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A Way to Differrenciate between Bandits and Survivors WITHOUT SKINS

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When you point at someone in Regular or some Vet servers you see a label marked "Survivor (Name)". I am thinking of removing that "Survivor" tag from the players name if they have a murder count of x or above. This is a less noticeable method and allows bandits to be bandits and not get shot on sight every time because of their skin. (Like 'befriending' players then killing them). Let me know what you think.

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I like it.

I like it.

I personally oppose the Bandit skins. So I came up with this

Edited by boxy0127 - (WU)

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But wouldn't the lack of tag be just as evident? At least with the skin they might not get made from really long distances.

I dunno, no one has come up with a good solution to this. Rocket has some very good ideas with adding more reasons not to just shoot someone. As opposed to just adding some unrealistic gamey feature thing.

On a recent interview, he talked about people getting abilities to do things. like a Dr or what have you.. Making it a better idea to think before shooting. I think he may be on to something.

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It's good to hear Rocket is looking into this banditry issue. So many people crying about being killed.

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I don't like it man... If your getting killed too much take greater precautions... I really don't want this game to have "HAI IM EH SURVEEVOR" or "HAI I KEEL FUR BEENZ"

You get me? I really hope we don't get something like this implemented..

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So far I think my idea is the most discreet, the skins would make it too easy and many other suggestions too.

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Well he flat out said. At this point in the game after we get good at what we do.. get geared.. the only thing is pvp. He wants to add more to do. Ways to like make the meta game 10x involved. Player roles. buildable stuff.. But he said right now it is all being put into place. It is like for now, he gave us the sand box, a few toys, and the guns to kill each other for those toys. His ideas were fricken awesome I thought.

My favorite being the "random job" sorta deal. Maybe you spawn as a Dr, maybe a mechanic, or whatever.. Rather than a group just picking you off maybe they say "o shit a dr lets see if he wants to join with us.. we could use his skill of healing the group".

I really like that Approach. The skins were a way of doing it I guess. It made people less likely to shoot on sight for sure. But really, it would be hard to tell a bandit from a normal person in a real situation like this right?

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The moral/humanity system has long been the splinter in the side of this game and I dare say will continue to be so for a while yet.

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The game tries to be realistic. In a real life DayZ scenario none of us would start wearing "bandit" clothing after becoming a murderer. But we could use some kind of distinction for the players who like to interact with other survivors.

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same problem with skins,if you will only defending yourself by killing, you will be defined as bandit,and you will be marked, X above head.With skins, you will defined as bandit and you will get bandit skin/look, so... my opinion is, it doenst do do anything, only change execution, Skins or Marked player...

Bad english, sorry :D

Edited by Ladas325

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I really like the idea of alternate skins for bandits i don't understand why everyone is QQing so much about them. I often play as a bandit myself and i wouldnt complain about it.

This is a good idea for regular servers though, but it doesnt solve anything on veteran servers. and to be honest, if you arent playing on veteran, you are playing wrong.

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an excellent idea! lets implement it immediatley ... and then force name tags/auto range'ing off on every server

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It's good to hear Rocket is looking into this banditry issue. So many people crying about being killed.

Banditry is not an issue, it's a player made choice on how to play Day Z.

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