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Hotfix Build Rolling Update

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Whoa, what a surprise, dayZ doesnt work after the latest update(again). -No entry .profilepathdefault. Using six launcher. Cant join any server.

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I have found 2 Ghillie suits and 1 Camo from Residential areas so that is good news for anyone wondering about Ghillies, also I wore it and ran around and loged out to check if it would still be there when I logged in and it was.

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Whoa, what a surprise, dayZ doesnt work after the latest update(again). -No entry .profilepathdefault. Using six launcher. Cant join any server.

Whoa, what a surprise, another idiot who doesn't know what hes doing and tries to manually update and breaks his game and blames it on dayz and makes a worthless post about it.

Anyways, rocket, any word on the server is running an incorrect version of the serverside application? The server is running v0.7.1 server side code and the latest files.

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So, something very weird happened when i downloaded this. Everything works fine except one thing, ill link a video and you will notice.

(Latest drivers installed, tried restaring still same thing)

This issue usually occurres for me when barbwire is placed. This has been an issue for me and many others I play the game with since barbwire was added. This might be caused by a different issue but it looks very similar. You'll notice the artifacts actually original from a point on the horizon and fan out from that point. That point is usually where the barbwire is placed.

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i dont know! when are they going to add the choppers? i know its today but when?

Please...stop asking about the helicopters. I doubt half of you asking about them have the means to acquire one anyhow...so, either test the patch like the rest of us, or do us all a favor and shut up about it. :facepalm:

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Whoa, what a surprise, another idiot who doesn't know what hes doing and tries to manually update and breaks his game and blames it on dayz and makes a worthless post about it.

Ehm, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Edited by Jimmy McNulty

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This is the longest workday ever... can't wait to get home and try out!

I've read every post in this thread.. should I ask when helicopters are coming? :D

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I have rent a server from vilayer.com

when i will get the update ? Cant join on my own server... stuck in loading screen... other servers work great

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For those of you stuck on Loading screens, your best bet is to just try a different server I have ran into 2-3 that stuck at loading screen. Its a patch day of course everything is getting raped and servers are updating. Use your brains and try again or wait until tomorrow if you can't handle it.

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This is the longest workday ever... can't wait to get home and try out!

I've read every post in this thread.. should I ask when helicopters are coming? :D

Oh you! :rolleyes:

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Vipeax or Rocket could you please consider the following.

Is there any way to disable the ( continue ) button on the briefing screen. The reason for this is that when a server restarts and players click on this it tends to load the server without any tents or vehicles. If you allow the briefing screen to just timeout naturally all items are loaded properly. If you could do this it would make automatic restarts less of a hazard and prevent admins from having to lock their servers after a restart.


Edited by Ammo
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What in the hell is with all the locked servers????????????????

Damn it people stop pass-wording your servers!!!!!!!!

Password servers should be black listed ASAP along with the non-BE servers.

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Updated using DayZ Commander. Game is working perfectly! Seems to be faster loading also. Great so far. Thanks Rocket :beans:

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This is the longest workday ever... can't wait to get home and try out!

I've read every post in this thread.. should I ask when helicopters are coming? :D

if you read every post you would have seen vipeax post that heli's won't be in until a server restart.

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if you read every post you would have seen vipeax post that heli's won't be in until a server restart.

I think he is being sarcastic.

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fixed! that link in descripton ( torrent files ) got the wrong files! i downloaded from other place

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Anyways, rocket, any word on the server is running an incorrect version of the serverside application? The server is running v0.7.1 server side code and the latest files.

It will throw that error if it can't detect BattlEye running on the server. Check it is running.

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Lots of people seem to be victim of it.

Can we have any word from the DayzDev team concerning this growing issue? This bug only happens when playing @Dayz.

Me and some of my friends can't see anything when in town at the moment.

Forumers! Any fix?

(we tried : -changing drivers -changing resolution -changing HDR etc.. )

the glitch that happened close to wirefence was gone for me, not 100% if the dayz update is the cause of this but i didn't have this problem last night, anyway it's back for me now and worse than ever, can't see anything if there is wirefence even 300m - 500m away :/


it might be your gpu drivers?

So, something very weird happened when i downloaded this. Everything works fine except one thing, ill link a video and you will notice.

(Latest drivers installed, tried restaring still same thing)

had this artifacts aswell ... (Radeon 7850)

The one you have is due to barb wire, this artifacting is new in this patch and occurs around military areas, it's much more intense than the barb wire one.

what fixes it for me is to change hdr to a different value, then back to the one you used.

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change the graficsmemory ingame to default or something different. Its NOT new, its an Arma2 bug and well known in BI forums. Happens in cities also.

Is i said, try to something else and back or so.

Edited by TR!PLE
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Yeah a lot of these Graphic Glitches in ... Dont know how to fix it ... even the "Flush" Workaround doesnt work for me ...

Nevermind ...FOUND CAMO ...Yeaaahh :-)

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