood unless you find a friendly player who is willing to give u a blood transfusion and not kill you. I think solo players should be able to use blood bags on themselves even if you don't get the full amount of blood as you do when someone else gives it to you. Maybe every blood bag that you use on your self gives you 3000 blood instead of full. But a blood transfusion by another player will still give you full blood.

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a good way to gain blood, is to gut animals and cook their meat, all you need is a hatchet(for wood) matches(for fire) knife(for gutting) then cook the meat over your fireplace, and eat it after, it gives 800 blood back. :)

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it would be nice but would make it even easier. this games too easy as it is man so big negative.

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Passive blood regeneration makes sense as well as clotting wounds when you are bleeding.

I think if Rocket decided to add a system where if you were sated enough with food/water that passive regeneration could commense.

I believe that there should possibly be levels of bleeding out. Gunshots requiring sutras. However scratches not so much.

The same could be worked with broken bones that could heal over time depending on severity. Splints could be constructed from wood + bandages allowing smaller fractures to heal over time during this time allowing you to walk again..

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After this, they can add in wheelchairs for when you break a leg. /s

Edited by Kruse

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you should regenerate blood and become thirsty and hungry at a faster rate during regeneration.. down to say 50% hunger/thirst so you dont regen yourself into starvation/dehydration and have a decent ammount of time to find more food and drinks, you should be able to give yourself blood but as a penalty you could be incapacitated during that time(like being unconscious) as a tradeoff from having someone else do it(so people cant run and insta heal in a fight)

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meat gives u blood u know rite

yea i know. i just feel that whenever i have matches and a knife i dont have a hatchet, and when i have a hatchet and a knife i can never find matches.....

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To me this is simple

  1. Gain health from eating food
  2. Gain health slowly over time (if hunger/thirst meters are green)

Pick one.

Also a big NO on the giving blood bags to yourself. Instead, increase the systems that require cooperation and bring a communication mechanism in the game that truly allows players to cooperate

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Blood is fine the way it is. Hunting gives you more blood than you will ever need.

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I agree, the current system is: food = medpack. Makes no sence. When I eat beans I dont magicly get a certain amount of blood in my body in an instant...

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To me this is simple

  1. Gain health from eating food
  2. Gain health slowly over time (if hunger/thirst meters are green)

Pick one.

Also a big NO on the giving blood bags to yourself. Instead, increase the systems that require cooperation and bring a communication mechanism in the game that truly allows players to cooperate

Number 2 , i think this is much better than the current way of how you regen blood. Though the regen should be very slow, as others have already said.

Edited by DiscGolfer947

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I think that over time your character should start regenerating blood over time. I googled it and it said that the human body can make about a pint of blood every 24 hours. I think you should regenerate 100 blood per every 20 mins playtime. This doesn't have to be exact but i just wanted to put something out there. If you dont regenerate blood i think you should be able to give yourself blood with a blood bag. Its hard for solo players like myself to get blood unless you find a friendly player who is willing to give u a blood transfusion and not kill you. I think solo players should be able to use blood bags on themselves even if you don't get the full amount of blood as you do when someone else gives it to you. Maybe every blood bag that you use on your self gives you 3000 blood instead of full. But a blood transfusion by another player will still give you full blood.

Agreed. Malnourishment hinders your body's ability to do so, but blood loss is too critical in the game at this point and needs to be eased up on; blood regen would be a good way to do this.

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