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What in the hell is with all the locked servers????????????????

Damn it people stop pass-wording your servers!!!!!!!!

Password servers should be black listed ASAP along with the non-BE servers.

Server admins don't want to tell you all 2 minutes with an message because the server is not working correctly with the new patch and have to restart the server again and again.

Is it so hard to wait for a few hours?

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hmm, i just installed through six updater... and everytime I'm in a server, it kicks me off. I says something about my battle eye and kicks me off, just after the server has a rant in the chat section about how it cant connect to BE master... Anyone know how to fix?

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hmm, i just installed through six updater... and everytime I'm in a server, it kicks me off. I says something about my battle eye and kicks me off, just after the server has a rant in the chat section about how it cant connect to BE master... Anyone know how to fix?

Sounds like that server is running an incorrect BE version or not running BE. Try more servers? :P

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Great. Now I can't play with my friends anymore. Thanks rocket.

Please keep this quote in mind:

it is released to players who want to help check if this is a good update under capacity
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Lots of people seem to be victim of it.

Can we have any word from the DayzDev team concerning this growing issue? This bug only happens when playing @Dayz.

Me and some of my friends can't see anything when in town at the moment.

Forumers! Any fix?

(we tried : -changing drivers -changing resolution -changing HDR etc.. )

I have this problem too. Made a thread about it: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48514-crazy-graphical-glitches-after-updating-to-1724-and-95389/

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change the graficsmemory ingame to default or something different. Its NOT new, its an Arma2 bug and well known in BI forums. Happens in cities also.

Is i said, try to something else and back or so.

Cheers my duck I'll give that a go.

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Great. Now I can't play with my friends anymore. Thanks rocket.

Whys this. Me and a couple of friends are playing together on the latest patch just fine.

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Sixupdater did that automatically for me so the argument "its for people who want it" is kinda stupid

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Likely related to the respawn button ;).

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Server updated fine as well as my client. It is running smoothly. Faster load times are noticed, the tents still do not seem to be working though.

On a side note has the wire fencing been fixed or is still going to respawn with EVERY server restart where it was placed?

Good job Rocket, keep up the good work.

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Graphic designers lament when Rocket posts.

Rocket, your use of bold, font size, and colours is all over the place. As much as we all love your contribution to this planet, you need a formatting lesson to understand how to draw attention to key elements in your posts without making everything bold, yellow, and size 72 font!

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Nearly posted twice, oops. Here comes the community lashing.

Edited by Zimtok5

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I have a error with BattleEye it cant update anymore :(

I was having the same problem. Manually download it from the battleye website. the latest one and follow the instruction there. Got it working now.

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Lots of people seem to be victim of it.

Can we have any word from the DayzDev team concerning this growing issue? This bug only happens when playing @Dayz.

Me and some of my friends can't see anything when in town at the moment.

Forumers! Any fix?

(we tried : -changing drivers -changing resolution -changing HDR etc.. )

Easy fix just change your texture memory to default.

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I have gotten locked into "loading" 2 times now. Waited 15 mins and nothing. Got into a pretty populated dusk server no problems, but these daytime servers i think are just overloaded. Other than that the night server seemed to be running tip-top shape from what I could tell. And hey...zed actually investigate flares again. Nice.

One thing i will say though is while i did buy Arma 2 for DayZ, i dont like how it "Project Realities" my Arma game. SP disabled? DayZ loading screen(which is nice dont get me wrong). Not sure why so many mods need to be enabled, disabled to enjoy certain aspects of the main game. Is this just some precursor to the standalone version? Keep up the good work.

Edited by Sheepdawg

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Graphic designers lament when Rocket posts.

Rocket, your use of bold, font size, and colours is all over the place. As much as we all love your contribution to this planet, you need a formatting lesson to understand how to draw attention to key elements in your posts without making everything bold, yellow, and size 72 font!

It's very effective

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allocating the texture memory to "default" does not work for me on the graphics bug, BUT, i dont have the problem on all servers, just some are kind of... effed up i think, so maybe it has something to do with the server integrity?

Checked it now, crawled around a bit. Pretty stable, no problems while joining but some graphics glitches. Somehow, if I look along the airfield, i have glitches, if i look across the airfield to the other forest, there are none... strange.

All in all, great work Rocket, and not to forget everyone of team DayZ, you guys (and girls? ^^) are just amazing and most of the players don't know what effort and Work you put into it. You are bleeding for us, you have sleepless hours just because of us, your pain for our little part of heaven. Thank you and keep up the good work... If I was any good in coding I would help, but I never even passed HTML, so I just sit quiet here and do not complain :)

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Oh god... SixUpdater updated the game.... why why why??? I don't want to be a tester, I just want to play... -.-' Come on, can't you guys do something?

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The SixLauncher just auto-update to the :)

In the 1 post it says to use 1.62.95389 or above. But I notice that most servers are on 1.62.95393.

And today it come out a new one, 1.62.95417, that some servers already have it.

But SixLauncher for some reason is not auto-updating, so I update it manually, but the SixLauncher just revert it back to 1.62.95389.

I had some loading problems to, but I'm gonna wait to see if things get shot out, keep to good work :)

Edited by Jony

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