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has the L85 been removed from the game properly?

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so just now found a L85 AWS on a crashed chopper, when i picked it up it popped up with "you can not edit the mission files blah blah blah" ran off with it paid no attention to the message then when i logged off to go eat came back its no longer in my inventory... so are they being removed but the spawn is still there or what just happened?

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its still in the game, dont know why it bugged out for you.

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I would suggest you leave it alone for now. I've had two recently. The first time it disappeared from my hands when I logged in. The second time I had it in my backpack with a M4A1 SD and I lost both of them. Not only that my Coyote backpack was missing along with all my 'toolbelt' items.

It may not happen to you but don't say that you weren't warned!

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I've been running around with a L85A2 AWS for ~ 20 reconnects now, still holding it. Only weapon I've lately lost was a M4A1 SD that turned into a M107 in my backpack. So, at least for me the AWS has been stable.

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Have they officially removed it? I've missed the news in that case.

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No, it's still in the game, if found it 3-4 times at crash sites, i've reconnected many times with in my backpack and my mainhand with it still being there.

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I've never had this problem with disappearing items. Got two l85aws, a as50 and a bizon SD me and my mate are using since a month or more, through all the patches and stuff. Never lost anything the way you describe it. Guess we're lucky. We always make a point of using the same stable server, right HIVE, right patches, everything done by the book and so forth.

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Not sure if the Backpack thing works for everyone because I found this gun 7 times. And each time I get my hands on the L85 AWS it will either stay for a single logout/login, or it will stay for like 10 :/. I think it all comes down to your "Luck" with it :P, but I'm not entirely sure anymore cause I've had guns morph through a logout. And by that I mean I logged out and logged back in and it was somthing else xD I think its funny though cause one minute I got a as50 next minute I got a m107 or somthing else :D... or it poofs x(. Like my dragunov (svd Camo) did. -_- *Facepalm*...

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