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Gaz (grey) - Stolen car - UK11

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To whom ever owns this vehicle.

Apologies if you had to work hard to get this car going.

A friend and I, were looting the barracks at the NWAF around 9pm GMT last night. Hearing constant gunfire from the control tower direction we decided to circle around the north side of the perimeter fence, to try and make it to the other barracks. We made it to the west gate of the airfield and I spotted a Gaz (Grey) in the trees beside us, I covered my friend as he checked it out. Fully functioning with half a tank of fuel! So we took her for a spin...


We ended up doing a full lap of the map, stopping for fuel as and when we could. We went back to the NWAF and into the south barracks. As we drove into the main gates of the barracks there were two survivors already in there. We must of gave them a scare as they ran and hid in the rooms when they seen us. Thanks for not shooting! Tried to get you guys on direct chat, but no reply (didn't hang around). We reversed out and circled the runway for a while looting as we went.

We had a lot of fun with this vehicle, we didn't kill any other players, as we try to avoid conflicts and not shoot on sight.

The car is safe, but out of fuel. Again, Apologies if it took the owner of this vehicle hours to get it running.

Edited by H1t0w3r
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Yip this little wagon done us proud for our road trip.... Lets just hope its still in the same spot when we next connect and it hasnt disappeared like our FOOKING tent!!

What is the purpose behind F12?

Edited by Etnie

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It takes a screenshot I believe. I think he is commenting on the poor quality picture due to the cameraphone. My friend and I were nearby in Vybor at around that time and heard a car! Must have been you guys ^^

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Aye it could have been us, i thiink when we drove through either Vybor or Zele we heard gun fire but weren't sure if it was directed at us so we kept the boot down

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Yea poor picture lol, I just picked up the phone as I was sending the pic to friends over IM in all the excitement.

Yea probably was us, didn't see any other vehicles on our travels.

You weren't the guys in the barracks?

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