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Connection Failed?

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I installed a new server for a friend on a dedicated server. For some reason people are able to join except him and me. When I join, it gives me a connection failed, But the server is running. I dont know what is causing it but I am hoping someone else had this issue before.

Also, firewall is set to allow all ports the game (I even turned it off)

Its updated to 95389

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Is the server on your LAN? Are you connecting with external IP? Maybe your router doesn't route loopback connections, try joining with internal IP instead.

Edited by Rolle

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It looks like no one can connect to it now. I am able to connect to my own server and other servers. But not this one. Its just very puzzling.

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I'd say check if you're looking at the LAN list and try to connect directly via the IP. You might have to disable your antivirus for it to work.

If no one can connect maybe it's not setup correctly, DayZ and or HIVE. Possible broken beta build.

Try stopping it for a bit, 5 minutes and then start it back up. Server may of had a weird glitch.

Edited by Venzire

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Did you ever find a fix for this? I'm currently experiencing this issue with a few people on my server and I don't quite get how to fix it.

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