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18 Dayz

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Last night my 18 dayz streak came to an end. It was the first time I lasted so long and found a few good weapons. I died with the FN FAL and some mags, fully stocked with food, water and soda. All my hunting gear, matches, knife and axe. Toobox, compass, watch.. Had it all.

I have been hanging around the airfield for the last few days. Went in to the airfield to find some ammo for my gun. Aggro'd some zombies, ran into a hangar and hung out for a while the Z's chilled out from attacking me.

Coast was clear. Started to leave and saw some ammo right by the door. Started to pick it up and pop, you are dead. I saw as I was falling to the ground a dude right outside of the door, crouched and staring at me. He had to have seen me, right?

I swear I stared at my screen for a solid 5 minutes repeating WTF in my head.

I got lazy, I hadn't seen anyone in dayz. I dropped my guard for a second and ended up dead.

I usually play in US241. to the guy who killed me, thanks. You made me think of that encounter all night and then I realized, damn this is what the game is about.

He got some good loot.


Edited by opeth
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You were in the airfield and dropped your guard, theres your mistake :P

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You were in the airfield and dropped your guard, theres your mistake :P

The crazy part is that I knew that! LOL :D

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I got lazy, I hadn't seen anyone in dayz. I dropped my guard for a second and ended up dead.

That is exactly how I have died in this game... Every single time I have bit the dust infact.

I swear I stared at my screen for a solid 5 minutes repeating WTF in my head.

You also share my exact feelings upon death, I don't usually last as long as 18 days no where near really, about 2 at most for me, so that is a great achievement, you should be proud :) but I imagine your uber sad at your demise I guess.

I find it hard to come to terms with having to start afresh, I usually take a small break in which time I find myself chain smoking a whole load of cigarettes then.. relog and spawn on the beach ready to go through it all again.

I love this game!

Edited by uni-sol

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I know the feeling. The last time I strolled across a grass patch not far from some buildings in a desolate place up North. I had killed 20-30 zombies and taken a U-turn after shaking off the rest, subsequently crossing an open area a stone's throw away from the buildings to continue my journey up North. There is no valuable loot in those buildings, by the way, only low level such as ammo, food, etc. (not that I would consider it low quality). I started weaving through some of the remaining zombies patrolling the area, and for some reason I never saw the guy laying prone in front of me, pointing what seems to have been an AKM at me. A split second before he opened fire on me, I thought "oh, a crawler, must be careful now". Of course I was a little annoyed, having survived for a week, but I was more annoyed with myself than anything, for being careless and, like OP, dropping my guard. It almost always happens when you stop paying as much attention and your S.A. is on a decline.

Edited by Sugarbeats

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That is exactly how I have died in this game... Every single time I have bit the dust infact.

You also share my exact feelings upon death, I don't usually last as long as 18 days no where near really, about 2 at most for me, so that is a great achievement, you should be proud :) but I imagine your uber sad at your demise I guess.

I find it hard to come to terms with having to start afresh, I usually take a small break in which time I find myself chain smoking a whole load of cigarettes then.. relog and spawn on the beach ready to go through it all again.

I love this game!

I hear ya man. I was going to start a new game after I died but I couldn't. I felt that I hadn't went through the grieving process of just losing my character. Isn't that kind of screwed up? Almost like I was cheating on my character that just died. More of a reason to really feel for your caharcter and not being able to respawn instantly back into the game.

SO I started thinking what to do differently next time. Each time I play this game I get a little better.

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I've been alive for 8 days so far and been helicopter hunting for a few days now. About a couple of hours ago I was passing Vybor from the South, going westwards. I was feeling a bit lazy myself (I'm usually extremely paranoid, sprinting from bush to bush and doing a 360 after each sprint) and got spotted by a guy in a ghillie suit who had started hunting me.

He was basically running into me and I saw him for the first time about 60 meters in front of me when he was crossing the road and I instantly noticed he had an L85A2 AWS, a gun I also carry as my secondary. So I saw him set up in the line of bushes ahead of me and from experience I knew that the human psyche makes you rely too much on the thermal scope of that gun, even during daytime, if you know there's a guy at a certain direction, but you can see him. So.. I proceeded to make a quick crwaling flank to the right and ended his life with my silenced M4A1 CCO SD before he managed to ALT+F4. Had the last stuff I needed.. rangefinder, NVG, coyote PB.

Anyway.. just thought I'd share because I got the exact same feeling as you did.. my heart was pounding so freakin' fast as I was silently hoping he wouldn't turn his thermal scope on me before I had the flank.

Also a good lesson about a ghillie and all that other high end gear not making you bullet proof.. movement is the enemy of stealth! ;)

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Why people say it in Days? I mean you can play 10minutes a day and let days gone by! Count the hours when your playing!

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Why people say it in Days? I mean you can play 10minutes a day and let days gone by! Count the hours when your playing!

When the mod tells me the hours I will. GTFO.

Good story Armas.

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When the mod tells me the hours I will. GTFO.

Good story Armas.

