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Zombies only dieing from head shots

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First off this started after I recently updated Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead.

After playing for a bit I had a zombie agro me and I shot him multiple time (I had a revolver) and he just would not die. It was definitely getting hit by my shots because blood was coming from its chest each time I shot. After I outran it I tried updating the beta patch and also replaced the dayz_code and dayz_weapons files as well. When I logged back on the zombies where still not taking damage, although I eventualy discovered they would still die from headshots. This is quite the problem because the only way to kill them now is basically to run indoors, and even then it makes it so much harder to deal will them, especially large groups. I think I should also mention that shooting them causes them to scream in the manner a human would, however I do not think this is a part of the problem because this has been happening to me since day one. I urgently need for someone to assist me with the first problem, or even just give me an explination for it. It would be nice if you could assist me with the second problem as well, although it hardly affects my gameplay and is not urgent.

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Searching the forums helps, for starters-- there's information about weapon damage.

The quick and dirty of it is the beta patch for ArmA tweaked the stopping power of the weapons.

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Well I tired searching around for information on this but I could not find anything on it. Could just be that I am looking in the wrong places, but I will look around a bit more. So basically what you are saying is the update for Arma 2 itself made guns weak as hell?

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yea beta patch royally screwed up some weapons. Revolver and 1911 are as weak as a m9 was before. I've heard the enfield is pretty weak now too.

I'm not sure what other weapons were messed with. It was better before, when the size of a bullet was what determined the stopping power. A 45 caliber or a 7.62 should royally fuck up a target. not take 4 shots like the much smaller round.

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Some of them, yeah. Don't even bother getting into how you feel about the changes because we've got plenty of that. Just hope that Rocket slaps someone and fixes it within the next week.

Until then, don't use most guns, or hell, just use a hatchet.

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I wanted to know if zombies take more shots in the Veteran servers. I know for a fact it had nothing to do with my weapons as I've used the weakest weapons and killed the zombies with one shot.

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