That would be nice. I think it is just stupid to say in Days. I survived 13hours, but it was 2 days of gaming so some people would think it smaller. I walked 2 times up to North and back. Sniped guys from Elektro, killed 3 guys who tried killing me and stole some guys car even thought I tried being friendly (And that car was van, blue one and super sexy)!

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That would be nice. I think it is just stupid to say in Days. I survived 13hours, but it was 2 days of gaming so some people would think it smaller. I walked 2 times up to North and back. Sniped guys from Elektro, killed 3 guys who tried killing me and stole some guys car even thought I tried being friendly (And that car was van, blue one and super sexy)!

I hear what your saying and thought of that too... But it is what it is. I'll keep saying Dayz until if/when it changes.

I dig the game. Im not gonna get hung up on some technicality. That and its just easier to say days rather I been alive for 7 days, 10 hours, 43 minutes, 54 seconds " :)

Edited by opeth

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good show on 18 days, i died once from not scanning my surroundings well enuff, i feel your pain.

but as someone else in another thread pointed out , this isnt merely a video game where you die and move on, this is a learning experience.

you dont merely die and move on , you consume the experience, learn from it and (hopefully) avoid it next time.

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I had a similar affair last night which saw my several days of terror come to an end. I play on the Aria server as Chriis fwiw.

The last couple of nights i had been having a bit of fun around the NWAF Hangars and Barracks.

Thursday night i aggro'd a zombie which i chose to shoot as i hadnt seen many Z's or players in the vicinity, bad idea... 15 or so Z's which spawned when i entered the area but hadnt spotted flooded me and after i had disposed of them all as well as survived the concussion and bandaged i had 153 blood! I fortunatley managed to crawl to safety where a friend assisted with a few steaks and by the end of the night i was back up and running.

Friday, having been alive for to long without any real entertainment other than picking off snipers around Elektro and Cherno i again went for NWAF. This time i was just checking out the goodies in the SW Barracks. The server population was no more than 15 and i managed to get in undetected so i thought... "thought" :) on my exit from the Barracks i peek my head round to see a bandit crouched behind the water well, as soon as i put my head out his piss poor aim took off half my arm rather than my head which allowed me to get some cover in the doorway, quick to finish me off he prone rolled right into my crosshair and i put him out of his misery with a nicely placed headshot, where i then lay still for 10 minutes waiting to see if he had any curious friends or backup. Eventually i feel safe enough to leave and make for the tree line, ignoring the body/loot and make my way towards the west of the map, a 2.5km later i am now in no mans land approaching a Forest + a cow, winner. I kill the cow take the steaks and head to the Forest to harvest some wood for my fire, when what do i see? Mr fucking random and his winchester staring down the barrell at me, boom, i'm dead.

Happy looting son. His spoils for his "not so deserved kill" shall we call it were a Coyote Backpack, AS50, M4A3 CCO, M9 SD, Range Finder, NV, GPS + all other base equipment and a tool kit.

I have died a few times in DayZ and usually in some event far more entertaining and pleasing than this, none leaving me feeling as "meh" as i did last night, sh*t happens i guess!

So i respawn and sneeking around Cherno with several other fresh spawners gave me that rush of Adrenaline i'd missed somewhat... so alls well that ends well.

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I died the night before last, it was a hard death. I had been in the NW airfield that morning and got in a gun fight. i won the fight but left with 300 blood. I bandaged and ate the last of my cooked meat. bringing me up to 1100 blood and drifting in and out of conciousness as i tried to navigate my way east to safety. I was kitted out, i had a Coyote backpack, PP-19, FN FAL /w NV and most of the tools. I was self sufficient and had been alive for around a week.

I ran for miles in the dark, not seeing any animals to revive myself, eventually later that night i came back to the game and found some goats. I sacrificed them for the greater good and brought myself up to 6000 blood. Then it started to rain, as i came over the crest of a hill i saw illuminated in the moonlight a bicycle. hijacking the bike i made my way North to safety, to shelter and a place to rest. I made my way to Devil's Castle. I let out a sign of relief as i got inside the main building and went exploring. Unfortunately for me there was a man sat in the corner of the top level of the castle, as i scanned my surroundings i caught a glimpse of him in the dark then all hell silently erupted, my PP-19 fired out its deadly whisper but it was too little too late as the remaining life drained away.

I respawned at elekro instantly intent on making my way back to Devil's Castle in the firm knowledge that my killer simply didn't have enough space in his bags to take everything of value.

3 Hours later i arrived to the buzzing of flies, inching my way up the stairs i encountered my own corpse, but he was not alone in death, lay beside him was another, he was my attacker, also fallen in the attack.

As i recovered my bag and Guns i let out a sigh of relief just as the server reset. i logged back in to see my old self and his companion in death had departed this world already making their journey to the next.

And now as i live my former life by proxy I think to myself, thank god i didn't go to check on my bicycle first, 1 minute later and everything would have been for naught.

Edited by Justice0320

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Last night my 18 dayz streak came to an end.

He got some good loot.


Edited by Pickbo

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